
Join My Free 7 Myths Of Female Fat Loss Webinar!

Are you stuck never QUITE reaching your goals despite constantly putting the effort in? Determined to make 2011 your year but panicking a little that it’s already April and you still aren’t fully on track?

Well, I just may have some solutions for you 🙂

In this first ever (and exclusive!) Woman Incredible webinar you will find out the top 7 myths of female fat loss and the 3 things you absolutely MUST be doing if you’re serious about getting lean.

decide now: this WILL be your year!

If you are truly ready to draw that line in the sand and say that this IS your year, then I invite you to secure one of only 40 places on my free webinar.

When: Next Wednesday April 20th, at 8pm Melbourne time (AEST; GMT +10.00)

How long for: 60 minutes

Where: In the comfort of your home/office/bedroom/pjs!

how to register

It’s easy. All you need to do is mark the above date and time in your diary, follow the link below, and register for this body-changing webinar with Kat!

I can’t wait to have you on this webinar. It’s my first one, so I’m a little nervous. But I know it’s going to be rocking!

10 responses to “Join My Free 7 Myths Of Female Fat Loss Webinar!”

  1. Jules says:

    I’ll be there! 🙂

  2. Sonja Stendera says:

    thanks for the invitation, but I cannot come because I live in Europe..;)

  3. charity says:

    Can you save the webcast so we can watch it after the fact? The time it’s at occurs for me at 6am- not so convenient……

    • Kat says:

      I may do 🙂 I know what it’s like to get up at weird hours for webinars; I’ve often attended them in the middle of the night if it was something I really wanted to hear!

  4. Joanne says:

    Hi Kat,

    I’d like to attend your webinar.
    Can I ask how exactly it works? Is it done over skype?
    Sorry but this will be my first ever webinar!!

    • Kat says:

      Hi Joanne, it’s not Skype but it is just a free thing online or you can dial in using the phone. If you click the link to register it will give you all the details 🙂 it’s actually easy … but I was definitely confused the first time I attended one as well!

  5. Nancy says:

    Hi Kat,

    I’m a long time reader of your Body Incredible blog so I was very excited to hear about your new blog, Woman Incredible!

    I’m so excited for the Webinar, it’s my first one, but I’m willing to get up at 6 AM to listen to you speak!

    Thanks for the inspiration,

  6. Kat Eden says:

    My pleasure Nancy; see you on the call!