I HATE selling for the sake of selling. It is the biggest crock of horseshit in the world, the idea that just because you (or I) might want / need / scream for READY CASH that we should sit down and decide upon Something to Sell.
Basically what it is is saying, ‘oh no no no – NO creative flow for me today; step ASIDE path from the heart! I gots to get my HUSTLE on!’
Not that I’m anti hustle, I fucking LOVE hustle. I’ve hustled my ass off since I was 5 years old selling my hand-drawn pictures door to door and figured out I made MORE sales if I took my 2 year old brother with me. Cuteness factor increases sales, write that down.
So yeah – LET’S hustle and let’s even do it with the smarts to figure out HOW to increase the effectiveness of said hustle, get more bang for our buck and more people THROUGH.
But let’s do it with fucking intent, yeah?
And maybe even the CLASS of actually selling shit that we want to be selling –
That we fully believe in –
And which we’re freaking excited to sell!
When was the last time you sold something you were wetting your PANTS with glee about, so excited where you that you were going to sell THIS, that you were going to then be able to DO it, and that the WAY you were selling it was just so on point, so fun, so ALIGNED?
I know some of you are doing it …
I know because it SHOWS when you’re selling something you believe in.
I can feel it.
And so can THEY.
AND SO CAN YOU, which really does beg the question:
WHYYYYYYYYYYYY in all that is good and all that is freaking POSSIBLE in this fabulous online world of adventure and HAVE IT ALL so long as you go GET it all, would you –
Sell something that doesn’t fit your version of having it all?!
Well, I can hazard a few guesses. As it happens. Not that I’ve ever personally experienced this shit, you understand!
You do it because you want the money.
Or you need the money.
Or your coach told you to.
Or THEY told you to.
Or because EVERYBODY’S doing it. (Didn’t we learn that already as kids; the whole not jumping off cliffs with the rest of the lemmings thing?? Apparently not.)
Or because don’t you understand; that’s just how it’s DONE, it’s the system! You can’t fuck with the system!
Or because you don’t BELIEVE in yourself.
Or –
(And this one really gets me)
– maybe it’s because you haven’t realised or taken OWNERSHIP of the fact that actually?
You can sell whatever the fuck you WANT to sell and there
Oh, don’t get me wrong! If your THING is internet marketing biz-in-a-box then YES there are rules and best you pull your head back in and follow them with the rest of the sheep-zombie-lemming people.
Good luck!!
But I THOUGHT (and please, do tell me if I’m wrong; no wait DON’T tell me just leave, go, run, beGONE from THIS community of asskickery), I THOUGHT –
That you were a creator –
A leader –
With a message to shake the WORLD with.
(And again, please just ADMIT it if actually you’d prefer to stay safe in the box; it’s okay to be normal. We need normal; us TRUE crazies need to be able to HIRE you guys or at least use you for contrast to affirm how crazy we ARE) –
I thought that you were committed –
To doing biz –
Creativity –
Life –
As you?
Not as the ‘this’ coach or the ‘that’ coach but as fucking YOU!
And just on a side note: if you’re trying to do creativity as anybody NOT you, you REALLY need to go look up what creativity means.
So seriously, what gives? WHY are you conforming, jumping through hoops like a fucking show pony, and SELLING SHIT FOR THE SAKE OF FUCKING SELLING?
Do you even HAVE an answer, or is it just a bad habit? Do you actually even think it’s going to WORK??! I’m not even talking just the money, although COME ON, you know it doesn’t work from a money standpoint to sell out of alignment, not for US; we don’t LET it work.
But what about the whole do what you LOVE thing? What about alignment? What about creative growth? What about fun? What about TRUE freedom in your business?
How’s it working out for you there?
Thought so.
And isn’t it TIME for you to commit to the business, the life, the YOU who you want to be?
You’re either fully committed and you WILL make it happen, or die trying …
Or you’re fully fucking kidding yourself and you will NEVER get there, and you sure as shit don’t belong here.
But if you KNOW you belong –
Then start acting it.
And if you know you have a true message to share, then baby start SHARING it. DAILY. All in.
And if you know that you’re selling for a dollar not from desire to sell what you’re selling, then just STOP it, okay!!
You’re making a fool of yourself and a joke of the gifts you’ve been given. Those gifts are for REAL, you know, and SO IS THIS LIFE. This isn’t the fucking warm-up game. YOU’RE LIVING IT NOW. Who you’re being, what you’re doing, what you’re creating and NOT, what you’re SELLING or not, that is what you are MAKING of your life.
And of yourself.
So, really, all we need to know?
Are you cool with that?
As you go to bed tonight and your head hits the pillow and you stop to HONESTLY answer the question as to whether you’re going all in … will it be an answer you’re cool with?
If you’re serious about business on your terms, AS the crazy mofo superhero creator revolutionary fucking leader you ARE, then you don’t get to wait till it’s time.
Now is the time that it is.
And what you’re doing now?
Is who you are.
It’s what the world sees.
And it’s what you’re dying for.
Worth it?