Success/Success Mindset


The very second you start to feel worried, or unsure, or anxious, or ‘what if’, about what it is you’re seeking to bring to life and KNOW you can have, it’s time to stop, drop back INTO you, and remind yourself what manifestation is about.

A reminder –

It’s not supposed to feel worrisome.
There’s NEVER a need to go into ‘but HOW?’
And allowing feelings of frustation or ‘why aren’t I THERE yet, I just wanna BE there already!’ is NOT gonna serve you.

You know this.

But sometimes it’s good to know things even deeper

And here is what I know, for SURE, about having it all, being it all, doing it all, and having it at the click of your fingers, just like magic, and NOW –

Instant manifestation baby, it’s a thing! And in fact, it’s the only style of living I personally am available for 

Let’s break it down –

You want a thing. It’s a VERY good and desirable thing. It’s a thing which has come to you in a vision, in a dream, from the whispers of your soul, or perhaps just presented to you in your minds eye, alongside an instant KNOWING that ‘I should HAVE this’.

It might be something you’re gonna DO …

It might be something that will happen TO you …

It might be something you are going to create, or unleash, or step into, or BECOME …

It might be a feeling you wish to embody.

Or it might just be gajillions of dollars in the bank.

It doesn’t matter what it is, whether it’s all inner or all outer (hmm … no such thing), or whether it seems VAST and AMAZING and IMAGINE, or whether it’s a teeny-tiny sort of wish, it’s ALL just the same when it comes to letting it happen.

There are no levels of what is harder or easier to manifest, except for what you ALLOW there to be, aka what you DECIDE to be.

And imagine … since we’re tangenting over there and all … just imagine – !

If you truly believed and knew that even your wildest fantasies and ‘one day’ wishes are JUST AS FUCKING AVAILABLE TO YOU AS MANIFESTING THAT PARKING SPACE, or whatever else it is you think of as ‘grade school’ manifestation.

“My wildest fantasies are all available to me through simple everyday grade school manifestation!”

(Makes it seem kinda EMBARRASSING in a way, doesn’t it, that you’ve made it out to be so complicated! Any Kindergartner could do this shit! AND does …)

Anyhow –

So let’s say you desire a thing. You KNOW it should be yours!

Wanna know the fastest way to get to this thing?

Decide it is DONE, boom, and live accordingly.

We all know this.

Question is … do you practice that shit?

Or do you SAY you decided, but then in actual practice what you DO is run around like a headless chook all day long, being continually thrown and swayed by every passing emotion of yourself AND the world around you?

Hmm? Hmmm!

When you say ‘it’s done’, for that to BE done, you gotta actually follow through on it.

Claim and state it daily as something which ALREADY HAPPENED … that is what you DO do with things which did happen.

And, if fear or OMG what IF comes up, well – how would you react if your fear-mind starting saying MAYBE YOU NEVER DID THAT about something which you KNOW you already did and which definitely fucking happened?

You’d laugh –
Or ignore it –
And you’d carry on being your badass self, the one who DID and RECEIVED the damn thing

You certainly wouldn’t STOP saying that that thing was part of your life, or happened, because THAT WOULD MAKE YOU FUCKING CRAZY, and not in a good way.

What, you’re gonna let your MIND decide what’s real?! No! Your soul decides! And THAT, being true to that, is a motherfucking discipline, okay?!

All I’m saying is …

For manifestation to work, you gotta treat the stuff you’re calling in the same way.

Get ACTUALLY fucking serious about it being done.


It’s NOT that you claim it as done when the stars align, your confidence is lit, you had a glass of wine, or you’re all jazzed up on some great inner work.

It’s that you claim it as done 24/7, and no matter what your fear-mind or reactive self has to say about it; no matter what stories or triggers or worries or other bullshit comes up.

It’s done, so it’s DONE, and SINCE it’s done, here is who I AM –

I think this way
I feel this way
I vibrate this way
I live on THIS sort of frequency
And I show up this way

As a product, in part, of the amazing THING, being done; I BECAME THIS PERSON, and isn’t it FABULOUS?!

Do you see the shift here?

Do you LIVE the shift here?

It is CRITICAL to do so, if you’re truly committed to having it all, a life FULLY by design, and on your terms.

Look, I know it’s hard … or it feels that way, when you feel like the sky is falling around you, or you just needa get PAID.

But, nobody ever said this was a ‘decide one time’ sort of thing.

Manifestation is a practice.

It’s a motherfucking DISCIPLINE.

It’s about being dedicated to training your MINDSET, above all else, and as a priority over EVERY other practice in your life.

I am the person I am, with the results I have, because I chose to have an unshakeable abundance mindset, and then I practiced that shit till it took.

Or –

perhaps it’s just because I decided it was done –

To be that person –

And now here we are 

Either way –

If shit ain’t working for you?

Choose fucking properly, and fully.

And then discipline yo ass to carry on like you meant it.