You Deserve To Live An Incredible Life
You deserve to live an incredible, incredible, incredible life.
You deserve to reach your heart’s deepest desires and then blow them out of the water with something even better, even bigger, even brighter.
And you deserve to do it now.
Not when you have time.
Not when you’ve earned it.
Not when you’ve paid your dues, or your debts, or been forgiven, or forgiven yourself.
But now.
You deserve to live an incredible life because you were created to be extraordinary, one of a
kind, and brilliant in a way that nobody else on this earth can be.
So when you hide in the corner of life, when you allow yourself to be bound by fear, by disappointment, by regret or by unworthiness, you disrespect the purpose for which you were born.
I don’t know what that purpose is for you.
But I know this.
It’s not about hiding behind walls you’ve put up, or allowed to be put up for you.
It’s not about getting everything done so that one day you can chase your dreams.
It’s not about living up to anyone else’s standards of what a happy, successful or worthy life should entail.
Not your partner’s.
Not your parents.
Not your boss.
Your best friend.
Your kids.
Not those who you imagine judge you, mock you in their heads, think less of you for not being, having or doing what the world says you should be, have or do in order to be enough.
Here is what being enough is about; what living according to your purpose is about.
It’s about gently yet firmly saying ‘hush’ to the very many things that will distract you; will if you’re not careful cause you to pass your entire life chasing the next goal or hurdle.
It’s about letting go of the things that you know in your heart are not in alignment with the you who you long to be.
You know what those things are, if only you’d listen in.
And it is about listening in.
Always, always, always questioning.
Is there a better way …?
Could it be possible …?
Imagine if I could …?
What do you imagine, in your deepest and most private fantasies?
What flits through your head late at night or in a moment of sudden truth as you go about your busy day?
You know what I mean.
The stuff that you quickly push straight through the other side of that busy little brain.
The stuff you roll your eyes at, say ‘not for me’, or ‘if I didn’t have ‘x’ then maybe’.
The stuff that you’re too damn scared to let yourself fully think about, because you know that if you did, if you DID stop and let yourself enter into the possibility of living that way, having that life, if you let yourself stop and really feel it and visualise it being real –
You’d have no choice.
There’d be no turning back.
Which would mean being willing to take incredible risk. Step off the cliff. Go against the grain.
And yes, perhaps be judged, criticsed, even condemned.
Perhaps even by people who really matter to you.
So perhaps it is, after all, safer to not imagine.
To, rather than saying hush to the world and its demands, to say hush to your own quiet inner voice.
To avoid the fullness that dreaming and visioning can be.
To straighten your posture and shake your head and refocus your vision on the real world, on the way it has to be.
Believing that it’s not for you.
That it couldn’t be.
That there’s no point imagining.
And that incredible lives are for incredible people.
But then there is this –
Many people would not have read this far.
Because they are the ones who will straighten themselves up, shake off their fantasies, tell you it’s not so bad and that that’s just how life is.
They are the ones who will sadly perhaps never realise just what an incredible incredible person they are, what incredible talents and gifts they have, what an incredible message is theirs to share.
The sad part is not that they choose to live this way.
The sad part is they choose not to realise they have a choice.
But you – you have a choice.
And you also have a problem now, of sorts.
Which is that you’ve read this far.
You know.
And I know you know 😉
And I know that you believe.
Yes. It would be easier to forget or once again push away this truth you have inside of you.
But I have to tell you –
Once you know, once you believe –
It never really goes away.
And you either choose to do it, but to really do it – to grab this life of yours by its balls and make it yours –
Or you don’t.
But you’ll always know.
You deserve to live an incredible, incredible, incredible life.
And you deserve to do it now.