

The thing you’re going to have to take ownership of, if you really do deep down believe you have what it takes and that you ARE going to get there, is that it’s going to happen when you make a conscious choice to get the fuck over all the reasons why you maybe COULDN’T, yet, or at least not without first proving a WHOLE bunch of stuff to all and sundry, and you decide that actually?

Now is the time.

It’s normal to think that you’re not good enough, and you don’t have what it takes, but do you realise how dangerous that way of thinking is? It will LITERALLY kill your dreams and any chance you have of ever pressing play and living your purpose.

And what you have to understand, what you perhaps FINALLY now have to understand, and take ownership of in your life, seeing as how the clock just keeps fucking ticking and you THOUGHT you’d be further along by now, is that this? This whole life thing, this whole getting through each day thing in the hopes that one day you’ll be credible, worthy, ready?

This is actually the real thing.

And instead of living it ALL OUT and in the way you DO deep down believe you were born to, you’re living it like it’s a practice run. A dress rehearsal. Like you think that right now your DESIGNATED place is to be in the wings of your own life, gearing up to hit the stage and claim what’s yours.

Don’t you realise yet?

Don’t you see?

I mean, I think you KNOW this, but you’re acting like you don’t, so maybe you DON’T in fact get –

That the only difference between those you look up to, wish you could be like, aspire to shine like or be known like or make money like or whatEVER like, is that they just decided to walk out –

From behind the scenes –

And claim their place. Front and centre. All eyes on them.

Can I tell you a secret? It’s one I’ve said 100 times over, and maybe more, so it’s NOT in fact a secret, but I still feel like it’s one, I feel almost like I ‘got away’ with something, even though I also know that this is just how it WORKS, in fact it’s the only way it works.

And the secret is this –

I just decided to get known.

I just decided to BE known.

I just decided to HAVE people know who I was.

To lead.

To shine.

To be ‘at the top’.

To be paid accordingly.

And then I started to ACT accordingly.

As though it was already done …

As though it was accepted by everybody ALL around …

But most especially? As though I MYSELF believed it.

Basically I just got sick and tired of NOT being known in the way I’d always known I should be, and of knowing that each nigth as I went to bed and my head hit the pillow that I HADN’T gone all in, not by a long shot. That I was perpetually just waiting in the wings.

Aren’t you sick and tired yet of WAITING?

And what do you actually think you need to do in order to be ALLOWED to be centre stage of your own LIFE?

Because I can tell you that if your mindset right now is that you’re NOT enough, you’re NOT ready, and tthat there are Things You Must Do or Prove or First Achieve in order to be able to:

Do the work you really want to do

Create and unleash what’s inside of you

Be known as the leader, the performer and even the STAR you were born to be

Make the MONEY you want

Share your MESSAGE in the way you want

Have the IMPACT you damn straight KNOW you’re meant to be having

Or in ANY other way shape or form actually.press.play –

Then you’ll always feel not enough.

You’ll never feel ready.

And there will eternally be a never –

Ending –


Of Very Important Things You Must Do.

Or Prove.

Or Achieve.

Before you can live.

And when I say a list of VERY important things, I mean a list of things which that ALTERNATE version of you, you know, the one who actually decides to just START LIVING NOW LIKE SHE WAS BORN TO, would look at as completely IRRELEVANT.

A list of nonsense.

Of insignificant STUFF.

A list which –

If you’re not careful –

Your life will be about.

And maybe already is.

Can you honestly say that all the hoops you’ve been jumping through up until now have been worth it, or necessary? Or isn’t it TRUE that when you look back at the times in your business and life where you created money with EASE, where success seemed to FLOW, where you had FUN with it and KNEW that what you were doing was ALIGNED, and it just WORKED –


Isn’t it TRUE that when it was good and natural and fucking KICK ASS like this it was because you just TRUSTED –

And you thought FUCK iT – !

And you just WENT for it – !

And you actually just –

Owned it.

And owned it.

And OWNED it.


The thing you have to understand, at some point, and act on, at THIS point, if you ever want to MAKE it, really, is that ain’t NOBODY gonna appoint you in charge your life!

And if you think you need PERMISSION –

To get famous.

As you.

To live the truth.

That’s inside of you.

To let the message out.

That CLAWS at you.

To stand up and press fucking PLAY –

– then you’ve seriously misunderstood what it means to be a LEADER, a CREATOR, and even, dare I say 

An entrepreneur.

There’s nobody coming to save you.

There’s nobody coming to elevate you.

There’s nobody coming along to appoint you to your rightful place and tell the world to bow down before you!!

If you WANT it, then you can HAVE it, but it IS going to require you to go for it.

And by go for it I mean decide.

Just choose.

Just ASK yourself –

“What would I be doing today if I were already there? What is the TRUTH about how I NOW need to start showing up?”

And then:

Fucking do it.


Time to live like you know you’ve got one life and actually?

It’s this one right here.