Success/Success Mindset

Don’t Be Scared

I know you have dreams inside of you.

Dreams that are so big, that to even think of them and fully hold them in your mind’s eye is terrifying. Dreams that make you wonder –

Who (the fuck!) am I to even think such a thing?

How dare I, and how could I, and what will people say?!

So, you step back. A little.

You shy away. A touch.

You WAIT. A while, and then a while more, and then a little more still, just until you can figure it out, be more sure, work out whether the consequences of leaping are ones you can handle.

Can I tell you?

Yes. Leaping fully very may well result in scary or uncomfortable or judgy or even nasty stuff happening. And, you’ll handle that stuff because you’ll have no choice. And, you’ll be okay. But I don’t know that you’ll be okay if you fail to leap for fear of what it might cause you to have to handle.

Will you?

I know you’re scared.

What will people say, what will they think, are you good enough and can you really do that?

They’ll say what they want to say.

They’ll think whatever they please.

(They’re probably already doing it!)

Being good enough is a bullshit made up concept that has nothing to do with anything. Who is the judge of that anyway?! I’m not even going to tell you that you ARE good enough already, because it almost implies that perhaps at an earlier point you weren’t, or that perhaps you are but somebody else is not.

It’s not about that. You are. You exist. So therefore, yes, you can do whatever the heck you please.

Will you fail, fall, make a fool of yourself, try a thousand paths before you find your true one?

Yes. No. Maybe. It doesn’t matter.

I know you’re scared.

Of walking away from the stuff that right now keeps you feeling trapped, bound, constricted, doing work you do because you, well, have to, right? Doing it in a way that sucks you daily further into the vortex of believing that if I just wait a little longer, learn a little more, prepare a little better, THEN I can leap.

I know you’re scared.

Of leaping fully, and what that would mean, and even how to do it! What do you really want? Who ARE you? What’s your true calling? You’re not sure! So, you wait.

But you’ll only be able to see the next step by taking the one in front of you right now. So travel the path of the dreams you can see today, and as you get there you’ll see further. Don’t travel, don’t learn what’s waiting for you, it’s kind of simple. And obvious.

I know you’re scared.

What if it doesn’t work, what if I’m rejected, what if I don’t make money, what if people realise I’m just making it up as I go along!

(We all are).

And also, what if it DOES work? Can I maintain it? Will I be okay? What will this mean for who I am NOW, for the rest of my life, WILL I BE GOOD ENOUGH?

But isn’t it more scary to never try, never know, never really even give it a go.

I know you’re scared.

And your fears are valid, a lot of the time. It’s not supposed to be about making it painless. You WILL have to bleed, you WILL have to cry, you WILL sweat and your soul will SCREAM.

But the alternative is far more painful, far more scary, and it’s far more incomprehensible to imagine you’d allow your life to be dictated by fear.

I know you’re scared.

But I know also that you’re strong.

You are resilient.

You have tenacity.

You have courage.

You can do whatever you truly set your mind to, and you’ve done so many times already.

I know you’re scared.

But I know also that you have a calling.

That there’s a reason you were born.

That you have gifts to share with the world.

That they will NEVER go away (they haven’t yet, why do you imagine it would change anytime soon?!).

And that if you’d just quiet the madness for a moment, you’d realise –

You believe.

In yourself.

In your ability.

To help people.

To move people.

To create.

I know you’re scared.

And I know you can leap anyway.

And deep down?

You know the same.

So enough with the waiting. The wondering. And the pretending. Enough with the lies you tell yourself, that a little more time will make you a little more ready.

Now is the time.

It’s all you have.

And enough is enough.

So today, be scared. And take the leap anyway.

Tomorrow, repeat.
