Success/Success Mindset

Your Breakthrough is Coming!


It’s sometimes hard not to get caught up in wondering if you’ll ever make it.

Day after day you slog it out.

You look at others around you, some who you know; many who you simply follow or look up to online, and you wonder –

What is he/she doing that I’m not?

Why don’t I get such great results?

What am I doing wrong?

When will it be my time? I’m doing the work, after all! Shouldn’t I be further ahead by now?

If this is you, I have a simple message of hope for you –

Your breakthrough is coming.

You can’t predict it. You can’t sit and wait for it. You certainly can’t depend on it coming based on any sort of rules or effort put in; lists checked off. But you CAN depend that it WILL come so long as you just keep on keep on.

When you look at other people, some of whom set out on this journey after you (the nerve of them succeeding faster!) and you find yourself feeling resentful or frustrated or just plain old green-eyed with envy, stop.

Look in the mirror.

Square your shoulders.

Take a deep breath in, and let it out.

And stare into your own eyes as you repeat after me –

My breakthrough is coming.

When you find yourself in that state of realising that just when you thought things can’t get worse or more complex they DO, refuse to give in to feelings of unworthiness, of ‘I can’t’, of thinking that maybe this is not for you, and remember –

Your breakthrough is coming.

When you end up in complete breakDOWN where you question if you’ll ever get up again and you want to scream and you just want everything fixed NOW, remind yourself that there is always breakdown before breakthrough. It’s the cleansing; the making way for the new by clearing out the old. It has to be done.

And your breakthrough is coming.

When you’re surrounded by fear, by uncertainty, overwhelm, by things repeatedly not working out as they should despite you doing everything right, never ever EVER forget –

Your breakthrough is coming.

I want to remind you of something so simple, but so easily forgotten –

You started out on this journey because you had a dream. Because you believed in more. You knew you could HAVE more and you made a decision to go out and get it. And if you’re honest with yourself, which I know that you are, you KNEW all along that there would be bumps along the way. Sure, you possibly didn’t plan for massive freaking craters which you fall into, but at the end of the day you knew you’d have to harness your ability to keep on keeping on come what may.

And that, my lovely, is exactly what you must do now.

You can choose to give in to fear.

You can choose to believe you don’t have what it takes, that things just aren’t gonna work out for you, that you should play it safe; not follow your heart.

Or you can choose to square your shoulders.

Lift your head.

Fill your lungs with air.

And charge back into the fray, certain in the knowledge that while you don’t know how long it will take, what form it will hold, where it will spring from or why it will happen at that time and not before or after –

Your breakthrough IS coming.

So take heart my lovely. Get back to hope. To believing. To remembering why this means so much to you, and reminding yourself of it often. And then get out there and do what you need to do for you. One foot in front of the other. One day after the next. One piece of your dream at a time. And never, ever, ever stop believing, because deep down you KNOW.

It’s coming. It could happen anytime! And when it does? God damn will it be worth the wait. So get on out there gorgeous. You’ve got dreams to create, and you best start today. After all –


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