
Entrepreneurs Are Formed Under Pressure

I’m not going to lie: I’m a hardass, and a bit of a bitch. I don’t hold back, and I’m not going to tell you what you want to hear so you can go back to kidding yourself that things are going to change. Personally I don’t think THAT would be the nice thing to do, and certainly not the right one.

So no, I can’t promise you I won’t piss you off, trigger the fuck out of you, make you want to scream and shout and tell the whole internet what a BAD and UNCARING person I am, or bemoan to me that I don’t know the first thing about you!

Let me tell you: after 8 years doing this and 7 before that also in the business of getting people massive fucking results, it doesn’t matter if I don’t know every little bit of your story.

I KNOW you. Your story of woe, and the words that you use, are the same as a thousand others before you, who made their excuses, went on their way, and continued to NOT get results. It’s almost like you’re all talking from a fucking script, so similar is what you say.

I guess you ARE talking from a script; the script of the world doesn’t understand how hard your life is and it should ACCEPT that you can’t do what you gotta do right now.

Well, guess what? The world doesn’t really care, and it’s not going to impact anyone if you don’t step up.

Anyone except for you, your bottom line, and oh yeah – the people you’re supposed to impact.

And I can tell you this: I hear a different story ENTIRELY from those who eventually DO get the results. They ALSO start out, just like you, with less than no money, less than no clue, stretched WAY past the line and terrified about what will happen if this doesn’t work.

The difference between you and them:

They take action anyway.

The stare INTO the eye of the beast and they run FULL STEAM AHEAD (screaming, for sure!) into the fray.

Here’s the short version of this blog, if you don’t want to read the whole thing:

It doesn’t MATTER what your excuses are, it doesn’t MATTER how valid and real they are, if you let them be the guiding force to your decision making you WILL NOT GET THE RESULT YOU WANT.

You can twist it any way you like and you absolutely can justify it if you want, and it is totally YOUR RIGHT TO CHOOSE, but that still doesn’t change the outcome.

And if saying that to your face or even the whole internet makes me a hardass and a bitch who you THINK doesn’t care, because you think CARE and being NICE means LYING, then fine.

Go find someone to pat you on the head and read you a bedtime story about fantasies to find in your dreams.

I was trying to think of some kind of nice rhyming poem to start this off. I had that saying in my head ‘girls are made of sugar and spice and everything nice‘, and was thinking something like ‘entrepreneurs are made of fire and brimstone and blood sweat and tears.

It doesn’t really rhyme though.

But I think it still tells a nice story 🙂

Last night, I was interviewed by one of the women in my community who I’m most proud of. What this woman has put herself through, over the past several years, to now finally have broken through to where she is (which is well and truly ON HER FUCKING WAY) is beyond what most people would even believe true, let alone consider.

We talked about what it takes to be a superwoman, have it all, create a business and life you love, COMPLETELY on your terms, and about just how far you’ve got to be willing to push yourself in order to breakthrough to success.

It’s one of those things people like to nod their head at, and agree that of COURSE they would do, isn’t it?

“Of course I know it’s hard work!”

“Of course I’ll stay the course!”

“Of course I’ll do what it takes!”

The reality, of course, says otherwise. What’s the percentage of businesses that fail again? This is not because of a bad business, or a bad plan.

It’s because of a WEAK person.

What, you think that those at the top didn’t FAIL A MILLION TIMES?

You think that they didn’t start ALL SORTS of businesses and creations and ventures that were a complete waste of fucking time and resources, and TERRIBLY planned out?

Of course they did!

The difference between those who make it, and those who don’t, is simple:

Those who make it, no matter how broken, terrified, hanging from a single thread of sanity and often less they may be, JUST KEPT GOING.

And those who didn’t make it, who don’t make it, who haven’t made it?


By the way, when I say they kept going, here is a TASTE of what your favourite online ‘guru’ or inspiring leader has probably gone through at some point or another.

Many of them have gone through ALL of these things by the way, not just one or two!

– Massive MASSIVE debt.

Like debt so crazy you can’t even imagine it. Do you know what they DID when they were in this amount of debt and yet they needed to invest into their growth, their ideas, their dreams, their UNWILLLINGNESS TO BACK THE FUCK DOWN? They invested again. They went into more debt.

I don’t know whether to LAUGH OR CRY when people say they can’t move forward right now because they have 5 grand of debt, or 10, or 20. What a fucking joke.


If you believed in yourself and KNEW that you were going to DO what it takes, it wouldn’t MATTER how far in you have to go because you’d know that you WILL get there and therefore you would NEVER turn away from what you have to do.

And here you are, saying you can’t AFFORD to create the life you want? Well, here’s the reality: when you put your financial situation ahead of your dreams, your dreams will NEVER be more than a fucking fantasy.

– EXTREME failure.

Those who are where you aspire to be have failed so many times they’ve lost track. They have an entire graveyard of ‘this will be a million dollar idea for sure!’ url’s. They’ve had launch after program after THIS IS THE ONE idea flop, embarrassingly, or worse still, unnoticed.

They’ve RUN the programs where they wanted 100 sign-ups and they got one.

