Is This Why You’re Failing To Achieve Your Dream Body Shape?
Are you failing to reach your ideal body shape and perhaps even your big dreams in life because deep down you believe you’re not worthy?
Hold that thought for just a moment while I tell you something –
The truth is that there is practically nothing you can’t do. If you think about it, for most every huge and audacious life goal you can come up with you could also find a story of someone who has achieved that same goal. Couldn’t you? And they’ve done it from odds just the same or perhaps even worse than what you believe yours are.
Clearly it is possible to lose 50+ kilos. Or even to lose the last 5kg; yes even after years of hoping or saying you would. Clearly it is not unthinkable that you could get yourself out of tremendous debt (if that’s an issue for you). It’s within your reach to actually go ahead and create a dream life and lifestyle for yourself and your loved ones.
People are doing it every day. Others are traveling the world and having amazing experiences despite being on a budget or perhaps with incredible financial freedom that they’ve created themselves. There are those who might create a dream business out of nothing but their passion and a few spare hours a week; hours that they drag away from TV or just from sitting around wondering what if.
Every day people quit their jobs, or embark on a scary and challenging new goal, say no to the junk food or simply say yes to living life now. To pressing play.
So why can you not do exactly the same? Why do you seem to be fighting the same battles – in one way or another – year in and year out?
If you think about it, the only thing stopping you from being someone with a really incredible story is you. You, and that little voice inside your head.
It’s a voice I’ve been all too familiar with in my own head (well, I’m familiar with my voice not yours ;)). I don’t know about you, but I’m still a little more familiar with my voice than what I’d like.
The voice says –
“You’re not enough.”
“Not good enough, not smart enough, not attractive enough.”
“You definitely don’t know enough.”
“And you certainly don’t have enough time.”
“And even if all that weren’t true, you haven’t put in the hard yards, at least not consistently enough. You haven’t truly endured the sort of sacrifices that would need to be made in order to truly transform yourself. You still eat chocolate in bed for heavens sakes!”
The voice whispers to you, it questions your sometimes bouts of confidence or your bright ideas, and it convinces you to believe that nothing makes you special. You believe it when it asks you who you are to think you can live an extraordinary life.
you CAN achieve your dream body shape, or your dream anything
We all have the ability to be extra extraordinary.
And I believe you are exceptional. Your unique outlook on life makes you capable of things that nobody else will ever be able to even consider doing in just the same way. You have the power – right this very moment – to stamp your foot and say enough is enough. That you’re sick of waiting until you have the knowledge, the confidence, the money or the time. That you are ready to press play now and live your dream life.
Despite the fact that you have no idea how you’re going to quit your food addictions, or your TV addiction, or simply your addiction to doubting yourself every step of the way. You can decide that despite not yet being perfect you’re going to just put one foot in front of the other and move a little closer to your goals, to reaching that ideal body shape (or perhaps starting with loving the you that you are right now) and even to one day living your dream life. That you are no longer willing to wait until you’ve checked all the boxes of being a super-duper successful person. That such person, in fact, does not exist at all.
And that the dream life could be there for you any time you choose to embrace it.
stop thinking it’s easier for other people
You think that all those fitness models or super yummy mummies out there don’t doubt themselves? That they don’t struggle with emotional eating or nutrition overwhelm? You think that successful small business owners aren’t privately tearing their hair out with the fear that it might all slip away, that they might lose control or that the sales might stop? You think that the woman with the dream house or hot car doesn’t secretly worry what others think of her? That the person with the awesome new promotion or relationship doesn’t get scared they’re going to have their bluff called?
Of course they do.
They have fears and doubts and insecurities just the same as you and I. The ONLY difference between ‘us’ and them is that they, despite all of their natural human worries, are putting one foot in front of the other. Quite simply, they have committed to giving it a shot and then they’ve actually done it.
So when will it be your turn? When will it be your time?
The answer is whenever you want.
If you are you failing to reach your ideal body shape and perhaps even your big dreams in life because deep down you believe you’re not worthy or that you have to wait until you deserve it you will never get ‘there’. It’s simply not possible, because the place you are looking for isn’t ‘there’. It’s here. It’s right now.
It’s you, making up your mind that you can be, do or have anything you set your mind to. It’s a choice; well – a myriad of big and small choices.
What are you going to choose today?
Thanks for this Kat! I was actually feeling smashed before I read this even though I am on track with training 6 days p/w, nutrition excellent etc etc but just did not want to launch into that days’ training at all…post reading this, I got up and got going! You’re quite right, it’s all about choice! My butt thanks you! 🙂
Haha – tell it well done 🙂