You do what you do because you do what you do because you can’t not do what you do, and not because IF you do –
It gets you something
You do what you do because it is who you are, there’s no other way, you simply must, it’s what you’ve been waiting for your whole life, and it –
For you
You do what you do because it’s what was DIVINED, because you are called, because it calls you, it pulls you, it tugs, at your soul, and eventually, it SCREAMS
It screams at you as you ignore it
It screams at you as you put it off, again, for another day
It screams and RAGES at you as you downgrade it, you play with a shadow version, you pretend it’s enough, you LIE, you delude
It SCREAMS at you as you continue to put your BULLSHIT ahead of your truth
It SCREAMS at you as you say no,
once more,
to pressing play
Seduced, instead, carried away, instead, taken away, instead, KIDNAPPED away, instead, by the ways of the world you’ve been conditioned into, instead of –
the one
the one
the one
the one?
The one you dream of, and long for, and came for, and came FROM, and know, have always known, will always know, deep within, it came from you and for you and you for it and from it, there’s no difference, the two of you are blending, colliding, meshing, and mashing, and WAS there –
A difference?
A gap?
A space?
Between it, and you?
Only when you allowed it
Only when you normalised it
Only when you CONDITIONED yourself
To be like
And now –
You look around
You gaze far and near and wide
You look with futility for the place you’ve always known and which has always known you
the place which has been within you the whole entire time
and you wonder –
Why you can no longer access
Why you no longer seem to be able to find
Why it is it seems so HARD, so far away, and everything –
Just quicksand
Each day that passes
taking you further from your truth
Each day that passes
taking you more into THEIR world, THEIR normal, the WAY
they SAY
it must be
and with every day
you allow to pass
you break the bond
that once was a chain
and now is as thin as a spiderweb
still strong
but easily snapped –
in a moment –
the bond between your soul and YOU
and then one day –
there it goes
and you’re floating free
yet completely BOUND
no longer able to connect in, to tune in, to KNOW in, the pathway, the blueprint, the truth, the guide, the LIGHT, the you
so now
dance my beautiful little puppet, dance!
it’s the only thing you’re good for now
you said no to your soul
you did it again
you dit it AGAIN
and eventually –
it took
life no longer says yes to you
you don’t know how to look
you don’t know how to listen
you don’t know how to ask
you have FORGOTTEN everything you were FORMED for
and now
the only WAY for you is to follow
left foot, left foot, left foot, right!
GOOD girl
GOOD boy
GOOD puppet, you are doing it RIGHT
you’re doing it their way
you’re doing it like they say
you’ve become …
you can be used
to take up space
to fill a place
just another empty face
but yet –
there’s still the chance for grace
grace is –
when you’ve screwed it up as much as you can screw it up, when you have REPEATEDLY gone against all that is and always was IN you –
when you have turned your back so obstinately
so continually
so persistently
to live by faith
to be guided by your soul
to back yourself
but yet somewhere
deep within
actually …
you still believe
you still have a whisper
just an inkling
a possibility of a chance of a knowing of a once upon a time
that maybe …
you could go back
all the way back
to where it all began
to where you knew that what is inside of you is real
and that when you set an intention,
aligned and from soul,
and then surrender and release the outcome,
while TRUSTING and following what you are directed to do from WITHIN –
it comes true
and that’s all
that’s all
that’s all
it’s the only thing the only thing the only thing it ever could and can and will be and the THING is –
you do the thing because you do the thing because you do the thing because you MUST do the damn thing until you BECOME the thing, and you it, and if it should PAY you –
REWARD you –
FAME you –
Or BRING you –
Anything –
Which you used to think was what you needed and wanted and required and depended upon, and oh – !
How you used to CHASE it
– then that’s nice
that’s good
that’s okay
but it’s not why you do the thing, the thing, the thing, the thing you came here to do and have for so LONG now, hidden from
and here is the way to do the thing, the only way to unleash the thing, grow with and from and through the thing, tend the FIRES of the thing, and BECOME the thing –
every day
in every available way
(of which there are many)
you drop the world
you leave the world
and then you create the world,
the one you want
the one you know
the one you came from
and the one you will now grow
you do this,
the way you dreamed of
the way you always knew
the way you have been FIGHTING against
and the way it was always supposed to be
you’ve always known
that there would come a time
a time to back yourself
a time to open yourself up for whatever the OTHER world, the one you’ve been TRYING and FAILING to play in, would throw at you
a time to be burned at the stake
for what you believe
and for who you are
the time
is now
you can make the choice
you could die
or you could start to live
perhaps it’s worth it
the payoff
of selling your soul
which is it going to be?
drop the world
leave the world
create the world you dream of and play in, inside
or admit –
you’re actually one of them.