
The World Needs You to Be You

I had this dream for so long –

It was really more of a calling.

The more I resisted it, the more it spoke to me –

But yet for some reason I still couldn’t manage to listen! Because in spite of the calling, and the pulling, and the constant voice inside my head telling me that this was my THING, this was what I was meant to do, this was what I HAD to do, all I heard was –

You can’t. You shouldn’t. People don’t really want that. People don’t really want you. (At least not THAT way). And besides, what’s the point?

Have you ever had a calling to do something completely different, to be someONE completely new?

And have you listened, or have you done the ‘sensible’ thing and continued on your path to success the way you’d already planned, the way it seems you should, the way that simply makes SENSE?

A funny thing about living your purpose

YOU might see it as a hugely big deal to get paid for THAT, that nobody would want to hear it from YOU, that you can’t, you shouldn’t, and you don’t know how anyway!

But somebody out there is already making money doing what YOU say you can’t –

And somebody out there is making a difference in the way that you were MOST called to do –

And if you’re not careful, then somebody out there will get to go to bed night after night certain that they are living their destiny –

And it won’t be you.


[pq]The truth is that you do have a purpose, you do have a calling, and there IS a reason that you were brought to this earth, at this time.[/pq]

(And no. It’s not so that you can Be Busy or Be Efficient, or Answer All Of Your Social Media Notifications :))

Are you living your purpose?

It’s actually a yes or no question.

And the answer is one you FEEL rather than think.

The typical approach to living your purpose, I’ve found, goes something like this –

Journal about, think about, write about and dream about it for YEARS in the cracks and crevices of Doing Everything You’re Meant to Be Doing, but don’t actually REALLY do anything about it, apart from perhaps the odd half-hearted endeavour that you can then very quickly say didn’t work when really you just didn’t keep going –

Become successful to a point by doing the stuff you THINK that you know people expect and want from you, the stuff that actually ‘makes money’ or ‘makes sense’. At some point (often right from the start!) begin to sabotage this success because hey! Imagine if you actually succeeded at doing what you’re not meant to do! You might even stick with it!

Go round and round in circles often for YEARS trying to figure out what your true calling is when YOU ALREADY KNOW IT AND HAVE KNOWN IT ALL ALONG IF ONLY YOU’D LISTEN

Come timidly back to that same place of wondering if you can, how you can, whether it could be even a TINY bit possible, pretty much every time you do any sort of internal work, but then run scared and back to your realistic path –

All the while wondering why, despite how hard you’re working and how you’re dotting every ‘i’ and crossing every ‘t’ you just can’t seem to catch a break and WHY WON’T IT ALL JUST WORK?! –

EVENTUALLY – MAYBE – and FINALLY – realise that fuck.

You knew it all along.

And fuck (although also, awesome) –

You actually can make money doing that.

You actually can make a difference doing that.

You actually can succeed at being you.

On the weekend I ran my 2-day Melbourne event for women who just wanted to get it all freaking DONE in their businesses.

I found myself apologising a little, for not including more strategy and ‘how to’. Not going deeper into marketing and sales and the latest must-know way to advertise or ‘do’ social media.

“I know you guys want to know the how to”, I said –

“But I really feel we need to take this time first for alignment, and clarity. For going within and finding who you really are and who you really want to become”

That last part? That’s the work I really love to do. It’s the work I feel MATTERS. It’s the work that I base my own wealth and otherwise success on. I’ve found that when I focus on my INNER stuff then my OUTER stuff just works. And the particular strategy I use? Doesn’t matter a damn.

But for some reason, I wanted to (selfishly, perhaps!) hide this from my clients –

Felt scared that if I REALLY speak about the stuff I want to, the stuff I think matters, the stuff I KNOW actually creates wealth and freedom, that people will feel ripped off –

That there should have been more ‘cutting edge’ sales and marketing talk –

More how-to –

More latest and greatest –

Even though this is not how I run my business and not what I think matters at ALL!

So I apologised, a little, for not spending more time on the magic bullet bag of tricks that I assume everyone wants when they attend a business event, an intensive one.

And I was truly SURPRISED when the feedback I got was –

Thank God.

We don’t need any more of that.

We need CLARITY.




And to be in an environment where we are challenged to BECOME OUR BEST.

Which is, kind of, exactly the stuff I do best.

How about that?! My ideal clients, my “inner circle”, the people I MOST love to work with and help ACTUALLY WANT WHAT I MOST WANT TO GIVE.

And it’s the stuff I’ve been giving all along, but in the shadows. Almost apologetically. Thinking I can ‘get away with’ ‘sneaking it in’, if I package it up in enough fancy ‘how to make money’ strategy.


And also – for fucks sake. I could have just been doing what I really wanted to this whole time!

Last week I shut down one of the most successful programs I’ve ever created. One that people joined because they wanted to know how to make money online, they wanted the strategy and the how to, and a plan to follow.

The truth is that I don’t do join the dots. I’m not really a teacher in that sense. And I actually don’t believe that there IS a plan to follow, even though I can do a damn good job of creating one and even though following it CAN work.

But not in the sense that going WITHIN yourself can work. Not in the sense that creating clarity and ALIGNMENT works. Not in the sense that figuring out WHO YOU REALLY WANT TO BE and then going out and doing it NOW works. And so I’m no longer interested in working at a level where there is ANY implication that the answer is more ‘how to’.

Funny thing is, I really did think that’s what people wanted from me.

Instead, the people who are my IDEAL clients, are thanking me for stepping away from the tips and tricks and for instead being the LEADER they need me to be. Who guides, pushes and EMPOWERS them to figure out their OWN true message and voice.

What do people really need you to do?

Who do they really need you to be?

And who are you trying (and most likely NEVER quite succeeding at!) being instead?

I had a dream, for a long time, of writing every day.

Of waking up, sharing the message that was on my heart, and in some ways building a business from it. And for years I told myself I couldn’t, I shouldn’t, it’s not what people want from me. And I journalled and wrote and thought about how amazing it would be to be a leader, an inspiration, to empower others to live the life they are truly called to live.

But I thought that stuff on MY time, and in my work hours? I busily built a business based around giving people what I THOUGHT they need and want.

It never occurred to me that people could actually just want me to be me.

It never occurred to me I could just wake up every day and say what’s on my mind.

It never occurred to me that through all those years of journaling and dreaming and imagining I had the frickin answer all along! (Hint: your old journals are GOLD for finding who you really want to be!)

It never occurred to me, that when I finally crossed the million dollar income mark in my business it would not be because of all of the strategy and teaching and telling people how to do it, but it would instead be because I just woke up.

Shared my message.

And taught others how to do the same.

Can I tell you a secret?

The road to success is actually REALLY easy, once you get out of your own way.

FEEL into what you want. BELIEVE it is possible (belief is a CHOICE, by the way). Commit to seeing it happen. And then follow through and press play.

The one thing that underlies all of this and makes it possible?

Wake up and be you. The world NEEDS you to be you, and if you can finally get the heck out of your own way and get over your ideas of what people want from you, I promise you –

They’ll even thank you for it.

And you’ll wonder why on earth you held off for so long.

So now that you know –

Why on earth would you keep holding off?


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