The Best Ways for YOU to Make Money Online
Discipline & Flow, Success/Success Mindset

The Best Ways for YOU to Make Money Online

Woman smashing glassIt doesn’t matter how hard you try, or for how long you persist, it’s impossible for you to ever explore all the different ways you can build your online business and income.

It’s also pretty damn pointless to want to do that, considering there’s no way in hell you’re going to be great at all the different ways you can build your biz or income!

And why in God’s good name would you want to do anything you’re not great at?! Especially since logic tells us that we typically tend to enjoy more the stuff we’re actually awesome at doing.

Pretty common sense stuff, right?

Which brings me to my point (rather quickly for this post I must say!):


Or, you know, something like that.

Okay, I get it, you don’t have to tell me – I KNOW why you’re doing it because I still find myself making the same damn fool-girl mistakes as well! All of which can be summed up very nicely with one simple phrase:

It seemed like a good idea at the time.

It seemed like a good idea to jump on the bandwagon of how everyone else is doing their launches, and so you did … even though it felt like pushing shit up a hill, you resented the whole thing, it even made you feel icky, and it just flat out didn’t get you the results you wanted …

… but yet I’ll bet you went back for more anyway, certain the problem was you not the process!

It seemed like a good idea to start that blog, that You Tube show, that podcast, that newsletter, even though you couldn’t be bothered, didn’t wanna, and just didn’t FEEL it … but it’s what everyone’s doing, right? What’s the big deal? Just do it!

It seemed like a good idea to say yes! I can do that, and yes! I’ll do it for you, even though you didn’t wanna do it and certainly not for THAT person!

It seemed like a good idea to put aside the dreams of what you really want to teach on, because who would pay for THAT, and you’ll get to it later.

It seemed like a good idea to speak that way –

To write that way –

To market that way –

To advertise that way –

To do your lead gen in that way –

To sell that way –

To act like them –

To be like that –

To stop, in short, doing every little and every big thing that made you YOU and not, well, them.

But honey, I gotta tell you?

If you’re:

a) Not feeling it, and

b) It’s not working, then, well, y’know –


Here is what I know for sure, about making money online:

There are things that will work for you that don’t work for others.

And there are things that will work for others that don’t work for you.

I know. You are WELCOME.

Don’t you just love a good straightforward SOLUTION?!

I know for sure, about me:

The more I write, the more I sell.

Writing off the cuff, and from the heart, is my best work.

Having fun in my business is a choice.

I can launch something in a day, I don’t have to gussy it up, and people love how real my stuff is.

The easiest and most ‘feel good’ way for me to sell high-end is with a simple email call-out, and an email response.

If I’m not excited about something, it doesn’t sell.

I can’t sell (or teach) business strategy without also bringing the mindset side of things into it.

The more I share my vulnerabilities, my stories of struggle, my weaknesses, as well as my strengths, the more I sell.

The more I giveaway, the more I connect, the more AWESOME I feel and also the more I sell.

There is no limit to how much value I can give for free: I will always make enough money when I give incredible value.

Making daily offers works (such as a PS call to action at the end of my daily emails and blogs)

I am born to inspire, motivated and empower you to live your dreams, not to give you a paint-by-numbers plan to do so

I can move someone to massive action, from a place of complete stuckness, in as matter of minutes.

Showing who I really am (in the way I write but also, literally, i.e. on my “no makeup no filter” You Tube show) is essential to me feeling good about how I do business but also massively causes growth, sharing, and ultimately: more sales.

There’s no such thing as too much selling when it’s based on giving more than you receive, it’s done from a place of joy, and it’s from the heart.

I was born to write, speak, inspire and lead

The more I write AND speak, the more I sell 🙂

My approach is pretty simple, it’s pretty off the cuff, it’s pretty from the heart and it’s pretty freaking unfancy.

But will it work for you?

How the fuck should I know?! It’s your business baby. And you have to figure out the rules of YOUR game.

As I said in a previous blog post, the reason you don’t know which path to take to the million $ is because YOU are the one who has to invent that path! And, really – your million dollar business is you, anyway.


Real, and raw, all that stuff that I do: I think that works pretty much for everyone! But it has to be MOLDED to you.

It could be the complete opposite of the way I’m doing things!

Or it could be very similar.

But it won’t be the same.

Most of my successful entrepreneur friends email once a week, if that. I do daily, or more.

Most of the ‘big guns’ do Product Launch Formula style launches. I just whack stuff out there.

Most people only sell once a month, if that. I’m always offering something.

Most people sell high-end off strategy calls. I just send an email, or sometimes offer something on a live call.

These are just a few examples.

The point is not to just go in the opposite direction.

The point is to find what works for YOU.

To ignore ANY so-called ‘rules’ you learn of.

To NEVER assume that something will work just because everyone (or anyone) says it will.

To never not LISTEN to a call from within that tells you a way you should or could do something.

This I know for sure lovely: the best way to make money online? Is the way that works for you.


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