When was the last time you DID IT?
Alright gorgeous – this one is gonna be a LEEETLE bit personal.
Hey, you know me, right? I’m not one to mess around! And honey, seriously? It’s been waaaay too long between times.
YOU know.
And to be perfectly frank, my dear –
You seem a little uptight.
Okay (let’s not hold back here, not on THIS sort of conversation!) – I mean a lot.
I’m just trying to HELP, you know, but honestly! – you’re wound up I can see the coils through your clothes!
You must be just DESPERATE for the release!
C’mon now … you can admit it … we’re all friends here … isn’t it just BUILDING UP inside of you? Don’t you just want to EXPLODE? Don’t you just want to UNLEASH yourself for once? I KNOW it’s in you gorgeous! You can’t hide that side of you! You WANT it, don’t you? You want to be FREE, to just let yourself GO, to do it YOUR way, to not WORRY about what anyone thinks, to just FLY and SOAR and SCREAM with the joy of it all!
What you really REALLY want of course is something most women really can’t DARE to talk of; not to their partners (God, no!) and not even to their friends.
(You can say it you know; I won’t judge!)
You want –
Right now –
And NO two ways about it –
To be COMPLETELY and BLISSFULLY and UNFETTERDLY (it’s a word ok!) all –
By –
Your –
FREE … to do whatever the hell you please –
ALONE … with absoLUTELY no rules …
Unchained … and allowed to go wherever your whimsy takes you!
On the MOST fabulous date you’ve had in FOREVER.
Doing what you want.
How you want.
You know what lovely?
It’s okay … I want it TOO!
And you know what else? I’m doing it right NOW!
Yep, I admit it!
I left my kids at home (not alone, don’t stress!) –
Got in the car –
And hit the town –
All alone.
Just me.
NOTHING I ‘have’ to do.
I’m at an INCREDIBLE restaurant.
Drinking wine and sparkling water.
Ordering char-grilled octopus (it’s the CHAR that makes all the difference, don’t you think!).
Writing out what I want to BE and HAVE and DO … gosh I love dreaming my ideal life!
Nobody knows where i am – not even my HUSBAND!
I don’t have to ANSWER to anyone!
I can do what I WANT.
I am free …finally … to dream, to create, to breathe, to just ALIGN and BE.
And honey I gotta tell you!
It feels soooooo SO good.
But enough about me lovely!
When was the last time YOU did it?
When was the last time you ran away, all by yourself, to somewhere beautiful –
For a day –
Or a night –
Or just a few hours.
When was the last time you indulged YOU? Not because it was a conference, or a getaway, or a planned night out but because you love YOU and you love to spoil the people you love and you know you NEED that space, you WANT that space, you need room to just THINK and you want to do something SPECIAL for the person you care about so much but yet continue to so often NEGLECT?
When, lovely?
A year ago, a month ago, a never ago?
It’s okay to want to be alone, you know.
it’s okay to escape the norm, you know.
It’s okay to want to DO IT ALL BY YOURSELF and have the world just LEAVE for a heartbeat.
In fact, it’s essential.
So book it in, hmmm? Or just run and hide and play NOW.