
Take 2 – Woman Incredible Is Really Live NOW! Sign Up Now And Grab Your Goodies!

Ah, I thought I was being so smart pre-scheduling everything for the exact minute and then relaxing in a cafe with a client while all my work unfolded … anyway, here goes again! Woman Incredible is now really and truly live, and you can check out the launch post here. Don’t forget to leave a comment and share the post in order to score your bonus giveaways! Read below if you don’t know what I’m talking about 🙂

Well this is it girls – Woman Incredible is here; it’s officially ‘launched’, and it’s time for you to get your booty over there quick-smart and sign up! In fact, if you’re super-quick-smart about it you could be in for a simply brilliant goody pack. There is no way you wouldn’t know about this unless you’re brand new to Body Incredible, but just in case you have missed it – the first 100 women to subscribe today from RIGHT NOW for free email updates will soon be enjoying some pretty incredible goodies from some of the incredible women from my launch post.

You can check out exactly what sort of cool stuff you’re over here; I listed it all on yesterday’s post – and there’s even been an addition from Miss Organic since then!

Oh – and if you really are that new and have no idea what Woman Incredible is, well – definitely head on over and get involved, but in a nutshell – it’s my new blog for driven women who simply demand more and it is also the coming together of everything I’ve learned about health, nutrition, training, fat loss, following your dreams, and basically just living with PASSION. And the entire blog is yours for the taking!

3 more very special giveaways for EVERY new reader

Whether you make it into the first 100 or not, you still need to register for free email updates on Woman Incredible right away to grab your free copy of my new book “How To Be That Girl”. There’s one for everyone! AAAAANNNNDDD … I do have 2 more very special giveaways for each and every Woman Incredible reader. This means you!

1. Simply post a comment at the bottom of the Woman Incredible launch post, telling us which tip was your favourite and why, and I’ll email you a very special 32% discount code for my book Secrets of Lasting Weight Loss Revealed, bringing your investment from US$37 down to only US$25. If you’ve been meaning to get around to checking my book out, then this is clearly the perfect time. OR – read the next point and see how you can get the book absolutely free!

2. Post a comment at the bottom of the post as just mentioned, PLUS share this post on your Facebook feed, your twitter feed, or even on your own blog if you have one, tell me in your comment where you shared and I’ll send you a second very special discount code, this time for my Prahran-based nutrition and fat loss seminar “Living Lean”. That brings your investment from AUD$47 to AUD $27 and when you sign up for Living Lean you’ll also get a free copy of my book Secrets of Lasting Weight Loss Revealed, which sells weekly for US$37, AND a free copy of my nutrition manual “Healthy Food For Busy People”, valued at $34.95! Plus you’ll get to bring a friend along to the seminar for just an extra $5! Talk about WOW!

But don’t miss out – these last 2 offers are very limited – they will expire at 8pm Melbourne time on Monday March 7th, absolutely no exceptions.

That’s it from me over here – now get on over there and get inspired!