
Gifts For You From The Society!

I am so damn PROUD of the incredible women I have in my Society of Women Who Dream Big and Make Shit Happen! The Society is my inner circle mastermind, and runs over a year. In it we dream BIGGER than big and then we (you guessed it!) MAKE THAT SHIT HAPPEN.

The truth is that success is NOT something that runs in a linear or step by step form – it takes GUTS to get your ass into alignment and it takes EXTREME levels of bravery to truly press play and live the life you want.

These women have done all of that and more, and in most cases begun working with me from a place of EXTREME financial fear and uncertainty but knowing that THIS IS THE STEP THEY HAD TO TAKE.

You look at the stories of any successful entrepreneur and to get to where they are now they went through hell and back. I’ve watched these women fail and fail again in order to now SHINE LIKE THE SUN in a way that most will ever even be able to imagine. The Society is about doing what most WON’T and enduring it by CHOICE so that you can then live a life most CAN’T.

That’s what these women have done, are doing, and as such they have EARNED a life of purpose, passion, flow, alignment and (hell YES!) wealth. To celebrate them and also SHARE them with you I’ve asked those who wanted to to contribute a free gift. Scroll down to get yours!

Heidi Lidholm – Live Your Legacy – NOW ~ 14 Day Challenge

Heidi LidholmI’m a Holistic Business Coach for Spiritual Entrepreneurs who want to build a thriving business from the inside out.

I’m here to awaken you to your inner courage and clarity so that you can start living your true purpose and passion NOW. I’m inspired everyday by helping soul-centered entrepreneurs to shine brighter, expanding my business from the inside out, traveling the world and building up my strength for Vrschikasana B (scorpion pose).

Are you ready to stop chasing visions of the success you desire and starting living your dreams now?


10 X the income

10 X the clients

10 X the freedom


Do you know how this would look and feel for you?

Whenever you are in your business, it’s time to get real about the life and business you REALLY WANT.

Now is the time to transform your thinking and create a new marketing strategy from the inside out.

Live Your Legacy – NOW, will allow you to go DEEP into your inner truth and build out an entire strategy for 2015 that is in 100% ALIGNMENT with the LEGACY you want to leave on this world.

Challenge yourself to design a business that is aligned with the freedom, fulfillment and bliss you truly desire in 14 days, right here.

Kimley Foster – Google Analytics Training

Kimley FosterWhen it comes to online marketing, Kimley Foster’s approach is simple: make sure it’s working for you! “So many people will drive themselves crazy working on all kinds of marketing activities for their business, but not knowing which of their different strategies are actually converting into leads or sales” she says. “Imagine if you knew from the beginning of your launch EXACTLY where your sales were coming from, and you could put more time and resource into those strategies. Do you think your sales would go through the roof? You bet they would!”

She firmly believes in working smarter, not harder, is passionate about empowering you to understand and harness the power of Google Analytics to unlock hidden opportunities that will make you more money in your business. And best of all, she makes it super simple and easy to implement and understand. A few minutes a week is all you need!

After 9 years in the corporate world working on big brand digital and social marketing campaigns for the likes of Kellogg’s, Diageo, HSBC, and Tourism Ireland, she is bringing this powerful inside knowledge to women like you! Right now, she is giving away free training on Google Analytics that will show you how to implement it quickly and easily on your WordPress site for free, and three key things you can look at to get you started right away. This video training will give you REAL insights into how your marketing is working, and enable you to take action straight away.

Best of all, as a special offer for the Society Christmas Giveaway, if you sign up for her free video training today, you go in the running to win a DIY Google Analytics kit (worth $197) or a one-hour Done-For-You session where you get her eyes (and insights) on your numbers (worth $355)!

Grab her free training today and start making real money in your business with real insights!

Christina Hanna – Evernote 10 part video course

christina-laughing-round-small-300x300Hi there – I’m Christina from and here’s what I’m all about.

Women in this world today have had far too much pressure put on them to do everything, be everything, have everything.

We not only bear that weight on our shoulders, but what we also bear is the additional pressure we put on ourselves.

We put our own health, fitness, happiness and self care as the last item on our priority list instead of the first.

It can become unbearable and lead to overwhelm and burnout.

