
It’s Never Done, and That’s Okay – Why You Don’t Have to Do It ALL To Be Superwoman With a Million Dollar Biz

Its Never Done and Thats OKTell me if I’m right –

If there’s one thing you just HATE to hear and that any smart husband/partner/man/PERSON should NEVER ask you it’s whether you’re DONE yet!

I’d like to think my husband has learned this by now (there’s a pretty clear cause and effect between him asking me that and me exploding out of my socks so fast I nearly lift the lid off the apartment building!) but he remains ever optimistic that one day I will magically be DONE.

Ah… it’s so sweet isn’t, the fantasy world of the innocent?

Of course the truth that us big grown up girls know, especially us SUPER women KICKASS type gals?

It ain’t over till it’s over, and honey? It ain’t NEVER over.

But here’s what maybe you didn’t know, haven’t faced, perhaps don’t even want to consider!

That’s okay.

The goal here is not done.

I mean c’mon – what are you actually trying to achieve here? Evolve to some perfect state of perfection whereby everything you’ve ever wanted to be, and to do, and to have, you have in fact completed and what’s more WITH bells on, and now you can calmly sit on your royal perch and look down on the beauty of your reign? I mean yeah, sure, who wouldn’t want to be Queen of the world and have all her dreams just DONE?

Well, if we’re being honest, YOU wouldn’t.

You THINK you want to get it all done, finally cross that last thing off your list, breathe that sigh of self-sufficient relief that says you did what you SAID you were gonna do, you did it ALL, and there’s still time leftover to whip up a healthy dinner and kick back with some SATC re-runs before perfect sex and perfect dreams …

You THINK you want to wake up with a clear schedule, complete freedom and choice, nothing pressing on your mind, nothing that you ‘have to do’ …

You THINK you want to transcend to a state of being where you simply BE and just the BEING is enough because you are finally done with DOING …

You think you want long and lazy day after day after days …

To do nothing at ALL if you please …

Have NO expectations or demands placed upon you …

Be able to spend the entire day just … well … what?

Doing what you please, right?

Which is what, pray tell? And I’m gonna go out on a limb here and hazard just a LITTLE bit of a guess but is it possible, just POSSIBLE, that doing what you please might, just MIGHT, lead you right back to where you are now?

Namely –


I mean I’d say it’s possible, but you tell me, and be honest now –

Are you EVER gonna be done, and do you ever WANT to be done?!

Stop trying to get to done. And get back to being awesome.

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