How To Be Woman Incredible In 2012 And ROCK Your Life Big-Time!
2012 is going to be YOUR year, yes? The year you get the body, the job, the energy, the ‘me time’? The year you stop dreaming the dream and start living the dream. Am I right?
I know it’s going to be your year ’cause it’s also going to be MY year. Why? Because I said so! And that (coupled with the right support, knowledge and even a little daily action) is what’s going to get me there.
My goals and dreams for this year are plentiful – as they always are – and I’m sure a few things will fall by the wayside as I go. You know, stuff that’s important will rise to the surface and things I thought were important will become less so.
But the physical me? The health, the deliciously clean eating, and the smashing workouts? That’s here to stay!
If one of the ways you’re going to make 2012 YOUR year without fail is to fully take charge of the daily habits you need to finally conquer great nutrition, training and motivation, then you’re going to like what you read here today.
And not just ’cause I say so 🙂
woman incredible vip platinum mentoring – exactly what you will learn to be transformed in 2012
Today I’d like to give you an overview of exactly what the full 12-month Platinum Mentoring program entails in terms of transformational and nutrition content. As a matter of fact this is the first time I’ve released a full overview, even for the ladies who are already on board. It was all still in the works until now, but my plans are finished and it’s only fair to share them with you!
Just to give you a rundown of how VIP Platinum Mentoring works –
- Every 3-5 weeks there is a new transformation module. These are often geared around nutrition, but also cover every aspect of, well, transformation. Training, supplements, hormones, lifestyle – the works.
- Each daily digest within the module includes a nutrition/transformation tip that is directly related to the module topic at hand. It’s a great way to learn and create new behaviours in bite-sized chunks.
- You receive a daily digest 7 days a week for the first 3 modules, and after that 6 days a week
- Each digest contains a home or gym workout (including video), a transformation/nutrition tip, and a motivational tip. Recipes and meal plans are also part of it.
- And there’s a forum, so you never have a question unanswered and always have support at hand!
One of the things that I’ve had feedback on from a few of my Platinum ladies is that they really loved Module 3, which was all about The Science of Great Training, and finished a few weeks ago for my foundation VIPs.
The reason I decided to release today’s ‘full overview’ is that I realised that Module 3 was so popular because it is chock-full of information that I have never previously published on the blog. This is detailed stuff, and the whole idea of being a VIP is having access to the kind of education I give my 1:1 clients, but at a fraction of the cost.
Because of the excitement over this module, as well as the curiosity about what is to come, I wanted to share with you as well as for the first time with my Platinum ladies exactly what is in store.
why the whole ‘module’ thing anyway?
As you’ll notice below, the idea is that we initially lay a foundation and basically assess where you’re at, and that after that each module builds on the previous to deepen your knowledge of ideal nutrition, hormonal manipulation, lifestyle behaviours, supplements and training for you.
The initial two modules are a fairly ‘soft’ entry, and after that things really start to pick up in terms of depth and I guess ‘newness’ of information!
revealed for the first time: everything you’ll learn in 12 months as a platinum mentoring client!
(The highlights!)
Module 1: Where Are You Now?
Learn what is actually important to track and be aware of when it comes to the way you eat; gain a clear understanding of where you are now and how your food choices are affecting the way you look, feel and function. There is also an assessment of your current eating habits, guides to how to know which foods work for you, ideal meal frequency, overview of the macronutrients proteins fats and carbs. Whew!
Module 2: The Perfect Diet For You
Learn about meal timing and size; specifics on how to eat for ideal fitness, function, and (yes) on how to create the perfect diet for you to achieve a rockin’ body!
Module 3: The Science of Great Training
I’ll teach you how to progress or regress any given workout, how to structure training for fat loss (and other goals), and how to tune in to your changing training needs. It’s going to be great!
Module 4: Insulin; The Fat Storage Hormone
I’ll teach you the good, bad and the ugly of this prominent hormone, as well as just how you can manipulate it to work for rather than against you. Estimates are that over half of Western world women (some say up to 80%) are mildly or deeply resistant to insulin, and considering its ability to control your body fat despite how you eat or exercise it is one hormone that I know you want to know about!