They PICKED themselves up again, and again, and again, and by the way it was right AWAY. They stayed up late, said no to social situations, invested money and time and ALL of their soul, and yet their ideas flopped.

Nobody bought.

Nobody wanted them.

They felt not good enough, scared, angry, and just plain over it.


And you, you’re upset because you finally, after 6 months or more of thinking about it, launched your first program and nobody bought yet? You think that MEANS something and you want a shoulder to cry on?

Give me a fucking break.

And while I’m on that break (where I’ll be hustling), SELL THE NEXT THING.

– They endured YEARS of ‘what the hell are you doing with your life’ torment from their family, partner, friends.

Day after day after day they had to put up with the knowledge that those close to them thought they were irresponsible, deluded, pathetic, harebrained, or worse. Time after time after time they had to explain themselves or risk stony silence or end up in a fight over money, or hours on the computer, or why they never STOP.

It.was.excruciating. And for many of the SUCCESSFUL people – and yep I’ll say it, especially women – they STILL endure this, and no matter how far they go it will NEVER GO AWAY.

As to whether or not this TESTED their resolve or made them question what they were doing?

It made it stronger. It made them stronger. They formed GRIT, and the sort of UNWAVERING self-belief that every entrepreneur MUST have.

And you, you don’t want to go all in yet because your husband doesn’t think it’s a good idea. You don’t want to invest in yourself because it’s not just your money. You don’t want to put in those extra hours because you don’t want to rock the boat.

Well, here’s the reality: you might as well lay DOWN in that boat, because you don’t HAVE WHAT IT TAKES. You’re choosing not to.

– Putting business first.

They put business first, despite the guilt, despite the admonishment, despite the frustration, despite everything, because they knew that to create the freedom and the lifestyle they wanted for themselves and their family it was the only WAY.

They were strong enough to do what needed to be done (and still do) even though society and their own doubts told them it’s wrong, you’re not a good mother, you’re going to regret this.

They knew that what they’d REGRET is staying trapped in a life where freedom would never have a place.

And as a result they created a life where they can wake up every day and do whatever the fuck they please. WHICH by the way is CONTINUE TO PUT BUSINESS FIRST so that family and lifestyle and freedom can then be made TRUE space and time for.

I could keep going all day here.

And I’d like to say I think you get the point.

But the truth is I DON’T think you get the point.

I think 1 in 100 people reading this – if that – will get the point.

The ones who make it, quite simply, do what it takes.

No matter what it takes.

Until it takes.

They have BEEN on the floor in the foetal position, gnashing and wailing and not knowing if they could go on and THEN THEY WENT ON.

They have seen their bank account sit at 0.89c, had the rent or the mortgage due the next day, yelled at their kid for asking for a toy when the truth is they didn’t have any money, had their card fail at the grocery checkout for a $29 bill, and THEN THEY WENT ON.

They have had the fights and the tears and the exhaustion – over and over and over again for YEARS – of trying to get through to their partner that what they’re doing is for REAL here, and THEN THEY WENT ON.

They have felt the disappointment of NOT seeing the notifications of payments come in, even after they ‘followed all the rules’, and ‘gave it their all’, and THEN THEY WENT ON.

They have invested THOUSANDS of dollars, sometimes HUNDREDS of thousands of dollars, sold their houses, their cars, their handbags, the clothes off their back, NOT seen the return right away (because DUH) and THEN THEY WENT ON.

They have worked in the oddest and most awful of places, at the oddest and most awful hours of the day, they’ve for years not NOT known the stinging of exhausted eyes, the pounding of a head that has been fried, the deep deep to the bone TIREDNESS and at times depression of wondering if they’ll ever get there, and THEN THEY WENT ON.

They have been TERRIFIED.



Because deep within, they had actually fucking committed to success.

And here is what you need to understand about THAT:

‘Continuing to go on’ doesn’t mean showing up. It means doing what it takes. It means saying yes when you can’t afford to, don’t know how, already went SO far past where you thought you could, wonder within if you’re not a complete fucking moron for repeatedly putting yourself under such stress.

STRESS is a CRITICAL component of success.

DIAMONDS are formed under pressure.

A success entrepreneur was made under IMMENSE FUCKING PRESSURE.

It’s impossible to even EXPLAIN the extent and duration of that pressure, of heaping rock upon rock upon rock on your shoulders and still forcing yourself to keep taking one more step.

There are some characteristics, that all successful entrepreneurs have in common.

Creativity, sure.

Passion, no doubt.

Bloody-mindedness, absolutely.

But the most important two characteristics of a successful entrepreneur?

Resilience, and tenacity.

How to develop these characteristics, to where your success is fucking guaranTEED?

Be fucking resilient.

And have the tenacity to do what you actually need to do, to get to where you want to go.

And if you can’t, it’s too much, I don’t get it, you have to wait?

Trust me:

I get it. And it breaks my heart, because I know that if you would only DO WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE you could truly have it all.

But, you choose not to.

You choose to let fear rule you.

You choose NOT to be one of the very very few who do what most won’t, to one day live like most can’t.

And I honour your right to make the choices that are right for YOU.

But don’t kid yourself that you’re willing to do what it takes.

And please – stop telling yourself bedtime stories about a dream life that’s never going to happen.
