Success/Success Mindset


I wonder, when things don’t go your way, you don’t get what you want or you find yourself feeling down and out, hurting, confused about how such and such happened AGAIN or why you still didn’t break through, do you actually pause to ask why you chose that?

Or are you so gung-ho about picking yourself up and proving that you’ll keep going, do what it takes, no matter what it takes, until it takes, that you forget results ain’t just about hustle?

Unless when you say HUSTLE of course, you understand what hustle really is, which is aligned action towards purpose and in this case, in fact in ANY case where you at first don’t succeed aligned action to follow through on that is a HELLUVA lot more than simply ‘try try try again’.

The ‘try try try again’ mindset is precisely why so many amazing, badass, ‘born for it’ people who are INDEED called, chosen, designed for a life less ordinary, and so on, never quite the damn dream.

They may get close – 

They may get a LOT closer than just about everybody they know –

They may truly have so much to be grateful for, and celebrate, and delight in the accomplishment of – 

But have it ALL? Have total flow? Have everything they ever dreamed of, on their terms? No. That won’t happen just with the ‘try try try again’ methodology, because what picking yourself up and having another go doesn’t account for is WHY WAS THE DAMN CRACK THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE?

“How did this even happen, and why did I CHOOSE it, why in fact was I not allowing for anything other than this?”

If you’re not asking these sorts of questions, and INSISTING upon a clear and immediate answer from higher self, soul, God, all of the above, then guess what?

YOU are gonna get to keep experiencing the same lesson over and over again until you get it. And all of the trying in the world can’t stop that, because hey hey – the thing of not getting what we want only happens when there’s still something we need to know or understand.

Of course the thing we don’t yet know or see yet could well be that that thing we thought was our ideal dream, ‘our’ thing, was in fact not at all, it could be that there’s something INFINITELY better in store for us, and we will look back and thank GOD it all worked out the way that it did.

In general I would say that believing this IS just how it will be, in all areas, is a pretty helpful and sensible way to look at life. Especially since, in the end, you ALWAYS get what you expect!

But meanwhile –


Meanwhile, why DON’T you look at the shit in your life which is STILL so far from where you want it to be, and in particular why don’t you look at any area where it feels like shit really blew up or fell apart, and why don’t you just pause for a SECOND before hustling on, and ask –

Why DID I choose this?

Why did I allow this?

Why did I in actual fact NEED for this to happen? 

If it’s something which feels outside of the control of your own choices or desires, or particularly as though it happened TO you rather than was something you had any input over, I would say it’s all the MORE important to ask these questions and to CONSCIOUSLY TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for all your outcomes.

What, you’d rather a life in which you believe you have no power or ability to dictate your reality? Good Lord!

The thing is, when you dig in, which you really only need to do for a moment, but honestly though, before the truth
becomes clear, you will be unable to deny that what it all really comes down to is BELIEF.

You could say you chose it because you needed to learn that lesson again –

Or because you don’t yet consider yourself worthy –

Or because the ‘actual thing you want’ feels too hard, you’re not sure if you have what it takes to give what it costs –

But really it’s ALL just belief.

And maybe it’s time to admit –

I haven’t been allowing myself to believe I can have all that I really want in this area.

I’ve been dancing with a shadow version of my ideal.

Convincing myself I have to settle, sacrifice, accept ‘less than’. And then pretending that I really really want that, and then getting all down and sad when I don’t get it, when it doesn’t work!

When the truth is, the ABSOLUTE truth I now no longer care to deny, THAT WASN’T MY ACTUAL DREAM ANYWAY.

And what I really want is THAT.

And how I really want it is EXACTLY LIKE THIS.

And, when I put aside fear, and connect back to my core, what I really believe, what I ACTUALLY believe, beneath all the bullshit, beneath all the conditioned nonsense, beneath all the cracks, beneath all the self-worth la-di-dah WHATEVER, is I ACTUALLY believe that THAT –

That ‘all of it, on my terms’ version of it –

Is exactly
and in NO uncertain terms
what I am gunna have.

So why did nothing work up ’til now? Why have I not yet got what I really want? Well, could be, and I’m just guessing of course, could be you don’t have what you really want yet because you HAVEN’T BLOODY WELL ASKED FOR WHAT YOU REALLY WANT!


No adjustments.

No ‘oh, lemme just dial down this one bit because THAT would be too much’.

NOTHING held back.

Look –

I know how scary it is to ask for what you really want.

I FULLY get the fear that goes in to laying down your true desires before God, before your self.

But it’s a helluva lot scarier to keep allowing yourself to create the wrong life, because you’re not brave enough to trust in the truth that ALL your desires will be granted to you in God.


You can continue to wail and moan and wonder when you don’t get what you want.

Or you can take a good hard look at the fact that it wasn’t what you really wanted anyway,

That you NEEDED the lesson of shit not working, or knocking you back down again,

And that it’s time to decide better. Decide fully. Decide in what you’re actually being shown is yours. And then CHOOSE THE MOTHERFUCKING BELIEF TO GO WITH IT.

You don’t get everything you always dreamed of and were destined for and then you can finally believe in it –

You finally believe in it,

and then you are able to have it.

Remember –


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