Success/Success Mindset

Success is a State of Mind

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Think back to a time this year when you achieved something really spectacular in your business or in your personal life. It might have been a relatively small (but still exciting) win, or perhaps it was something you’d been aiming towards for a while; something that significantly changed the direction of your life.

Got it? Good. Okay, tell me this –

In order to achieve that goal, was your primary thought pattern one of ‘I can and I will and I am and this is gonna be awesome’, or was it one of ‘I HAVE to do this, I just have to, if I don’t bad things are going to happen and oh my God this is so hard and what if I don’t make it and I don’t know if I can’?

I’m guessing the first was your primary state yes? Sure, you might have had those self-doubting and fear based thoughts pop in from time to time, but overall you were able to override them and focus on how you COULD achieve your goal. And achieve it you did 🙂

Have a look at the two thought patterns again. Do you notice how the first is very expansive, open, it feels light and positive? Whereas the second feels dark, constricted, surrounded by fear. It feels ugly.

Next task.

Thing of a goal or dream that you are currently working on achieving. It might be paying off a credit card, establishing a certain amount of savings, finishing a book, launching a new product or project, getting your house in order, losing weight, achieving recognition or positive feedback for your work.

Really think about your goal. Think about the sort of actions you will need to take to achieve that goal; even write down a few of them. And then answer me this –

Over the past day, week, month, what has your primary thought process toward that goal been?

Has it been expansive, open, light and positive or has it been constricted? Dark? Shrouded in fear and ‘what if’?

If you fall into the latter camp, you’re not alone. For many years my attitude towards money (specifically clearing debt and accruing savings) was VERY constricted and fearful. I felt that it was impossible but that I HAD to but that I COULDN’T and yet that bad things would DEFINITELY happen because I couldn’t. What a positive mindset to try and achieve a goal with, hey? No wonder it didn’t work 🙂

If you are trying to ‘beat yourself’ into achieving your goals and dreams, or if you are so caught up in the awfulness of what might happen if you don’t achieve them, I gotta tell you –

That goal ain’t coming true for you. Matter of fact, the situation is probably only going to get worse.

If you want to guarantee your success around any goal in life, whether it’s getting in shape physically or financially, completing a meaninful project or task in your business, bringing to life some part of your ‘dream life’ lifestyle, anything at all, you have to find a way to have a mindset of positivity and excitement around achieving that goal.

Essentially this might mean you need to ‘fake it till you make it’, give yourself a daily pep talk and get yourself into that positive state every day. It can also be helpful to break the goal down. You can’t pay off 40k in credit card debt today, you can’t lose 20kg in a day and so on.

But you can save $5 today.

You can say no to something that is an unnecessary spend.

You can eat one healthy meal.

You can write 100 words.

Find a way to achieve easy wins that bring you closer to achieving your dreams. Make doing so a daily habit and what once felt overwhelming, scary, impossible will start to feel exciting, doable, expansive and you will find your natural motivation increases as well.

Success is achieved entirely in your mind so do what it takes to cultivate a mindset of I CAN and I AM and I promise you that you WILL!


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