Entrepreneurship, Get a grip

Do the work you were sent to do because it’s the work to do

The most relaxed point in an entrepreneurs career, particularly one who is called to POUR FORTH A THING which absolutely comes through and from and beyond her and is thus not solely OF her,

led and directed and shown instead ideally by God Himself,

is the point at which she suddenly realises that it just can’t be about trying to GET someplace, GAIN someplace, save ANY sort of face, or in any way do ‘this for that’ in what she puts forth, but instead?

It’s just a simple matter of doing the work she was sent to do because it is the work she was sent to do.

Quite literally, the work she would find herself turning back to 1000 times over if she did turn away from it, a situation which usually occurs because she is tired and just FRUSTRATED with trying to ensure her work is good enough, brilliant enough, shines and is seen enough, and generates enough of a result!

The inherent issue with all of THAT being that deep down she knows that THAT’S NOT WHY.

And deep down she understands that those things SHOULD just occur when she expects. Believes. In fact finds it unacceptable for them to NOT do so!

In the moments where she is all tangled up with feeling like she HAS to dance to a certain tune in order to create an outcome, she imagines she doesn’t want to do ANY of it, or at best would only do some sort of fly by night / this is what I feel like TODAY situation.

But the truth beneath that …

and what she always comes back to …

is that actually? If there were no idea of HAVING to do any certain thing, she would pride herself on her work being complete, consistent, of high high service + joy to those for whom she creates it, and all in all a SATISFYING THING TO DEDICATE HER EFFORTS TO, indeed a follow on to her dedicating her LIFE to walking the path God set out for all.

All of which is to say –

Well what WOULD it be if it were purely for the love of the work led by a love of being in alignment and surrender to God and who it is that He brought you here to be?

No I don’t mean ‘what would it be for all of time and you need to know the entire future now!’

That ain’t surrender 😉

I mean –

what is the piece right in FRONT of you?

What is the piece you can no longer ignore yet have managed to because you are looking at the wrong thing?

Looking at an idea of who you HAVE to be instead of who you are.

I know you are OH so over not being consistent, not following through, continually chopping and changing, being inspired one day and exhausted the next, simultaneously wondering if you were born for anything at all whilst being CERTAIN you were born anointed to speak, write, create, and indeed MUST, and I want to tell you that SO much of your inaction and lack of simply showing up Spirit-led to DO WHAT ARE HERE TO DO is a product of the fact that you refuse to let the work simply BE,

for its own sake.

You refuse to let God concern Himself with outcomes which are NOT YOURS TO MAKE HAPPEN, and you take it upon yourself to do HIS job rather than yours, which is simply to be with what is. Go where led. Open mouth or put pen to paper and say or speak forth the things!

By all means create and market and sell, but not ‘so that’ it takes care of the outcome. Because it is what you know you must DO.

And sure –

there’s a knowing it ‘of course’ can be part of how the outcomes come about but ultimately?

GOD takes care of the ‘how’.

YOU take care of being obedient to what is in front of you now.

Underneath all of this is often the simple reality of not having decided it is UNACCEPTABLE, no LONGER acceptable for you to be anything other than the person He sent you here to be.

And so what if today,

you just did that.

And then repeated,


I promise you,

it does not have to be the tangleweb you’ve made it.

And there is a different way.

Do today’s work TODAY.

And remember –

Life is Now. Press Play.



I want to help you to build a business and life you love.

I believe that that starts and ends and IS in God, and also?

That it is a choice.

You can play the game of ‘I don’t get to have’, ‘I’m not worthy even though the Word clearly says you are MADE so’, ‘I still have to battle it out’, ‘slowly slowly’ and ‘if things aren’t shifting and I’m still striving then I guess that’s God’s will right now’, or?

You can take the authority God has given you, get a firm grasp on what that actually means NOW in your life, and run like the wind into what it should be NOW.

In order words:

You can expect a supernatural outpouring and expect it now, in all areas, fully Spirit-led, or you can continue to endlessly figure out in your own mind whether or not you apparently qualify.

