Success/Success Mindset

Stop Fucking Around

I wanted to be a published author for as long as I can remember. I had a ton of ideas, probably most of which were rubbish but ultimately all of which died unfulfilled for one simple reason –

I never gave them a shot. I could have spent an hour each morning, every morning, working on my writing. Diligently putting one foot in front of the other. Applying to publishers even though I was certain I’d be rejected. Applying repeatedly if I was. I could have finished 5, maybe 10 books by the time I was 30.

Instead I finished none, not even a quarter of one.

I applied to nobody.

I dealt with no rejection or other challenges on the path to success as an other because I never even tried to follow that path.

You always lose the battles you don’t enter.

For the first 3 years in my online business I was a complete failure at making money. I spent 2 years with zero products on offer to buy and then in the third year I released one ebook at $37. Sold a respectable amount of copies, and then proceeded to take no next step on product creation for a good ‘nother 6-12 months.

Pretty hard to create a profitable online biz with no products 🙂

A couple of years ago I set myself a goal to build my savings to over 20k that year. I got to the end of the year and felt like a complete loser because I still had nothing in the bank. The real question should not have been why did I have nothing in the bank, but why the heck didn’t I put even $1 a week in the bank?

Not that easy to build savings when you don’t put aside some of your income each time you receive it. Harder still when you don’t even open an actual savings account!

I don’t know why we so often sabotage ourselves on our big dreams, but it seems to be human nature.

Oh you have a big dream? Something you really want? Something that could change your life in a practical way but also completely revolutionise it on a soul level?

Better ignore it then.

Push it away.

Make time for everything else but not that dream.

Be consistently inconsistent with taking action.

You wouldn’t want to, you know, actually give it a fighting chance. Would you?

It’s time to stop fucking around.

We have one life to live and it is DYING day by day.

And we have nobody to point the finger at but ourselves if we’re not living the lives we want.

There are endless possibilities each day for how you spend your time. There’s a lot of stuff that would most definitely be great to do, even make a difference, create success.

But there are very VERY few things that are what you REALLY should be doing. For you. And that can be considered life dreams.

If you’ve got time to read this blog, you’ve got time to write a book. 10 minutes a day is a start.

If you’ve got the ability to buy a few coffees out each week, you can grow your savings each week. In fact, if you’ve got any income at all you can grow your savings each week, even $1 at a time.

If you’ve got a dream you’ve got the power to achieve it.

But it sure as shit ain’t gonna happen by letting it gather dust while everything else in your life gets done.

Stop fucking around this year.

It’s now or never baby. And if it’s not now?

My money’s on never.

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