
10 Ways to Easily Sabotage Your Success!

10 ways to sabotage your business

1. Be an adrenaline junkie who thrives on the thrill of the chase, the juggle, the STRUGGLE! Hey – you wouldn’t want to actually GET there now, would you? How freaking boring would that be?! Best to keep things so you have to juggle like a BOSS and be proud of being ABLE to handle that stuff where most wouldn’t. (OR … you could consciously get your rush in other ways that don’t actually require you to be broke and in over your head!)

2. Get enough rest. Always. You can ALWAYS use extra rest. After all, it’s damn tiring not following your purpose in life; not giving yourself a shot, not feeling the insane buzz that comes with doing something that EMPOWERS you. I’d say you need at LEAST an extra 2-3 hours of sleep per day from all that shying away from what matters. Shame that extra 2-3 hours COULD be the time you use to create your life on purpose, but hey! Can’t win ’em all.

3. EMAIL FIRST people. You MUST respond to people when they reach out to you! Email, social media, phone messages, you name it: ANY AND ALL FORMS OF CONTACT are a sign to drop everything, right away if not sooner, and answer.

Note: it is ESPECIALLY important that you check IN on this stuff first thing in the morning before you worry about doing anything creative or project-based!

4. Watch what everyone else is doing and then DO IT sister. Okay this one is big. It is CRUCIAL. You DO pay attention to what others are doing in your niche, your industry, gosh the whole darn ‘web, don’t you? You do WORRY about whether you’re up to scratch I hope?! You do get out there and COMPARE yourself on a daily basis, right? After all, how else are you going to know where you’re lacking?! God, imagine if you just didn’t pay attention and just did what comes natural to YOU?! You’d have way too much time and peace on your hands.


5. Be beautiful. Not just in how you LOOK online (who gives a toss how you look offline so long as you PRESENT properly in your pics and vids and stuff) but also in how all your STUFF looks.

Want to do video? Well then honey you got WORK to do! You need a SETUP! The right LIGHTING! The right HAIR! The props and the makeup and don’t even get me STARTED on the editing and all that. Look, honestly? Probably best you don’t worry about that just now. After all you don’t even have a pretty WEBSITE yet! Speaking of which –

6. Have a stunning website. You KNOW it’s all about how it looks. You need to look PROFESSIONAL! And you should definitely invest a LOT of time and effort into this before you even THINK about launching something.

7. Plan your launches REALLY REALLY well.

Like, for a good 6 months. Maybe 18. Can’t be too safe. And you CERTAINLY must pay attention when those seeds of doubt or ‘not readiness’ creep in. Best you GET ready honey before you try actually selling anything! It will be WORTH it to have waited God knows how long before sharing your real gifts with the world. It’s not as though you have to actually be SELLING SOMETHING to make money, after all!

8. LISTEN when people tell you that your idea is not good, that you don’t know what you’re doing, that you need to settle down, that it’s too great of a risk. Listen DOUBLE as good if these people are your friends / partner / family / dog / anybody who is not an entrepreneur themselves.

9. Have enough time.

Seriously; I mean that’s just common sense, right? Can’t build a business without having the time to build a business; after all! Let’s be realistic people.

10. Feel ready, excited, motivated, inspired, certain, and confident EVERY DAY that you can and will do it. Wake up raring to go and knowing exactly what you need to do and exactly how you need to do it. Have the money, the resources, the knowledge, the support, the skill. Get ALL your ducks lined up, make a beautiful plan and then FOLLOW THE FREAKING PLAN.

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