Showing Up
Success/Success Mindset

Showing Up Ain’t Showing Up

I’ve been lying to you this whole time. Every damn day I tell you, ‘all you have to do is show up!’. Make SPACE. BE there. And you know what? It’s fucking good start, and you sure won’t get far WITHOUT showing up, but do you want to know what showing up actually means?

And perhaps it’s not that I’ve been lying it’s more I need to CLARIFY, and tell you:

If you’re not showing ALL the way up, then the fact that your physical ass – whether online or off – showed up don’t mean jack shit.

In other words:

ALL of YOU has to show up in order for you to be marked present and in attendance.

It’s not enough to be halfway there, or even 80%. We can TELL when you don’t have your vibe on and you won’t SELL when you’re not energetically all the way there.

This is just one reason it is so fucking critical you do what you need to do for YOU in order to move forward in business. Business HAS to blend into life, because if you try and take you OUT of it then how in God’s good name could you possibly give us your TRUTH. And if you tell yourself to put off, for another day, what YOU need to be soul-aligned and living PURPOSEFULLY – no matter how SELFISH it may seem in the short-term to do so – then you ROB those who would or could follow you from connecting, fully, and maybe not even at all.

The truth is those who you’re born to serve and lead simply won’t see you if you’re not fully present –

Won’t know you exist.

Because you don’t stand out.

You don’t MAGNETISE them.

So they don’t SEE you, and if they do they don’t CARE and they certainly don’t BUY.

A leader, a revolutionary, someone who actually GIVES a fuck?

Shows the fuck up.