I’m an Efficiency Expert and I help busy entrepreneurs free up their time by becoming more efficient, more organised and more productive. Time regained can then be used for you. For self care, for work that ‘lights you up’. For health. For fitness. For quite simply – whatever you want.

Instead of ‘go, go, go’ and be busy ‘just because’ – I help you work smarter. Work easier. Work better.

I’ve been an I.T Project Manager in the corporate world – managing multi million dollar projects – for over 10 years. I decided I wanted to use those skills to help women help themselves. To break free from the rut of ‘doing it the way it’s always been done’.

If you want to learn how use one of my favourite productivity and efficiency apps – Evernote – I have a free 10 part video course on it – I’d love you to take it!

Tammy Hume – Bikini Body Blueprint

Tammy HumeDr Tammy helps women free themselves from the crazy diet roller-coaster so that they can finally create (and more importantly keep with ease) a body that looks as good on the outside as it feels on the inside.

Tammy is a Mind-Body Transformation Coach, Chiropractor, Nutritionist and former Personal Trainer who despite all her qualifications and knowledge spent most of her life battling with poor self-esteem and body image. Having done more diets than she can remember and battled with over-exercising, binge eating and bulimia for years she finally wound up with chronic fatigue and packed on 20 kg in 3 months and realised that enough was enough!

Having finally ended the war on her body and healed her dysfunctional relationship with food she is on a mission to help women FREE themselves from the shackles that have kept them on the sidelines of life for far too many years.

In this juicy FREE audio training Dr Tammy will teach you how to FREE yourself from the diet misery-go-round once and for all and discover the Bikini Body Blueprint that will allow you to ‘undiet’ your way to your best body ever (and actually keep it) in 2015. 

Rosemary Knight – Book: Get Their Attention & Make Them Buy

profile pic muminbusinessRosemary Nonny Knight  is the lady you come to when you are ready to explode your income & fight for the life and business you want.

Rosemary is a property investor, business coach, and the founder of the Wealthy Warrior Alliance and The League Of Warriors—online and offline mastermind groups that enable leaders to step into their true selves.  She believes abundance is your birth right and she will do whatever it takes to help you see that and create it in your business and life.

Though she works with clients all over the world, she lives in the UK currently, with the love of her life and three amazing warrior princesses whom she home educates. She knows first-hand what it is like to be busy and yet have a burning desire to play full out in the world.

You can connect with Rosemary and download a copy of her book, Get Their Attention & Make Them Buy – The Step by Step blueprint to generating more leads, doubling or tripling the size of your business & exploding your income NOW.

Sue Moore – Ebook: Beginner To Half Marathon Training

Sue MooreSue Moore is passionate about helping women live a healthier life though eating nutritious food, exercising their bodies through running and their minds through believing anything is possible.

Sue is a Fitness and Health Coach, Speaker, Author and Founder of RunSueRun.

Sue lived the corporate life in many marketing roles throughout England, Europe and Australia before retraining and qualifying as a Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Master Practitioner, Trainer and Master Ericksonian Hypnotherapist. She now helps her clients achieve their fitness and lifestyle goals using NLP techniques.

Sue worked at Jamie Oliver Ministry of Food where she helped others to learn and improve their cooking skills. She now shares her passion of healthy eating with other women to help reduce the global obesity epidemic one person at a time.

Sue has taken herself from a place of ‘I hate running’ to ‘I love running’, completed 7 half marathons and is training for her 1st marathon. She has inspired over 700 women internationally to do the same through her e-book “Beginner To Half Marathon Training – Discover How A Woman In Her Forties Took Up Running And Ran Her 1st Half Marathon With Five Months Training” You can download your FREE copy here.

Elles Lohuis – Podcast: Make Peace with Fear

Elles LohuisI’m Elles Lohuis, Ph.D. and Certified Coach. With over two decades of experience in international business, training and coaching, I relentlessly strive to empower women all over the world to raise the bar to their best life.

As a Mind Zest coach, I am skilled, caring and knowledgeable with a down-to-earth, no-nonsense approach.

I challenge you to make up your mind, right now. Get clear, confident and committed to make the durable change you always wished for. Let’s get from Intention to Realization – once and for all!

Constantly striving to live a life of fulfillment, I’m a real, living and breathing my work.

At the moment I’m at The Contemplation Café – open 24 / 7! Join me for your daily cup of meaningful thought and let’s High Five to Your Best Life!