Ready to Deal With Your Shit, and Be Who You Were Born to Be? Here's How.
Success/Success Mindset

Ready to Deal With Your Shit, and Be Who You Were Born to Be? Here’s How.

{an open letter to the true leaders who are ready to actually lead}

**Read only if you firmly believe and KNOW that your greatest success will eventuate when you focus on who you choose to BE, rather than what you need to DO**

I’ve been thinking a lot of late about what it is I really DO. Okay, I’ll be honest, I never stop thinking about that! The truth is I rarely stop questioning ANYTHING to do with creating MY dream business and life, and ever-evolving it to where I can say I fully ‘live life on my terms’.

But yes, this question has been on my mind a little more of late. I’m kind of OVER the whole online thing at the moment. Maybe this is reflective of the fact that I’ve been investing a lot of my emotion and energy, more so than usual, on a pretty much day to day basis for some time now and just needed to step away a little bit (and did so this week with a short holiday to Bangkok), but I think it’s more than that.

I don’t mean I’m over BEING ONLINE; hell to the NO! I love being online! I love how much opportunity we have to be whoever we want to be; to create our God damn destiny, to have it all and do ANYTHING we set our minds to!

What I’m over? I’m over the way BUSINESS is being done online. Just look at that last paragraph I wrote, for example. About OPPORTUNITY and CHOICE and FREEDOM and the fact that we can do and be ANYTHING!

Because I don’t know about you, but when I look around? I’m not seeing too many people availing themselves of all these opportunities and choices! I mean, for fucks sakes, you take pretty much any random group of 100 online entrepreneurs and you’re going to find near to 100 samey-same websites, programs, pretty little packaged pieces, and in most cases even the same freaking wording and font style! Okay, so I know there might be like 4 or 5 different versions of the same-same stuff not just 1. But seriously? Whether you’re the soft calm hippy template or the ‘hey I’m out there’ template, you’re still DOING IT FROM A FUCKING TEMPLATE.

And the worst part is that 99 of these 100 don’t even know it, and if they did?

They don’t even care. They just want to know will it WORK, though, if I follow that template, that system, that process! And of course the answer is HELL NO but they will never get that and so they believe in the idea of a system, and therefore, like I said – they don’t care about the samey-same thing.

Not really.

Because what they’re here for, really, is to make money online. Not to start a revolution and change the world. They’re not LEADERS, so it’s not them I’m writing to anyway. I could write a whole ‘nother post about why this approach doesn’t fucking work for making MONEY but I think for you who I’m actually writing to, you already WELL and truly get it.

So then there’s the 1 in 100, or truth be told maybe even 1 in 1000. And you are the one who knows she was born for great and has NEVER fit the template. But I’m going to be straight up with you, and this is why I’m so fucking over it all right now:


Sure, not to the extent of most people. But it’s there, isn’t it?

You can feel it … you can feel the normal creeping in, sometimes less so, sometimes more so, but it’s there.

It’s there in the ‘can you look at my sales page?’ questions like that actually has anything to do with anything; it’s either from the heart and ALL OUT YOU, or it’s not!

It’s there in the ‘what program should I create?’ musings that trap you into thinking that you CREATING is something you need to sit down and PLAN rather than freaking RELEASE.

It’s there in the ‘how do I grow my list’, where you then invest your time, your energy, your resources, your emotion, your SOUL into trying to get a Facebook ad working or grow a list, or make your website more SEO friendly, or whatever the fuck it is that the kids are doing these days to be good little lead generators, instead of just DOING WHAT YOU CAME HERE TO DO FIRST and then getting it out to more people.

It’s there everytime you ask: how do I do that or how do I get there instead of just focusing on who you need to BE and then rocking the AWESOME out of being that person.

It’s there when you think that making more money is about increasing your conversions, or getting on the phone more, or whether you should or shouldn’t include a free webinar as part of your launch.

It’s there, in short, everytime you operate from the head and the ‘what should I do’, instead of the heart and the ‘who am I going to BE’.

