If you’re honest with yourself, the truth is it was never fully what you wanted anyway, was it?
That thing that never worked out, the idea you couldn’t get off the ground, the business that just fizzled and eventually flopped, the person who was continually JUST beyond that place of really feeling like you could connect to them and relax, if you’re HONEST about it you already knew –
That it wasn’t a fuck yes –
That you were trying to talk yourself into it –
And that while you definitely did a NEARLY convincing job of doing so the fact of the matter is it wasn’t shocking at ALL that it didn’t flow and deep down, deep down where you avoided looking because fuck, it would have meant THEN what?!
You didn’t want it to work anyway.
Because while it might have seemed like a dream, and what a GREAT one in so many ways, so many oh-so-valid reasons why it was a really really good idea, a really really good thing, a really REALLY convincing endeavour, it was actually not really YOUR dream.
Not quite –
Which, again if you wanna be straight up honest about it –
Means not at all.
And here is the thing, the thing you need to remember about fuck yes, okay maybe a few things we all get to remember about fuck yes:
Fuck yes requires no try.
Fuck yes does not concern itself with analysis.
Fuck yes ain’t FUCK yes if you’re continually explaining to your friends why it’s fuck yes.
You would NEVER use words like ‘maybe’, or ‘I think’, or ‘I hope’, or ‘we’ll see, but it looks pretty great!’ with fuck yes. THAT IS NOT A THING.
You know all of this. It’s BEYOND obvious (once you finally let go of the thing you were so desperately trying to convince yourself was your thing. Insert eye roll emoji!)
And as soon as you wake the fuck up, you’ll look back and you’ll shake your head and laugh at how much you PUSHED, because oh oh oh, guess what else fuck yes doesn’t require?
PUSHING and FORCING and thinking about how to manoeuvre.
No sirree Bob. Also not a thing!
So at first when it flops, when it falls, when it breaks, when it’s whisked away from you before you even really got a grasp on it, I KNOW darling, oh – I know.
You will cry.
You will bleed.
You will wail.
There will be gnashing of teeth and tearing of clothes and hair and why NOT? You’re hurting. It’s not fair! You really thought you had this thing going on and finally, well, it sounds a bit heartless to put it this way, but still –
You thought you’d finally got your thing SORTED, and now you could relax in that area and just make it work but baby baby baby let’s say it again FUCK YES DON’T NEED YOU TO MAKE IT WORK.
But the work will be clear, it will not be murky, and it will be exciting and expansive even when it’s confronting or painful. And most of all –
You will just KNOW, unquestionably, that this is your thing, and you will be UNFUCKINGSHAKEABLE in that.
It won’t matter what your nearest and dearest say or think about the matter because YOU WILL JUST KNOW.
Your higher self and your surface human-y self will be in HARMONY. Certainty is certainty girl, that’s all there is to say about that.
But yeah.
It will hurt at first.
That’s okay.
You’re human.
You’re allowed to shed a tear or three for the idea of the STORY you had fallen for. But make no mistake, and recognise that THAT is what you’re upset about and not much else. You fell for a story you created about what could or should have been, and now you have to face up to the fact that that wasn’t your story, and God damnit it’s ANNOYING.
But it’s also totally fine.
YOU will be fine.
And, what’s more, the deeper truth is THANK FUCK IT DIDN’T WORK.
Because what you see as failure or rejection is really God’s PROTECTION as He prepares your TRUE thing for you.
And you for it.
I look back now,
Over all the many ideas and business ventures I embarked upon which failed terribly –
The ghosts of domain names past continually popping up for renewal to remind me of what I thought was ‘IT’ –
Or, fuck, even the various lifestyle adventures and plans I poured so much of myself into –
And all I can think, with all these things that fizzled away, is thank FUCK.
THIS business,
THIS life,
Is SO.
And it NEVER.
Had those earlier things worked out for me.
It is SHOCKING to even CONSIDER I may accidentally have given my life for something I had to FORCE, to ‘MAKE’ work, to THINK about, to continually analyse or consider!
I’m horrified at even the idea.
So while it was amongst the toughest and most never-ending part of my journey to be wait wait waiting for MY thing to click in, my GOD am I grateful.
I thought many times that things just weren’t working and it just wasn’t fair and it was SO HARD, but I look back now and I see so clearly –
God saved me.
My Higher Self saved me.
My SOUL fucking SAVED me.
There was NO failure or rejection at all, there was only God and self-protection! To make space for the path I was always eventually gonna land on but yet could NOT have had that earlier stuff ‘paid off’.
So I want you to think about the area of your life which right now feels hard.
And so slow-moving.
And maybe you’re getting pretty damn teary or weary about how much it hurts at times.
And I want you to take a deep breath.
Roll your shoulders back.
And I want you to say THANK YOU.
THANK YOU higher self.
For saving me from the thing which I was trying to make the thing.
And paving the way?
For the actual fucking thing.
Fuck yes ain’t fuck yes until it’s fuck yes baby.
You know this.
Choose to be brave enough to be true to it.
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