
When I Am Thin

When I am thin, I’ll be able to wear what I want.

When I am thin, I’ll have the confidence to be more outspoken; to become more of an extrovert – maybe even the life of the party.

When I am thin, I can chase my dream job or start my dream business.

When I am thin, I will find true love, or deeper love.

When I am thin, I’ll have more friends.

When I am thin, I’ll be a better wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend.

When I am thin, I’ll be happy.

When I am thin, I’ll be good enough.

When I am thin, I’ll be enough.

When I am thin, my life can begin.

Do you ever think like this?

I know I used to. You can substitute another word for ‘thin’, if you like.

It’s an exhausting way to live, isn’t it? Every moment, every breath, every thought consumed by what you must be and yet have not quite achieved. Nearly, perhaps! But not quite.

Not enough.

It’s exhausting, and it’s also ridiculous.

Do you truly believe that having the body you want goes hand in hand with automatic happiness, confidence, inner peace, success?

Of course not. Only a crazy person would believe such a thing.

Let alone live – or not truly live, as the case may be – their entire freaking life based on such misguided beliefs.

The key to your success and happiness is not to be perfect first. It’s to choose to be happy, successful, content, at peace, in alignment and living on purpose first.

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Try this –

When I let myself be happy, I’m less likely to emotionally eat.

When I follow my heart and my dreams, I’ll be motivated from within.

When I wear what I want, do what I want, speak with who I like, I’ll be lit up and become naturally more confident and attractive.

When I say ‘the hell with it’, and start living my one day life now, I’ll care less about focusing all my energy on losing those last few inches. And I’ll probably lose them without even thinking about it.

When I simply press play now, I’ll never again have to wait for my own or anybody else’s permission to be worthy, good enough, or just enough.

Most women will spend a lifetime delaying true happiness and inner peace, and probably never get there at all. The key to happiness is not to earn it.

It’s to take it.

One response to “When I Am Thin”

  1. Taya says:

    LOVE it