Module 5: Everything You Could Ever Know About Protein
Everything is a pretty big call! I guess if I’m being completely accurate I should call this module ‘everything I currently know about protein’ … but that wouldn’t sound quite the same, would it?
In Module 5 you will learn the key differences between animal and plant proteins and how to get the best of either. We will cover the many different important functions that protein has in a healthy body, with a specific focus on detoxification, hormonal balance, protein digestion (and what to do if it’s not quite working) and fat loss. We’ll also talk about ideal protein quantities for different types of people (including you of course!), and how lifestyle can impact your protein needs. And, of course, there will be some super-delicious-protein recipes to enjoy.
Module 6: Toxicity, Your Health And Fat Loss
I’m extremely passionate about advancing my own knowledge when it comes to the many ways living in a modern world impacts our basic health and ability to feel and function our best. You should be equally as passionate about this topic, because the truth is that your body has to process an average of over 500 different chemicals each day! An increased toxic load can slow or halt fat loss, fog your brain, mess with your hormones, and even wreak havoc on your ability to digest and utilise a range of different foods.
Learn how to deal with toxicity in the modern world without becoming a cavewoman in this important module.
Module 7: Everything You Could Ever Know About Carbs
How much carbohydrate is too much for fat loss? For health? For energy? And how much is NOT enough, if there is such a thing? When is the best time of day to really eat carbs, how much of the stuff should you have, and which ones are the healthiest choices? Also – which ones are good choices for treat meals?! Learn all this and more in Module 7.
Module 8: When Clean Eating Doesn’t Work: Food Exceptions
Learn about some common factors that could be holding you back from getting results despite doing everything right. In this module we will talk about identifying and dealing with intolerant foods, about common food intolerances and how to heal your body of them, and we’ll also cover some of the popular different diets out there. We will additionally talk about treat meal rules – a crucial component of a clean diet!
Module 9: The Cortisol Connection
Cortisol is a hormone designed to turbo-charge you when something unexpected and stressful happens. It’s also what helps you feel alert in the morning and during times of focus, like training. But when life is always busy and stressful? You start to have too much of the stuff running around. Learn about adaptogens, and how to handle stress and create real balance whilst still living your busy life, and manage the effects of this (other) fat storing hormone.
Module 10: Everything You Could Ever Know About Fats
Seriously! Everything! Eliminating fats from your diet completely would result in death. So obviously we need them, but which ones are best? And how much should you really have in order to strike the balance between eating fat to lose fat and eating fat ’cause you just can’t stop? Learn it all in Module 10.
Module 11: Estrogen: The Lean Legs Hormone
Estrogen is one stubborn hormone when it comes to detoxing. So why bother? Well, elevated oestrogen (particularly from synthetic sources) can not only increase fat storage in your lower body (as you have a lot of oestrogen receptor sites around your gluts and thighs), but it can increase risk of all types of cancers and lower libido and fertility. It can also make you moody and grumpy, with bad breath! Definitely a module to watch out for.
Module 12: The Science of Beating Cravings and Emotional Eating
This is one that is very close to my heart, given my history of successfully battling an eating disorder. But personal reasons aside, a very large majority of the women I work with struggle with some form of emotional eating. If you would include yourself in this group, or if you are just sick of constant sugar cravings, then this is going to be one of the most practical modules for you.
Module 13: Dynamic Digestion 101
You’ve heard the saying ‘you are what you eat’, yes? Well the truth is you are not what you eat but what you eat and also digest! Meaning, without great digestion you don’t get the benefits of your food and you will struggle to detoxify stored fat. In this module we will cover good bacteria, fermented foods, raw foods and other popular approaches to improving digestion as well as some smart tips that have worked for me and for my clients.
