It hasn’t been revealed to me yet, it hasn’t been shown, I don’t know, and sometimes I feel like I have no idea –
Of where to go
Or what to do
Or what comes next
Or even of how to take the first step – !
And yet, somehow, here I am, I’m doing the damn thing, I’m moving forward, inch by inch and day by day, creating clarity through action, figuring shit out by leaping first and hoping like crazy that things’ll catch up later, and it occurs to me to tell you, this –
It’s not going to happen because you waited for it to happen.
It’s not going to happen because it was shown to you.
It’s not going to happen because a beautiful mystical princess came down from heaven above and gave you a light and a whistle for attracting attention and then told you the way to the treasure island inside of your soul.
What, you think that just because I, or others who you follow, show up every day, are consistent as fuck, do the damn work and churn out content on repeat that we always know what to do and how to do it? Or that we’re always inspired and guided clearly? Or that we can remotely be BOTHERED all of the time?
Don’t make me laugh …
We do what we do because we decided to be the person who lives like this, is like this, DOES play life like this, and does it regardless of ANY circumstance.
It’s been built, plain and simple, on me doing the work whether I feel like it –
Whether I don’t
Whether I know how –
Whether I don’t
Whether I feel clear –
Whether I don’t
Whether I feel ready –
Whether I don’t
Whether I feel badass and cool –
Whether I don’t
Whether I feel like I have ANYTHING at all to say or unleash or create –
Or whether I feel like I’m gonna just churn out another repetitive steaming pile of same old same old garbage!
You’re spinning complete shit to yourself if you are remotely telling yourself your excuses are valid, and you KNOW this.
So, wake up. What’s today’s reason for not doing your puropse work | unleashing your art | hitting the gym | saying what you need to say to that person | etc?!
This is not about discipline for the sake of discipline and it ain’t about work for the sake of work.
This is about being committed to your PURPOSE work, your soul work, your art, the things in the different areas of your life which you SAY you value, and which you should therefore be OUTCOME FOCUSED as far as whether or not you take action on.
Plain and simple, you don’t use the reactive / bullshit emotion of the NOW to decide whether you do the work, you decide based on who you fucking ARE, and based on the outcome you desire to be experiencing as a result of that … the ultimate outcome, of course, being your LIFE.
In the end, it’s VERY black and white –
Or you stay down there living a life of bullshit.
There is no in between.
And you are FULL of it if you think that anybody who you look up to or aspire to be like is in some way ahead of you as far as NOT BEING FUCKING HUMAN.
Motherfucking DECIDE –
Will you be the person who does the work of living their LIFE based on whether or not they feel like it?
Or will you be the person who does what they do because they do what the DO, and THAT is the whole entire God damn story?
I know which one I choose to be.
I know which one I AM.
I know what freaking GOT me here.
And I know what means I sleep like a baby at night, PROUD of myself for showing UP for myself.
You think this is just a concept, an idea, a theory?
Just now,
I sat down,
And I said to Patrick –
“I have nothing to write about; nothing is coming through me!”
We’d been at breakfast and decided to move up to sit on these beautiful couches at the W Hotel here in Seminyak Bali, looking over the ocean, and I’d said that by the time we got up to the couches I would know what I was going to write about. #intentionlockedin
But, we got here, and I had nothing!
“Nothing has been revealed to me God damn it!”, I said
And then,
As it always happens,
When you make space for it,
When you EXPECT it,
And when you’ve made it NON-FUCKING-NEGOTIABLE,
The coin tipped over, and I knew –
“Oh. Of course. That’s what I’ll write about. Nothing has been revealed to me, and yet somehow –
Here I still am.
Always doing the damn thing.
No matter what.
Because THAT is who I am”
And here we are.
Get it? Got it? Good.
Go and fucking do it then.
Quit making success so damn complex.
Become the person.
Do it now.
The End.