I want to work with you to see you create a business and life you love, but the caveat is it’s gonna be by the power of God and it’s also gonna be by the fact that YOU are gonna be bold enough to claim all that He has already given you now.

1st Quarter Increase is a 90 day free-fall into the FULLEST of the outpouring that that simply IS, such that:

– Your message clarity is honed like a laser
– Your determination and INSISTENCE that God wants to bless you becomes unshakeable
– Your understanding of the scripture and the SPIRIT BEHIND IT relevant to increase, overflow, outpouring, goes through the roof
– You become molded, day by day, in a supernatural equipping and empowerment the way God INSTRUCTS it should be
– You WALK RIGHT OUT, thank you Lord, of the idea that you STILL need to struggle or strive and that this ‘needs to be’ the season for that for ANY reason
– You become MISSION minded in all that you do, understanding your every move IS for His glory and that oh oh oh, by the way – that sure don’t mean hiding away and saying ‘not yet’.
– You EXPECT (and thus see) growth in all areas of your business + finances.
– You EXPECT (and thus see) a freeing of time, energy, space, know-how, and all other resources.
– You HARNESS AND SAY YES TO THE NEW THING GOD HAS FOR YOU, and then RUN with it, as a woman who knows who she is and WHOSE she is would do.

This is not about ‘how to make more money, grow your platforms’ or even ‘how to help and serve more people’.

This is about taking ownership of the fact that you are given a CHOICE in God to walk in life or death, curses or blessings, striving or rest + receiving, and it is flat out time to admit where you’ve been ACCEPTING something less than God’s best for you.

Contrary to what many seem to believe …

it is NOT ‘wait til God drops your mission + new season on your head while you held back just in case you accidentally tried to do it your way’.

It is, in no particular order,


Do you get it?
Are you GONNA get it?

I want to work with you ALL in for a SUPERNATURAL 1ST QUARTER INCREASE IN 2024.

* 1st quarter (12 weeks starting Jan 12) private client ‘expect a supernatural outpouring’ structured mastermind
* Weekly group training + mastermind + support
* Initial private 1:1 ‘let’s get to the core of it’ mentoring sess
* Structured goalsetting + SUPERNATURAL EXPECTATION HONING, Biblically backed
* Understand how to go after God for His promises and word on ALL things, such that there is NEVER any need for YOU to figure it out or make it happen … yet you are also not BIDING YOUR TIME and ‘fingers crossed hoping’ it might happen
* Personalised 1:1 mentoring calls included, + DAILY unlimited voice + text 1:1
* Focus in ALL trainings is on being fully Spirit-led
* Learn what it means to rightly put a demand on God for the things He has promised you
* Weekly group coaching call + access to my other private clients
* 24/7 mastermind forum
* Epic investment you are gonna love
* Bonus private sess before we begin if your place is locked + loaded by Dec 15
* Very limited spaces
* Killer fast action take bonus for those who act now!
* Get out of letting it be ACCEPTABLE to receive anything less than the fullest of what God has for you!
* NOT FOR EVERYONE, but for the woman who is simply DONE with anything less than all in understanding and CHOOSING of God’s will in her life, in all areas!

This is, simply, about determination to ALL the way surrender and all the way OPERATE in and from Him.

This is for a certain type of woman, as the reality is many will find this the ‘too much’ version of a walk with God.

This is for you if you know you have a BIG big call + anointing, and you are no longer willing to play cautious ‘just in case’ you get it wrong or accidentally divert away from God, but instead you deeply desire to run ALL the way into Him and be willing to forego that often undetected side of pride which tells you ‘you can’t.

This is for you if you desire SUPERNATURAL 1ST QUARTER INCREASE, and you want to mentor + coach with me privately in a way never before on offer to draw a new line on what is ACCEPTABLE,

and what thus transpires!

Apply via PM only. Ready to hit-the-ground-running the supernatural way inquiries only!

Spaces strictly limited.
Fast action taker bonus applies to initial intake only. This is additional to the join by Dec 15 bonus!

Message me now to talk.

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