

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about struggle, and alignment, and flow, and ALLOWING, and I feel as though I’ve personally shifted into a new LEVEL around all of that.

What it centers around, is the recognition that actually if something feels like struggle and it’s complex or confusing to bring to life, it’s a sure sign it’s NOT aligned, it’s NOT the correct path, no you DON’T need to ‘make it work’, and what you should do –

Is let go.

Of course there IS no should in life, or in any aspect of aligned GROWTH, so do whatever you like 🙂 … but I know for me it just makes so much sense to let go of anything that doesn’t happen with ease.

Don’t you think?!

And I know .. I know … this is not exactly a new or a revolutionary concept!! I’ve had this thought process or even an entire ephiphany around it, a million times over.

Yet here I am, needing to learn and remember and breathe into it once more.

Release struggle.
Follow the flow.

And so I will hazard a guess that if I need to hear and remember it once more, then maybe so do you.

Release struggle.
Release the NEED to struggle.
Follow the flow.

It’s all about that NEED to struggle though, isn’t it? Because I know that for most people reading this, and even to some tiny little degree for me, there’s that part of you which can believe and AGREE with a concept such as FULL allowing (and is there actually even anything LESS than FULL? …no … you’re either allowing, or not!) yet still feel as though ‘how can it be that easy and is that ALLOWED?’

Do you ever feel that way? Like are you even ALLOWED to have things flow, and come naturally, and just align, and fall into PLACE, and it’s so fun, and joyous, and easy, and it just works and you’re vibing fucking high and feeling AMAZING?!!

How dare you?! (says your sub-conscious mind).

You’re supposed to WORK for it baby! You gotta do that hustle and grind and push and MAKE SHIT HAPPEN, and if it would be easy and like MAGIC, then either you’re clearly fluking it or tricking the system somehow or else it must just be WRONG … you’re obviously CHEATING, because EVERYBODY KNOWS YOU CAN’T JUST MAKE MONEY LIKE THAT … have the body like that … be head over heels in love with life and an amazing amazing INCREDIBLE hot AF man like that … get to live a LIFE like that … RIGHT?!

You must be cheating.
You must be lucking out.
AND IT’S ALL GOING TO COME CRASHING DOWN ANY MOMENT NOW; there’ll be a knock on the door and the LIFE police will sternly take you away, sit you back down, and show you how to GET BACK TO THE STRUGGLE like a GOOD upstanding person!!!

You know … or something like that. Not that I’ve ever thought about it or had to deal with that shit before! 😉

Thing is – I’m all about that hustle and grind and getting done, of much shit. But where the MASSIVE shift has been for me over the years has been to see that HUSTLE and GRIND and even the PUSH can ALL come from a place of allowing.

Of flow.

Of simply tuning the fuck in.

And letting what is ALIGNED, take place.

For me, hustle also means PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE, so my hustle is as much laying in the sun napping, or playing with my kids, or doing mad crazy awesome shit with my friends, as it might be working. And what is work, anyway? This?! I’m just doing my own inner work right now, sitting a few metres from the ocean waves in Bali, unleashing, releasing, creating.

This is my hustle. This is my flow. This is me getting shit done. This is me ALLOWING.

But yeah … that adrenalin junkie go go go part of me, she never wants to let go of CHARGED words and ideas, so it’s not about NOT pushing, it’s more about reframing how you see all of this.

I used to think –
That if I wanted to GET something (money, the body, love, happiness, the life) –
That I had to DO enough stuff, the exact right stuff, and then I could MAKE it come to life.

And that was true … hard work and focus and intent pays off! And I’ll always be grateful for being someone who learned the power of DISCIPLINE. Discipline now though, is all about FREEDOM.

What do I FEEL like doing?
What am I being CALLED towards?
What can’t I NOT?

Do you ever ask yourself these questions? How often? And do you listen? Or are you too busy?

No time.
For allowing.

When you give yourself permission to release the NEED to struggle … to let go of the idea that it’s the way to get results … you automatically can then release the ACTUAL struggle itself.

And you transcend, essentially, into being, and no longer needing to ever, do, anything.

Being means:

Wake up, be you. But for REAL though, gorgeous, not just as a concept.

Wake up and be you literally means that moment by moment you get to tune in, and ask:

What is the actual aligned thing for me to do right now?
What do I NEED right now?
What is FLOW right now?

And then you do that.

It’s true for what to ‘do’ in any part of your business, from the messaging, to the what to sell, to the how to sell it, and EVERY other thing in between.

It’s also true for EVERY part of your life, from what to do in the gym, to what you actually need to eat, to how you should choose to spend your time, and who with, and of course most of all for how you get to choose to THINK, and believe.

Because if you think about it …

All that you need for ALL of this to be true, is belief.

If you believe you can achieve – ALLOW!! – epic results in every area of your life and that the way to do so is to FOLLOW THE FLOW, then so it will be.

If you CHOOSE to hold on to the belief that it would be wrong, or a fluke, or life just couldn’t be that good, then you’ll find yourself eternally pulled back to struggle.

You will VALIDATE your own limiting beliefs that you can’t GET results without doing shit you don’t really want to do, simply because you’ve not chosen to actually BELIEVE otherwise!

So the answer, of course, is simple, as it always is!

If you fully believed –
Right now and forever –
That the way to your BEST life was to do ONLY what came easy, ONLY what flowed, ONLY what felt freaking hell yes and amazing, then what would you be doing and allowing RIGHT FUCKING NOW?

Tune in.

That’s the whole fucking story baby.
You’re absolutely worthy of that and it’s ALLOWED.

Only question is …

Are YOU going to allow it?

Or would you like to continue to fight, against your nature, and against life.

Whatever you choose to prove … rest assured, you’ll prove it true 100%.