A simple way to know if what you’re doing is in alignment, and will actually get you to where you desire to go, is to assess the complexity of the thing.
Anything more than a 3/10 on the ‘it’s gettin’ a little fancy’ scale, and you’ve got a pretty great chance that you’re barking up the wrong tree.
Relationship not working and so you plan out a myriad of things you could or should do, adventures and outings and ‘getting to re-know-you’s’ and agreements and carefully laid plans on how to better flow together day to day, appreciate or enjoy each other or just not be triggered like a mofo by one another?
Yeah …good luck with that! You may well get SOMETHING working, but the next thing you’ll need some work on is your mental health, and some serious stress, anxiety, or sorrow relief!
In business, just about the SECOND you find yourself trying to trick things up is the same second you lose the game.
Assuming that the game is not just to make MO-NEY, but also to be fulfilled, happy, in flow, and KNOW that you are doing what you’re meant to do.
It is?
Oh, good! Not just me then 🙂
But hey hey, let’s not convince ourselves that even if it were just about making money (screw fulfilment! screw happiness! screw flow! lol) that the answer would be to GET FREAKIN’ FANCY.
It would not.
It is not.
It never was.
But yet, if you pay attention to how most people are out there showing up, and yes indeed-y most likely to how YOU are showing up a hella lot of the time (no fear; me toooooo, when I forget on occasion who I am!), then the sad truth of the matter is there are bells and whistles and bows everywhere, all topped off with an an unreasonable amount of unicorn glitter, and somewhere under there –
Is the simple stuff that, if you JUST LET IT DO IT’S THANG, would get you to EVERYWHERE you wanna be, and then some.
Okay, okay, so maybe we keep the unicorn glitter; why not?! But as for the rest of it, let’s be brave enough to call it what it is:
Distraction, plain and simple, and a little delusion thrown in, but mainly a LOT of distraction from the fact that THIS IS NOT THE THING.
Just like, when you try to fancy up and ‘make work’ a relationship, what you’re REALLY doing is playing the dancing monkey-puppet in your own life, hoping that if you sing and shout and let it all out loud enough, you’ll be able to cover up the silent scream of your soul, as it EMPLORES you to be honest, and admit:
A rule of life,
Which you’d do OH so well to remember,
Which applies in EVERY area, no matter how much you want to try and justify or imagine otherwise – !
Get the basics in place.
The ACTUAL ones that automatically RESULT in a feeling of flow, inner peace, certainty, yes even when things are not yet resulting in the OUTCOMES you want … the feeling of KNOWING you’re on path and that this is aligned cannot be disguised …
Get THAT stuff in place,
and you will not NEED any other stuff on top of it.
This is true because a) you will see that keeping it simple and ALIGNED is what will WORK, and b) you’ll forget about the fancy stuff. Because you were never about that anyway. You never WANTED it. You just thought it’s probably maybe what you have to do, in order to SUCCEED!
“If I dance and side-step and twist and vocalise JUST right – !
And I am a VERY very good girl – !
THEN it will work for me, and I’ll get a LOVELY gold star!
Won’t I?
Anyone? Anyone?!”
Great way to live life. But yet, for most people it is THE way that they choose to live life, forever and ever and ever Amen!
Well, the thing to remember is – and don’t forget I mentioned I have to often remind mySELF of this too – the thing to remember is – WHO YOU FREAKING ARE!
Namely, NOT one of the 99.99% who does life by avoiding doing everything but THE thing!
We are the 1% within the 1% WITHIN the 1% and it’s time we ACTED it!
This means –
Honesty, with self (who else, who else FIRST at least?!) about what.actually.matters.
What we know it’s meant to BE about.
What EXPANDS vs contracts, saddens, pushes us down. Expansion vs contraction is another of my favourite ‘is this actually the right thing’ tests.
What we feel in our soul is a YES.
What lights us up and lifts us up!
What we feel PROUD of.
Don’t you want a business, a life, a YOU, that you feel PROUD of?
So here is what to do.
If this is speaking to you but you can’t-quite-put-it-together and you’re not entirely sure what my main point is (don’t worry; me either! I’m just a simple messenger
What you DO is, you ask yourself –
Where in my business, where in my life, where ANYWHERE, am I trying to make something that is not just a simple HELL yes –
Fancy and merry enough –
That it works?
Another way of saying it:
What turds am I tryna cover in glitter right now?
Sprinkle it on all you like, in the end it’s VERY very clear –
You’re either saying yes to your soul –
Or life is saying HELL no to you.
📷 no explanation should be necessary.
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