Success/Success Mindset

How often should you email your audience?

How Often Should I

My clients regularly freak out over not knowing how often to email their audience.

They worry they’ll be too pushy …

Overwhelm or annoy people …

Have their readers think they are being ‘salesy’ …

Or just that they don’t really have anything awesome to say anyway!

Do you ever feel this way?

To be honest I have to laugh when people ask ME if it’s a bad thing for them to email often … I’m kinda the queen of emailing a LOT. In case you hadn’t noticed ๐Ÿ™‚

So here’s my answer: How Often You SHOULD Email People? As often as you have something worthwhile to say!

Now here’s the thing, SOME people will not agree with you that what you’re saying is worthwhile! I get unsubscribes with nearly EVERY email.

This is roughly how I feel about that:

Long story short? I’ll keep on being busy doing MY biz my way, and if it doesn’t gel with some people? That’s totally cool. I didn’t get into this game to make everyone LIKE me, I got into it to make an IMPACT on the right people. The right people for ME. This means – people who get me.

People who not only like me, but LOVE me.

People who WANT to hear from me.

People who actually get disappointed when there’s NOT an email from me!

Plus, I have a lot to say ๐Ÿ™‚

But how does it fit in with you building your business and making MONEY?

Well I hope that when you email people it impacts your business positively! Your words are far and away your GREATEST business asset … if you use them wisely, that is!

Your words, whether spoken or written, should compel people to take ACTION.

Should MOVE people …

Should get them EMOTIONAL …

And ultimately make them realise – fuck. I really DO need to do something. She’s right. It’s TIME.

And then they buy your thing.

Now make no mistake. If you’re just emailing out boring list posts of blah-di-blah because the Gods of the Internet told you you should write a blog or send a newsletter then back away from the computer … fast! Nobody needs more random fluff in their inbox, or stuff that was written purely to try and SELL something or to try and ‘build your list’ or ‘go viral’ or something. If that’s your communication approach … good luck with that! You’ll need luck ’cause you sure aren’t being SMART.

See here’s the thing –

People WANT you to get their attention.

They WANT you to call them on your bullshit.

They want to be reminded to WAKE THE FUCK UP and start living like they mean it!

They want to be moved and yes they even want to spend money with you – a lot – if in doing so they will be FURTHER moved to create the life they want!

So how often should you email them? As often as you have something worthwhile to say that will get people’s attention, call them on their BS, wake them up and propel them to start living life like they mean it!

Personally, I am someone who wakes up DAILY with a message inside of me. I am a VERY creative person and a strong leader/communicator – not sending out my message each day in some form is like not showering or moving my body that day. I feel gross! And resentful/pissed off at the world. It’s like something I NEED to do. And I have no qualms in sending out extra emails purely because I feel I need to do so, regardless of whether or not I may have already bombed people’s inboxes that day.

Because I trust that when I DO feel I have something to say that it’s something that YOU need to hear.

And if that annoys you, then great – leave. Absolutely no hard feelings, but if me being me pisses you off? It’s not to either of our benefits to continue exchanging energy in ANY form.

When you email your audience based on what you THINK you should do, or when you AVOID emailing them because you’re worried it’s ‘too much’, you also essentially proclaim that you don’t trust in your own natural ability to know what is right for YOU and for your true tribe.

Which is kinda sad. Not to mention, it turns business into blah-ness. Business should be fun! It should be about you speaking your truth, not carefully packaging it and waiting till Monday to send out a version of it!


Let’s face it – whether or not you directly offer people something to buy, you are always selling.

You’re selling who you are …

What you stand for …

What you stand against …

And whether you’re just another boring woman on the internet trying to get money from me by hooking me in with a fancy website, pretty colours and carefully crafted launch material, or whether you’re actually one of the few people out there doing business – and life – like she goddamn means it.

So whether or not you THINK you’re selling, you are, and if you’re not careful?

Then ain’t nobody buying.

By ‘careful’, I mean – be you. Speak your truth. No filter. No BS. No fear.

And – since you’re selling anyway, why not ACTUALLY sell? Like, every time you email.

Yep, I’m going to go ahead and break the ULTIMATE rule on the internet right now, and say that you should deliberately sell every single time you email.

I know. Sacrilege!

But seriously – why the frick would you NOT offer people a way to work with you? What if they WANT to? The least you can do is let them know how you can help them! Because if you don’t? You’re kinda going down that whole ‘selling is evil’ path AND implying that if you WERE to be selling something it would be in some way manipulating or taking away from people in a BAD way.

Which implies you think your stuff is not worth buying and can’t transform people.

Do you?

I didn’t think so.

I know what you’re thinking because I used to think it too! –

“But how do you sell EVERY time Kat? Isn’t that kinda PUSHY? I don’t want to be salesy! I don’t want people to think I’m just trying to make them BUY! I’m just not like that!”

Not like what? Someone who helps people? Ba-boom, got you again ๐Ÿ˜‰

Can I tell you the solution? It’s REALLY freaking obvious once you know it – Sell after you first GIVE value.

Every single email you send should deliver TREMENDOUS value to your ideal clients.

Teach them something …

Show them something …

Inspire them ..

Motivate them …

Support them …

Or, best of all, MOVE them towards something and EMPOWER them to achieve the results they want in their life!

There are a ton of ways to do this, but usually I like to write something that is from the heart and that I know will help people, and then I just add a simple and usually quite short call to action at the end.

For example, I would love to be able to help YOU know how to be more powerful, more helpful, and more effective with the way you email your tribe.

I’d love to show you how to IMPACT on people with your every word …

How to propel them to want to take action …

And to want to WORK with you.