Of course the reality is, at this point, I know there is only a VERY few, even within the group of those who self-identify as true LEADERS, who get what I’m saying.

Because most, most who even ARE nodding along right now are agreeing with me in PRINCIPLE but at the same time still wondering, yes, Kat but HOW DO I DO THAT and WHAT SHOULD I SELL?!

Can I just let my guard down with you here?


I don’t give a fuck what you sell! I don’t give a fuck whether you have this or that or the other thing on your sales page! I don’t give a fuck whether you use videos or webinars or freaking courier pigeons for your launch! I don’t give a fuck NOT because I don’t GIVE a fuck but precisely BECAUSE I give a fuck about you being the leader who you were born to be and honey THAT bitch is not going to get to fame, fortune, freedom and AWESOME by focusing on what she needs to DO.

It’s going to be about who she needs to BE.


Yes, yes, yes, Kat I GET it but okay I DO need to know what to sell and how to sell it!

NO FUCKING NO! If you were BEING who you need to be – for you first and foremost and then for the gift you were brought to the world to be then you would NOT NEED TO ASK THAT.

It would just come out of you! The WHAT as well as the HOW and I can tell you for REAL that it WILL NOT LOOK LIKE A FUCKING TEMPLATE.

And it will change the world and it will make you your millions.

So at THIS point? I’m probably talking to the 1 in 10,000, and you know what? That’s ok. Because if I have to try and EXPLAIN that last bit to you then YOU DO NOT GET IT AND THAT’S OKAY.

And here is what I would love to see:

I would love to see the 1 in 10,000 actually start rising up. I’d love to SEE YOU if you’re that person. I’d love for you to finally just FOCUS on the BEING you need to embody. Because what I know for sure is that when you do that?


And you can look back all you like and review with interest the different approaches or strategies you used or what you made and how you sold it, and you can bet for SURE that people will start trying to copy you and before you know it your particular brand of crazy awesome, which came from you just being you, will almost become a system or a template in itself, and you’ll smile and yes sometimes feel triggered (I do!) when you see people KIND of ‘being you’ and writing / speaking / doing biz like YOU do, but the truth is you’ll look back and know:

It’s not about how I fucking did it!

It’s about who I chose to BE!

And here is where I come in, and where I’d love to help you.

I’m not your business coach, okay?

I’m not your fucking SYSTEMS person. Sure, I’m happy to talk about MY system till the cows come home, ’cause I love what I do because it’s based on who I AM, but if you want to know about my system because you think that following it will get you to YOUR gold? Well. Just re-read this whole article, but especially the last few minutes worth.

I can’t help you come up with a PLAN if by plan you mean what should I DO.

I can’t help you fix your sales page or your launch or your lead gen or funnel or marketing PROCESSES and I can’t help you know EXACTLY WHAT WILL SELL if you’re not first and foremost BEING WHO YOU NEED TO BE.

So when you ask me about this stuff, and my answer often comes back to some kind of version of ‘do whatever feels right for YOU’, there is a fucking REASON for that. And I think I just explained that reason 🙂

And if you don’t KNOW what feels right for your, and you can’t seem to tap into that, and you’re not, well, feeling it?



All the more reason you need to get busy on the BEING not the doing! The more you’re NOT sure who you want to be the deeper you need to go INTO that, until you know, until you’re doing it, until you’ve internally BECOME the ‘one day’ person of your wildest fantasies.

And trust me:

As much as I’d be happy to help that person find clarity around their offers, their processes, their sales and marketing and whatever, the reality?

That person fucking KNOWS already.

That person is the kind of person who just makes hit HAPPEN, they’re the kind of person who figures out the answers BY VIRTUE OF WHO THEY ARE. And who they’re being.

So when you come to me and you want to know why it’s not working yet because hey! I’ve been getting my stuff out there for weeks now and I’m being REALLY real these last few weeks or even months, and I did everything you do or you said about how you do sales pages and launches and so on and so forth PLEASE EXCUSE ME IF I WANT TO THROW SHIT AT YOU THROUGH THE COMPUTER.

