Success/Success Mindset


There’s very little point, if you think about it, wondering to yourself about what you need to do, or even who you need to be, in order to see what you long for, that ‘next level you’, show up and start waving at you in the mirror.

Little point even to thinking about who you need to BE? Surely that’s what we talk about all the time though?!

I’ve said it often – the fastest way to manifest an outcome is to internally go to the place where that outcome is already done, and ask yourself –

Who AM I, in that place?
How do I think?
What am I feeling?
What are my thoughts, my emotions?
What do I BELIEVE?
What have I let go of, walked away from?
What have I had to leap towards, say yes to, and ‘make’ happen?
What is my environment like (think … in every aspect, inner, outer, home, lifestyle, health, relationships, you name it!)
Who AM I, from the smallest thing I accept and allow, to the vastest and greatest thing I’ve created and called in?!

I love to ask myself these sorts of questions, and I ask them often! Have done so for years, in some way, shape, form. I’m continually just CREATING THE INNER ENVIRONMENT OF THE NEXT LEVEL ME, and then boom –

I wake up one day and I am her!

In fact, I swear so greatly by such journaling that I highly recommend you go dive into exactly this shit, today! Hop to it!

But at the same time –

It kinda sorta doesn’t fucking MATTER, y’know?

Who cares, who you have to be or what you’d be thinking or feeling or doing or ANY other thing, because when you GET there you will BE there, and that’s all there is to say about that and actually the FASTEST fastest way to get there (faster even than the FASTEST way … think of it like, trying to compare taking the Autobahn – fucking fast, if you want it to be! – to just TIME traveling) … the fastest FASTEST way of course?

Is to simply be there.

And so I remind myself this morning, as I journal, and dive into the above questions, and then suddenly find myself a little bored with it, like – meh. I really can’t be bothered with this stuff today. I remind myself –

When I expect it, I will see it done.

That’s just how it works. It’s how it’s always worked. It’s the only way it can work!

When I expect it.
When I see it in my mind.
When I’ve planted it deeply into my sub-conscious self, into every cell of my DNA, every strand of blood and muscle and tissue, every regulating pulse, nerve, my very mitochondria BUZZING with the certainty that, DUH.

THEN I will see it done.

So if I want to practice anything –
Or ‘rote’ rehearse –
Or ask myself questions, paint the picture, step into the vision, sure, why not? It’s a nice exercise, and fun! A reminder that it’s all just a game of make believe anyway.

But REALLY, if I want to practice ANYTHING, what I should be practicing is raising my fucking expectations.

Not as some kind of ‘for the sake of it’ rule, I don’t mean that.

On the one hand, I can look back and tell you with certainty that I have achieved the level of business and money and body and life success I have because I continually just TURNED UP THE FUCKING DIAL.

Day by day, an 0.01% improvement across multiple areas.

So small as to be imperceptible, most of the time!

So mighty as to change my whole world, again and again, over time!

That’s all I’ve really done, and I gotta tell you as well that when you realise that that’s all it takes it’s REALLY FUCKING EASY TO WIN AT EVERYTHING. I mean, can you honestly say you don’t have it in you to improve by 0.01% each day? Fuck off very nicely, if so!

As if.

But still, I don’t believe in dialing it up, aiming for the next level, for the sake of it.

I believe, quite simply, in aligning to your soul.

Getting connected to what’s already IN there, being shown to you if only you’d look, the certain blueprint of where you’re meant to go.

And THEN –

Practicing fucking expecting it.

By all means, doin’ the journaling around what it would look like to already be there, as per above, because doing that is a great way to PRACTICE EXPECTING IT.

So before you consider THAT, what you really want to be journaling on, looking IN on, and asking for answers on, is more so around, well, what do you believe is meant to be in place for you?

This is not about what you COULD create, step into, become.
This is not about what would be COOL, or make you cool.
This is not about what your bestie is chasing, or your mentor, or those who inspire you online!
This is about – 

What is your soul telling you is meant to BE?

THAT’S your guiding light, that’s what you want to tune into, that is what you want to pay DEEP daily fucking attention to, and THAT, of course, is what you want to decide to expect.

Everything I see inside my soul
Is real
And beautiful
And meant
For me
And when I then say yes to my soul
Life says yes to me!

Can you see how EASY it then becomes, to expect, to plant it in deep within, and ultimately to see it as done?

You’re not trying to instill something from outSIDE of you, you’re simply waking up what’s already within, and letting it come to life!

To me this feels as simple as when you pour water onto one of those teeny little magic towels they have all scrunched up for you when you check into your hotel in Bali. A few drops of liquid, and voila – it comes to life, it’s expansive, it’s MOIST (haha … TRIGGER WORD ALERT), it’s juicy, it’s READY, it’s real.

And it’s literally THAT FUCKING EASY for you to let the things that are inside of you become real, become alive, become JUICY, become yours.

They’re already there.
They already exist.
The entire fucking plan has been mapped out for you, too, you don’t need to concern yourself with HOW.

But you do have to decide to let that shit live.

And how do you do that?


You pay it attention.
You BREATHE into it, water it a little.
And you watch it fucking bloom.

So if you’re going to practice anything –

If you’re going to journal on anything –

If you’re going to wonder about why you have, or don’t have, this, or that, or the other thing –

Why not first simply stop –

Look within –

And ask:

What does my soul already know is mine?

And then?

Well just decide, what else?!

Yes please.
I’ll be having that.
No question.
No wonderment.
No concern for how.
It’s available.
It’s been shown to me, in the buffet wihin my deepest self.

I finally damn well chose it, so of course I now expect to see it.

I wonder –

Would you be willing to let it be that simple?

Or would you rather keep telling yourself a story, that in order to become everything you were ever meant to be, and have your SOUL aligned version of it all, you first have to be everything you’re not already,



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