Tick tick motherfucker –
This means –
Logically –
Same goes with MONEY, gurrrrllll, with love, with being hot, with being happy, with feeling the thangs you think you’d feel if you were ‘there’.
The second you go looking for it, or trying to figure out ‘how’, guess what? Boom, game over, or at least for this round. It was right there waiting for you the entire time, as well, just around the corner and ALREADY YOURS, but yet once again, with your energy of ‘why am I not THERE yet’, you pushed it away, and said –
“Not today baby, no not today. Today I choose to continue on in the story that I’m NOT there yet, and that there are things I need to do –
Oh so many things!
In order to be enough, have enough, have done enough, be GOOD enough, and maybe, one day, prove myself enough to be rewarded with the bountiful gifts from heaven above.”
You’ve GOT to get out of this mindset that there is a single thing you need to prove, work towards, or even, dare I say ‘make happen’.
Unless you can start to wrap your head around the idea that ‘make happen’ really means ALLOW to happen, by stripping away the bullshit, and realising that it really IS all already within.
How did I become a leader, ‘famous online’, where everybody knows my name and buys my shit?
I decided to. I appointed myself. And then I stepped the fuck up like it was already the CASE.
This is not ‘fake it till you make it’. This is ‘BE what you already ARE, and drop the motherfuckin’ story that you gotta first do or PROVE shit’.
Let’s get real here about why you WOULDN’T just go to that place / be that next level you / appoint yourself and show up accordingly …
There’s REALLY only one answer to this!
You can spin and twist it a million different ways, and come up with all the fancy ass reasons in the world as to why YOU can’t yet, not yet, not now, you don’t know how, and you didn’t GET appointed, but all of it boils down to fear.
‘Who am I to …’
‘What will they think …’
‘What if I can’t back it up …’
‘What if I fall flat on my face …!’
‘What if it’s HARD or it HURTS …?!’
Let me ask you to ask yourself something more useful:
What if you just started to ACT as though you WERE already that person?
What if you just BECAME the hot as fuck badass loved and in love HAPPY and free and HIGH ON LIFE leader who you see yourself as one day being?
What if you just dropped (now!) EVERYTHING that did not match up to that image?
And what if you just embodied (now!) everything that WOULD be true if you were already that person?
THIS is how it’s done.
This is how it’s always been done.
There is no other way.
Stop trying to complicate shit.
At the end of THIS VERY DAY, it’s very fucking simple –
Either you were the person, or no.
And at the end of your LIFE, it’s very fucking simple –
Either your days added up to one thing –
Or they did not.
What are you gonna choose then, huh? Or should I say – what are you gonna KEEP on choosing?
Tick tick.