
Staying in Alignment When You’re Moving Through Quicksand {Podcast 67}

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I’ve been struggling with resisting lately. It’s part of being an artist and creator. It’s interesting. Whenever I go through a phase of deeper resistance – it shows up in all my work. Usually I get fantastic feedback, but sometimes I get schooled: “oh, you’re not following your true path.” Thanks, but DUDE, SERIOUSLY!

It’s part of life. I’m open about it. Not many people are.

See, this is how I do life, business, EVERYTHING. I’m committed to showing up despite the daily resistance, fear, and doubt which comes as an unavoidable part of what we do, who we are, and how we choose to live.

There are periods of my time where everything goes SO GREAT, and sometimes there are periods where everything is like “OH MY GOD, ARGH!”

I’m in one of those periods. And for me, I just put it all out there. I feel it’s important to just put it out there. Regardless of how far down the road you go, it’s DAILY. Resistance is DAILY. Sometimes it’s like quicksand, and sometimes it’s just like swatting a fly aside.

Sometimes it’s okay to be vulnerable. To cry. To let it LOOSE. It’s okay to get emotional. JUST BECAUSE YOU’RE VULNERABLE, does NOT mean you’re screwing it up. LIFE happens.

You’re fucking human, gorgeous.

Remember that.

No matter what you’re going through, just remember: show up. It won’t always go according to plan.

  • Life can get hard… keep going
  • Resistance is a DAILY practice
  • Shit happens, love
  • Show up
  • Own YOU
  • Sometimes it looks like you’re hiding
  • Being honest with yourself, and being okay with yourself will allow yourself to get through this period

Today’s exercise:
What do you need to let out today gorgeous? Journal freely and let it OUT!
