7 Days To A Flat Stomach
Today’s post is a guest post by T.J. of Result Based Training Australia (RBT). If you’ve been following my Woman Incredible blog and Facebook page then you’ll know that RBT is not only Melbourne’s premier fitness company and where I am even personally trained, but is also the home of my new office and the venue for all of my events.
Seeing as how T.J. is one of the best trainers I have ever had the pleasure of working with, I have asked him to jump in and share his top tips for getting that flat stomach you’ve always dreamed of. This post is one of the best-value and info-chocked pieces you’ll find on the internet!
Over to T.J. – enjoy! (PS: make sure you read all the way to the bottom for a ridiculously good ‘no-brainer’ offer from RBT. You’d be crazy to miss out on this).
Hey there Body Incredible crew! Today we are going to look at my super secret “7 Days to a Flat Stomach”.
We will touch on something you can add into your lifestyle each and everyday over the next week so that you can have a sleek defined stomach appearing very soon. These tips are guaranteed to work; the only thing you need to do is, well, do them!
Today we will look at days 1-4. Stay tuned later this week for days 5-7!
First off cab off the rank is…
flat stomach day 1: metabolism busting circuits
These will help shed the body fat over that midsection of yours so it can be shown to the world. We all know the importance of weight training and how it is an absolute must if we want to unleash a toned body to the world, but what is unknown to most is exactly where to start with your programming.
So let me make things really simple. Today you will get everything done for you; a workout that you can take into the gym and workout till you drop.
We are going to be focusing on timed circuits and control through our lifts. Each circuit will be 2 minutes per round and you will complete 4 rounds per circuit. At the end of the 4 rounds you will have a 2-minute rest before starting the next series of exercises.
Circuit 1
- Pushups x 15
- Inverted Body Rows x 15
- DB Squats x 15
Circuit 2
- DB/KB Swings x 15
- DB shoulder Press x 10
- V-sits x 15
Circuit 3
- Walking Lunge x 8 each leg
- Dips x 15
- High Pulls x 12
If you are unsure of any of the exercises simply type them into Google and you will be able to start your training. Total workout time should last 30 minutes so there is no excuse to not be able to fit this in! Try and aim for 3 days weekly. Following this you may add in any abdominal exercises you have learned and a Tabata.
flat stomach day 2: understanding your hormones!
1. Insulin – The Silent Flat Stomach Saboteur!
Want to know some major causes of insulin spiking and the deterring factors in stopping you from getting that flat stomach?
- High fructose corn syrup
- Sugar cane
- Milk
- Fruit juice
- White food (rice/ flour/ pasta)
- Even most natural fruits
2. Foods That Stabilize Our Blood Sugar
Protein: Good sources of protein include fish, fowl, meat, eggs, and shellfish. Our physiology makes use of twenty-one amino acids, eight of which are “essential.” We must get them from our food. Think about amino acids and proteins like different building blocks of our body and with these building blocks (protein/amino acids), we simply will not survive.
Fats: These little guys are the precursors to all that regulates every body function at the cellular level. This includes water retention, sodium balance, and fat metabolism. Another great reason for eating fats is that they slow the absorption of carbohydrates to balance blood sugar levels.
flat stomach day 3: supplements
Acetyl L-Carnitine: Great for fatty acid oxidation – Helping users burn unwanted body fat. Fatty acids are one the key energy sources the body uses, and oxidation is the process by which they’re broken down to create energy.
CoEnzyme Q10: With a similar structure to vitamin K, and it acts as a catalyst in various chemical reactions that leads to the production of energy – namely ATP. Your body stores enough ATP that will sustain rigorous activity for 5 to 8 minutes, and ATP must be constantly produced. For this to happen, your body needs a good Supply of CoQ10.
Fish oils: Like a wonder supplement; they are linked to the cure of every single disease known to man. When taken in dosages of 10-grams a day or higher your metabolic rate will increase by 400 calories daily! They allow the body to burn fat in situations where fat burning is turned off, such as after a high-carb meal or after high-intensity exercise (where the body preferentially burns glycogen. High amounts of fish oils increase insulin sensitivity, as we discussed in Day 1 we want this because if your body is less sensitive to insulin then post meals it will stop you storing fat.
Glycine: One of the non-essential amino acids and is used to help create muscle tissue and convert glucose into energy. It is also essential to maintaining healthy central nervous and digestive systems, and has recently been shown to provide protection via antioxidants from some types of cancer.
flat stomach day 4: do you suffer from SYNDROME X?
Syndrome X actually refers to a cluster of related conditions and symptoms including diabetes, insulin resistance, obesity, hypertension, high cholesterol, and heart disease, and relates in great part to the hormone cortisol. We touched on this slightly when we were discussing insulin resistance but this little guy (cortisol) will fluctuate your blood sugar levels more than anything.
Daily use of the following is recommended for everybody who thinks that syndrome x may be an issue for them, or even if you consider your life highly stressful.
- B-complex vitamins
- Vitamin C
- Magnesium
Occasional use of the following supplements is recommended to help in increase you to a relaxed state or to induce sleeping.
- Ashwagandha
- Schisandra
- Rhodiola
- Valerian
How To Alleviate Cortisol
- Relax. Sometimes it is better to do nothing at all.
- Try a yoga class.
- Drop the carbs to decrease insulin resistance.
- Lift some weights, at least a few times a week.
- Get sound sleep, 7 hours per night is ideal.
- Drink water, without it your metabolism will slow to a hault.
- Get a massage
stay tuned for days 5-7
Whoah! There is so much useful information there that I know that you will achieve amazing results and have that flat stomach in no time.
Don’t forget to tune in later this week for days 5 through 7, in which T.J. will be discussing the adverse effects of nutrition imbalance, secret spices for fat loss and how to properly time food intake, and the best type of cardio for fat loss!
Hi Kat,
Are any of the good quality supplements that you mention available in Australia?
Yes, I order them all from the States. Worth waiting a few days for top quality!