I think that unsuccessful people are lazy, undisciplined, full of excuses and whining, wasting their lives, and should be rounded up and put on Tasmania or something.
Except that I’ve heard Tasmania is very beautiful, even if a little cold, AND there’s a chocolate factory there, so that seems a little unfair to Tasmania.
I’m gonna give you fair warning –
If you don’t feel like a smackdown this morning, I’d be moving along NOW.
On the other hand, if you’re in the kind of mood where you’re ready to dance on your toes and ASK for it, then you’re in luck. OR if you just need a handy scapegoat to call a nasty bitch and deflect responsibility for your own lack of get-up-and-go, then by all means.
Because honestly? I judge baby. I do. Which no doubt means I’m gonna GET judged too, since that’s how things work.
Like –
I see a chick come into the Blow Dry Bar just now, at 7.34am as I’m sitting here hell YES feeling pretty sweet about myself and life after already journaling – working out – getting my ass here – and she picks up one of the free COOKIES from the counter.
And eats it!
Like – SERIOUSLY? WHO IN THE FUCK NEEDS A COOKIE AT 7.34am? What is THAT about? WHERE IS YOUR LIFE GOING WITH THAT ATTITUDE? No need to answer, the visuals speak for themselves.
And some moany bitch is gonna read this and think, well, maybe the girl never before ate a cookie in her life and just wants to TREAT herself as a special Tuesday morning before work sort of thing! Or, maybe she’s really GOING THROUGH SOME STUFF right now, and needs a sugared-hug-of-life! Or, perhaps she’s MIRED in a never-ending pit of depression and struggle and addicted TO the sugar and doesn’t know how to cope.
That last bit is probably closest to the truth, but also –
Fuck off.
You’re better than that.
Aren’t you?
Don’t you WANT to be?
Oh, so your EXCUSES matter more than where your fucking LIFE is going, or the fact that you’ve got one shot and this is it?!
These are the things I think about often, for a moment or two as I go about my day, as I notice people’s little habits and behaviours and addictions, or I see online where people wave their excuses around like they think they’re some kind of get out of jail card … forgetting that living by your bullshit is what KEEPS you in jail not free …
Like, people who ‘don’t have time to exercise’. Well, I guess you can make up the time when you’re sitting in endless waiting rooms fixing all your shit as time goes on!
Or, when people are noticeably a year, two years, more, in to kinda sorta just HANGING AROUND online. And apparently haven’t progressed at all, except by golly do they know everything there is to KNOW … everything except what it feels like to do the work, no matter what. I mean, seriously – you’re BETTER than that. Aren’t you? Really?!
Or, when a person is still harping on about quitting the job, starting the thing, doing the thing, going on the adventure, ETCETERA, and it’s just … REALLY getting to boy-who-cried-wolf-o-clock. But they don’t seem to actually GET that.
Who ARE these people? Where are they GOING? What are they DOING? What do they THINK they’re doing?!
And why the fuck is nobody shaking them or why are they not shaking themSELVES?
And I think:
They … we … you … I … need to get serious about success. About leveling up. About LIVING like you give a fuck. And yeah, I’m even gonna say about EXCELLENCE, and being the best.
And I can hear it now already –
“Wahhhhhh! You don’t understand what’s going on in my life!”
“Wahhhh! I’m TIRED though!”
“Wahhhhhhhh! It’s easier for you / harder for me / different because / just that / what about / not ready / getting there / what the fuck EVER”
And my answer to any and all of these things as well as the plethora of nonsense out there around some people having REAL ISSUES, you know, REAL ISSUES that mean they can’t just blah-di-blah-di-blah-di-blah, my ANSWER is –
Suck it.
The fuck.
What, you think I’m too hardcore, too MEAN, got no compassion, ORRRRRR perhaps you think it’s that I’m OBSESSED WITH THE WRONG THINGS, like SUCCESS. and so all of this is besides the point ANYWAY?
Well I’m glad you brought that up! I’ve been WAITING for it!
And I put it to you that the motherfucking POINT is success, and that whatever you think I’m on about when I talk about being addicted TO success is quite possibly not what your trigger-happy uppity and DEFENSIVE mind thinks it’s about.
Because if you think by SUCCESS I’m talking a Mary Poppins-esque never-ending wallet and rock hard abs and glossy locks daily, then, well, as much as all of that sort of shiz-niz sounds nice and is totally TOTALLY available to you (duh), what I’m TALKING about when I talk about success is whatever success is for YOU.
