

Are you willing to begin seeing yourself as ‘the’ must watch / read / listen to person?

Are you willing to put aside your human shit around whether you should really take that stage (squirm!), whether or not you’re accomplished / badass / shiny / whatever enough?

Are you willing to get over your BS which STILL – after all these years! – shocking, really! – tells you:

You shouldn’t say that.

Go on and on so much.

You can’t now talk about or teach on THAT, as well.

Keep that thought quiet.

Shut that idea down.

Save it for later.

It will be fine.

And it’s already not.

You, who were born to lead, to message, to spout righteous fury on occasion, to compel, to show UP, to serve, and to inspire an entire mofo revolution of like-minded souls to say YES,

and yet you’re still not saying yes.

>> A born for it badass who is doing the damn thing of saying YES, does not allow her ego to reverse fuck her out of fully showing up. <<<


You allow yourself to almost feel self-righteous about HIDING. Playing small. NOT staking your claim, or painting that flag. Because some part of your sad little conditioned mind is telling you that it’s better to be a bit coy. Not big note yourself too much. Play the underdog, even. That you’re showing people they can relate to you.

And you convince yourself that it is VALID to think you should first … ‘x’. With ‘x’ being whatever it is you’ve decided you have to be or do or have or prove, and THEN you can really take the stage.


You are letting your ego trick you into believing that your human AF doubts, insecurities, and ‘stuff’ …

matter more than letting the message and the art out, and being responsible to bringing what is inside of you to life.

So instead of it being true that you are ‘not too full of yourself’ to be THAT audacious, what is true is that you are SO full of yourself that you let THAT be what the world gets to see. Or not see, as the case may be.

Instead of your truth.

Which is really just straight up SUCKY of you. Stoopid, too.

Solution? As it always was and always and only CAN be:

Get TF over yourself. Go do the work you are here to do. ALL of it. NOW.


Admit you came here to live a life swimming in your own bullshit, and letting it spill out of you too.
