Alignment, Entrepreneurship


This is what I want to tell you today.

You can do it.

ALL of it.

Every last dream –

Desire –

Idea –

Which has made its way into your heart –

Soul –

Cells –

Was put there for a reason.

Didn’t you KNOW?

Didn’t anybody TELL you?

God does not GIVE you a dream which is not yours.

If you dream it –

If you imagine it –

If you DESIRE it –

If you can’t stop THINKING about it –


Not only is all of that PRECISELY how it is you will CREATE it (focus baby, focus!), but also –

It simply means it’s yours. If it keeps coming back to you, if it keeps showing itself to you, if you see signs of it all around you, if you can’t seem to let go of wanting it even if you TRY, IT MEANS IT’S YOURS.

And don’t you see?

Don’t you GET it?

Isn’t it OBVIOUS?

If it’s yours then it just makes sense that you are allowed to CLAIM it as yours! What, you think you need to somehow prove your WORTHINESS for something that came to YOU?! You didn’t go out there –

I assume! –

And just make some shit up that you thought might be cool, that you thought would make you good enough or accepted or credible as a fucking HUMAN –

And then try to force it on like a badly fitting outfit, try to force yourself to want it, need it, take and own it.

We’re TALKING about something which came to YOU!

Knocked on the door of your soul, and told you –

I’m yours.

Take me.

Chase me.

Own me.


And here you are, in an EXTREMELY bizarre fashion, if you think about it, acting like you need to somehow convince or cajole or trick this thing that already TOLD YOU it’s yours into being yours!

Tell me –

When you act like that in a relationship, romantic or otherwise, how does that work out for you hmmm? When you act needy …. odd … desperate … or simply as though you’re not GOOD enough and please please PLEASE like and want me, please think I’m worthy, how does that WORK OUT FOR YOU?!

Just a guess –

Not so well!

And yet with your goals and dreams and desires, the very things which came to YOU, asking and hoping and praying and eventually perhaps even begging for you to LET THEM LIVE you act as though you are not worthy of THEM!

Don’t you see?

If a dream comes to you –

Is given to you –

No matter HOW great and powerful and audacious and freaking IMPOSSIBLE that dream might be –

It came to you because YOU are the one meant to create it. It came to you because IT needs YOU in order to breathe and live. It came to you because you were born for one another.

And when you hold it at arms length –

Refuse to embrace and own it –

Refuse to become ONE with it and CREATE it –

You reject not only the idea and the dream, but you say no to the destiny you were put on this earth to create.

So when you say –

That you can’t have that –

That it’s too hard –

That nobody would pay for THAT –

Or that it’s never been done like that before and it makes no sense!


This is NOT a situation of YOU needing to elevate your own confidence or worth in order to be “allowed” the dreams which have been planted within you. It’s time to reframe that shit NOW, because what’s really going on?

You’re making the DREAM unworthy.

You’re saying IT is not allowed to live.

You’re refusing to give it what it needs, which baby?

Is you.

So I urge you –





Let your dreams live.

GIVE yourself to them.

Acknowledge that if it comes to you –

And it comes to you –

And it comes to you –

And it COMES to you –

It’s because it BELONGS to you and WANTS you.


Because also? This –

If it comes to you –

And it comes to you –

And it comes to you –

And it COMES to you –

And you DON’T take and own and have and hold and CREATE it?

Eventually it will give up.

Walk away.


All this time you’ve been waiting to be ready to press play and chase the dream life you really want, do the work that sits most deeply inside you, be the creator you came to this earth to be –

All this time you’ve been hoping that one day you’ll be GOOD enough and you’ll be able.

And all this time?

Your dreams have been waiting for you to acknowledge THEM as good enough and worthy enough of you.

Stop killing your dreams beautiful, please, for THEIR sakes, but also?

It’s a two for one deal.

Kill them.

You kill you.

So whether you do it because you decide to care enough about letting your dreams have their shot at being brought to life by the vessel who was brought here to DO so, or whether you do it because you actually at some point decide to give a fuck about letting your OWN life be one of purpose, is up to you.

Either way –

At some point, if you want it?

You’re going to need to get the fuck over this rather unattractive immature self-worth bullshit you’ve got going on, and be the person your dreams, your art, your MESSAGE needs to be.

If you can’t do it for you.

Do it because the world is waiting for you.

And whatever you do,