Because it is not.



And it is not.


Something I want to hear about if you’ve been ‘giving it your all’ now for however many fucking WEEKS, or MONTHS! ESPECIALLY if your version of giving it your all is based around what you’ve been DOING, rather than who you’ve been BEING!

So let me tell you what I do, really.

And where I can help.

I can help you figure out your shit and become who you were born to be.

It’s that simple.

I’ll reach into your soul and pull out your deepest desires and the truths you’ve always known but perhaps never fully faced, about what your life is supposed to be about.

I’ll reach deeper into your soul and shine a light on the stuff you allow to STOP you.

And then I’ll help you blast THAT shit to Kingdom Come.

So that you can fully embody BEING the leader, the game-changer, the revolutionary who you were born to be.

I can help you find CLARITY –

Around your message –

And the path you’d most love to take –

Around what it’s all supposed to be about, really! About what you most LONG for, and what you truly would be happy to never do again.

I can help you get to ABSOLUTE CONFIDENCE –

About your dreams. And the full certainty that they can come true.

I can get you into action. IMMEDIATE action. On BEING the person you were born to be. The person who KNOWS they’re path. Who GETS what it’s all for. Who DOES THE FUCKING WORK not because she has a list or a strategy but because of who she IS.

In short?

I can help you flick that inner switch from one day, to now.

And in order for me to be able to do all of this, it’s really quite straightforward:

You need to be willing to acknowledge – finally and also FULLY – what you’re actually here for.

You need to be okay with me pulling out your shit and if need be flinging it at you until you can’t stand the stink so much that you actually God damn DEAL with it.

You need to face UP TO that thing you’ve always had inside of you.

You need to OWN the fact that you’re a leader, a creator, an artist. That something you DO is online marketing, but that’s NOT WHO YOU ARE.

And you need to be okay with letting go of trying to know how to DO ALL THE STUFF before you first DEAL with the stuff you’re hiding from yourself and start living AS THAT PERSON.

And then?

Well then you need to be willing to let ALL OF YOU out into the world.

In whatever fucking form it comes out.

Because you know that for you? The millions and the difference will be made from the MESSAGE and from who you ARE, and from when you truly COMPLETELY share the truths inside of you with the world.

From when you turn your light on.

And let that motherfucker burn.

And while you may well have ‘offers’ and ‘sales pages’ and ‘systems’ and the like it will NEVER BE ABOUT THAT SHIT.

It won’t freaking MATTER how it looks –

Or what the structure is –

Or whether it makes no sense at ALL, in the ‘internet marketing’ world, but what will matter is that it embodys the core of YOU, the leader, YOU, the revolutionary, YOU, one of the 1 in a MILLION who is willing to actually bare their soul and DO WHAT THEY CAME HERE TO DO.

And if you can be okay, heck fucking PUMPED, with all of that rather than scared off by it? If you KNOW that this is how it’s meant to be for you, that what you’ve been missing is the BEING and that you’re finally DONE with worrying about the doing?

And if you’re ready to give ALL of you.

Then I can help.

I have a Society.

It’s a Society of Women Who Dream Big, and Make Shit Happen.

It’s a Society for leaders, of course, but honestly?

Only a very particular type of leader.

The 1 in 10,000, MAYBE.

The 1 in 1 million more likely.

The one who resonated FULLY with what I just wrote.

Who GETS it.

Who is DESPERATE for it.


For letting GO of the … stuff. Of the NOTHINGNESS posing as SOMETHING. Of the … detritus of the online world and the ridiculous ridiculous GIVING A FUCK about what to do and how to do it.

It’s for the woman who was born to lead the leaders.

The woman who has such a deep deep burn inside of her she knows she will NEVER be satisfied, NEVER be done, NEVER stop creating and leading and caring TOO much but ultimately who knows that this chick?

Was born to change the world.

And that that will happen, not when she gets more done and not when she learns more about WHAT to do or HOW to do, but when she steps up –

Fully –

And boldly –

And quite simply –

Becomes what she was born for.