A business, fame, glory, maybe, sure.
A nice house, car, trips, adventure, why not!
Looking and FEELING good, I would bloody well hope at least the latter!
Time and also ENERGY and also AVAILABILITY (due to, I don’t know, having your financial shit sorted and so on, amongst OTHER things), to spend with the people you care about and also to be fucking present and in the moment when you do, I ASSUME so!
Connection, fulfilment, flow, inner peace, etc? Let’s just go with yes.
But what it absolutely is NOT about –
Is feeling so shit you have to eat cookes at 7.34am.
Or being so FULL of shit you haven’t moved your body more than once a week for the past half decade, and largely that once a week movement just is because you’re running late to get to In’n’Out Burger before it closes.
Or TALKING so much shit that you actually almost – ALMOST! – believe yourself when you poo-pooh, and say ‘you’re not about all dat’ when you see people hustling, striving, driving, pushing, creating, unleashing, getting more done before breakfast than what you do in a God damn MONTH.
Not about all WHAT, exactly?
Not about purpose?
Not about creating SOMETHING to let the magic inside of you out, or to help others?
Not about being the kind of person who CAN show up for their kids, friends, lover, in terms of energy and presence and happiness but also in terms of being fucking alive ’cause you took care of yourself?
And maybe that’s it, maybe that’s the missing link, ’cause when I look around I sure see a hella lot of people not giving a fuck.
So, maybe they don’t.
But, you and I both know that’s bullshit.
What’s REALLY going on, and what’s behind the cutting down of the tall poppies or the sneering or mocking of those who live life all out, is that too many people are walking around committed to a BULLSHIT STORY of poor me.
Show me your ‘I can’ts’ and ‘it’s too hards’ and ‘you don’t understand my situation’ and ‘I’m not LIKE you’, and ‘some of us have more IMPORTANT things to focus on’, and I’ll show you that YOU are living a life of excuses –
Lies –
And ultimately –
So wake the fuck UP.
Get with the PROGRAM.
You can have it all, you can have it exactly as you want it, on your terms, and you CAN start now.
All you gotta do?
Get addicted to success.
Meaning – identify and be honest about what success actually IS, for you, the real version, not the make do one.
Then simply discipline your ass to BE the person to whom having that shit comes automatically, as a direct outcome OF who they are.
A story:
I was working out this morning.
5am after 4 hours sleep, I usually get more, but it is what it is and I have a flight today so NFW was I gonna miss my session.
I felt like SHIT as I walked into the gym.
Tired, flat, didn’t wanna be there.
Moped onto the gym floor and gave a poor me look to my fave PT at the club I train at when in LA.
He saw my pain and sorrow and gave me a hug. 5am club. Not always fun … at first!
I decided to do a 6-exercise dumbell circuit. 6 rounds, no rest.
Round 1 – bleeeughhh. I wanna be back in bed.
Round 2 – mehhhhh. My life is so hard, why do I always have to do all the things?!
Round 3 – I guess I can handle this, I’m glad I came.
Round 4 – I’M SO HAPPY I’M HERE, and I am feeling the FLOW as I connect to the music the weights my body my Self.
Round 5 – I’m a fucking genius! I feel amazing! Life is so good! I love everybody!
And then I did.
The point:
Quit making your bullshit bigger than your dreams.
You were BORN for the flow.
And the flow the yes the high ALWAYS comes, when you simply show up and do the God damn work you know you’re MEANT to do in order to live the LIFE you desire and CAN HAVE.
No, that doesn’t mean it will ever get to where you ALWAYS wanna. Case in point, my session this morning. But here is what it does mean –
You’ll get your ass up.
You will NOT pick up the cookie.
And you’ll get your ass in the gym or the chair or on the stage or wherever it needs to be.
That’s how it’s done.
It’s not about being the person who always WANTS to.
It’s about conditioning yourself to where taking that first step is a habit, and you KNOW that when you do so the inner you, the real you, will show the fuck up.
This is where it gets to be so easy.
Just who you are.
And the truth about being addicted to success? Is actually that you’re just addicted to being the fucking PERSON to whom success seems to keep on showing up.
Which is kinda the point.
But sure –
Take another cookie.
Lay down.
Have a rest!
Avoid taking care of yourself!
Avoid creating, fulfiling, being PURPOSEFUL.
Avoid BEING the person who can show up for your loved ones.
You’ve still got time … maybe tomorrow you’ll FEEL like it!
It’s only your fucking LIFE, after all.