Module 14: Red Flags on Deeper Issues – Mercury, Thyroid and More
As we progress through your Platinum Mentoring you’ll notice that the knowledge just gets more in depth. We’ve all had moments in our life where despite doing ‘everything right’ things just don’t seem to be working. In this module you’ll learn about some of the underlying factors that can stop you getting results no matter how well you eat and train. And, of course, you’ll learn what to do about it.
Module 15: Living the Good Life!
Travel for work or please, social nights out, or just the occasional relaxed night in – there is nothing wrong with some time away from your normal regime. In fact, to avoid this would be a mistake on many levels. But if you still like to be a little bit of a control freak like I do, you’ll be happy to hear that I’ll give you smart and quick solutions for training and healthy eating while still living the good life.
Module 16: Sleep, Rest and Your Hormones
Sleep, stress, and results for health or fat loss are closely interlinked. Take the Woman Incredible VIP Platinum Mentoring Sleep and Stress questionnaire to find out if you could be holding yourself back. Learn about your circadian rhythms as well as the hormonal ins and outs of ideal rest and stress management.
Module 17: Lifestyle Makeover
The cherry on top of a great training and nutrition lifestyle is addressing all of the little things that can make such a powerful difference. But how to know what is actually important as opposed to what just sounds good? We’ll explore organic food, making healthy eating more interesting, ideal food preparation and food sourcing, and much more!
Module 18: Energy
Have you ever wondered why you still have complete slumps of energy despite being quite (or very!) healthy? The truth is that being energised all of the time is probably not possible. But that’s not to say you can’t get very very close. In this module I’ll share with you the smartest and most effective energy boosting tips to maximise all of your hard work and investment.
Module 19: Hair, Skin and Nails – Beauty Special
Let’s be honest. Part of the reason we concern ourselves so much with eating right and training hard is to look good! Sure, health and energy are key as well but we all like to feel proud with what we see in the mirror. Learn about some of the key nutritional and lifestyle factors to create beauty from the inside out rather than trying to paint it on!
Module 20: Where to From Here
You’ll have to wait and find out 🙂
Whew! That was quite a lot to write, and presumably quite a lot to read. I have to say I’m more than a little excited about my Platinum Mentoring program given how much effort I’ve put in to ensure that the year in which you undertake it becomes your most knowledgeable, inspirational, and transformational one ever! The best part of working through module by module is that you gradually but surely will impact literally every areas of your health and wellbeing. And we didn’t even talk about what goes on in the motivation side of things today!
a few quick comments from some of my current vips
The whole program so far is amazing. You truly have dotted all your ‘I’s and crossed your ‘T’s – Linda
I pulled out my jeans that I was going to use as my benchmark jeans (thinking they would not fit, I got them when I was about 24 and have not worn them since I moved back from London 3 yrs ago) and they fit…. So I am stoked about that. I think I will be focusing more on strength and toning. And re-gaining my waistline after pregnancy stole itJ So thanks Kat, you’ve set up a cool program. I’m really enjoying it. – Anika
I’m loving my daily digest BTW, it comes through in the arvo at work and I sit here waiting for it:) so thanks, you’ve done a FABULOUS job! – Cara
Absolutely loving the information you are providing Kat, you are just what I need. – Jennifer
I’m loving your weekly updates, sample menus and recipe ideas! I’m cooking both recipes next weekend! Oh… and I just had to pass on your Chicken Coconut Curry to my clients… they’re all so excited about it! Congratulations on putting all this work together! I’m really excited for you! Your hard work is definitely paying off!! – Fiona
Just a quick note to say I’m absolutely loving the Wk3 gym workout! The thrusting bb and forced lateral exercises really have me pushing it, it’s great and I feel really strong, ha. I seem to be getting a whole lot out of the circuit format, thankyou. – Kathy
For me going to the gym and training every day is my top achievement. I have learned that nothing is ever as scary as it seems, eating for fuel is sooooooooooooooooo much better than junk ever makes you feel and I don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything by not eating my old favourites. I love that after only two weeks, I’m loving training (instead of dreading it), I’m making extra effort to eat for fuel, and I don’t feel like eating foods that lack nutrients even when I see others eating them – Kat (diferent Kat!)