
Podcast Episode 2: How To Have Faith

Today’s episode gives a little insight into my background, my story, and how choosing to have faith against strategy has helped me become successful.

How to Have FaithHaving faith is one of the most relevant and underrated topics in living a lifestyle you want and creating a successful business. I’ve been online blogging, writing, and personal training and I chose to believe that it could lead to a life of making money. I knew I wanted to live a “laptop lifestyle,” working from anywhere in the world and spending time with my family. I had the beliefs that motivated me to get there. I learned to live a life on my own terms and believe that it was possible. The first step was to take action.

Take Action  

So many people have ideas, dreams, and visions but nobody ever takes that first step over the threshold to get there. Not bringing those steps to life make you wonder: Is it a belief or just an idea? The truth is, if you believe it, you can achieve it. It’s not possible to envision something that you can’t actually create. If you desire it, then it’s possible. I choose the beliefs that support the reality I want to create, know that the first step is to take action.

Operate from Passion

If you don’t have a passion for what you’re doing you won’t be operating from a place of alignment. The purpose won’t be there and nothing will flow. If you go after goals you are passionate about and beliefs that support them, things become easier. “Easy” doesn’t mean not to continue to work your butt off and give it your all, however things are aligned and you wake up and go to work feeling yourself.  Always know why you’re doing something. If you don’t know the why then things become mundane and that’s when you aren’t operating for YOU. We may know all the strategy and processes but those don’t matter. The one thing that ultimately dictates where you end up is faith or lack of faith.

Faith – Belief in Anything

It’s not always easy to have faith when something isn’t yet working. There were times in my life when money wasn’t coming in at all, even times when I had 89 cents left in my account. Faith kept me going and my beliefs that things were going to turn around. Faith even seems laughable at times, like how can I believe when things are this bad. However, there is a true distinction between those who choose to believe and the results they see, and the people who choose not to believe. Having faith is completely believing something that you can’t necessarily understand or explain.

Knowing your Purpose

Sometimes you can’t explain the things you feel which causes you to veer away from what your intuition is saying and back towards the practical. The process way just seems easy and maybe you do make money and achieve that way, but that’s only surface level. You’re cheating yourself and even your clients because you are not being the leader you can be. You have to allow yourself to believe that you can achieve.

Don’t do business based on how you think the world wants you to do it. Make the breakthrough and realize it’s not just a battle of the practical. Faith is not something you get, attain, earn, or chase after – faith is something you choose, so choose it right now. There’s no magic process or strategy that guarantees anything. Faith is the guarantee that says your belief is enough and holds strong regardless of what might happen.

Steps to Success

  1. Choose Faith – choose it now, wherever you are, whatever you’re doing
  2. Define what you desire – don’t hold back and be specific
  3. Allow yourself to Receive it – don’t always keep your goal in the future, let it happen now

Episode Outline:

  • Do you have faith in yourself to achieve your goals and the life you really want?
  • Faith is belief in absolutely anything; it doesn’t have to make sense or being logical
  • Sometimes the hardest part is taking the first step, so take action and go from there
  • We all have a purpose in life and a message to send so live your life passionately
  • Allow yourself to receive when you start reaching your goals


4 responses to “Podcast Episode 2: How To Have Faith”

  1. Lily says:


  2. Lily says: