Success/Success Mindset

Your Business Doesn’t Matter

31601768_lSo I had this convo with a new client last week.

She’s got a fantastic idea for her business, a definite winner. You know when you hear somebody talk about something and you just KNOW that that right there? Is a damn good idea and one that would totally WORK!

She’s excited about it as well! And why wouldn’t you be? I don’t know about you but whenever I have a fab new idea I get mega pumped up and inspired by my own possible awesomeness! I can’t wait to see that baby come to life, and it’s exciting to ME to watch the same enthusiasm in someone else. It’s nearly as fun as actually bringing the thing to life myself!

Speaking of which –

My client is on the BALL here. She’s researching –

Preparing –

Learning –

Studying –

Getting READY, for sure!

And, of course, making certain to get on top of other areas of her life so that she can FULLY commit to her new business!

Pretty impressive stuff!

Of course there’s just ONE problem.

And it’s kind of a little one I guess.

(Unless her goal is to, I don’t know, actually build a business and make money. In that case it’s actually kind of a Richter scale INFINITY problem).

All of this research –

Preparation –

Learning –

Studying –

And getting ready –

Never mind clearing the slate of all the other life madness –

Does NOT in fact count as work.

Not now.

And not ever.

And all of this research, preparation, learning, studying and READY-MAKING?

Is in fact getting in the way of actually doing ANYTHING that would constitute GROWING A FREAKING BUSINESS!

(Side note: you do know, I trust, that if you want to make something happen or change or grow or create money then you have to, um, well, at SOME point you have to, you know – DO SOMETHING?)

And I gotta be upfront with you here gorgeous (as I tried to be with her): if your approach to your business is that you’re getting ready for it or that you for whatever reason CAN’T do it yet because of your other duties / musts (aka CHOICES) that are taking up your time / energy / LIFE, then the TRUTH about the whole thing is, that no matter how much you jump up and down and indignantly state otherwise, YOUR BUSINESS DOESN’T MATTER.

Oh not because it COULDN’T matter, not at all!


What you have CHOSEN, instead, is to give your life for:

Preparation –

Research –

Ready-making –

And doing all of the other STUFF that you SAY is necessary to do.

Well, making it IS ‘necessary’.

And, maybe you DON’T feel safe or confident or whatever it is you need to feel in order to move forward and just start now, and maybe you really do NOT have any free time, and life is just insane, and you can barely breathe and besides you REALLY don’t know where or how you need to start anyway!

And maybe you have the best reasons in the WORLD for why today / this week / this month and what you’re really saying of course is this life is not the right time yet!

And maybe you even BELIEVE all of this stuff you’re spinning to yourself and you’re FURIOUS at what I’m insinuating (okay flat out saying: YOU’RE NOT MAKING IT MATTER) but no matter how you try and package it up here are the irrefutable FACTS:

1) If you SAY something matters to you but yet you’re not taking action on it then it DOES NOT MATTER.

2) If you’re doing stuff RELATED to moving forward on something but it does not actually MOVE YOU FORWARD on that goal then the goal / thing DOES NOT MATTER.

3) PREPARING for taking action does not constitute taking action and so it DOES NOT MATTER.

4) SAYING you’re GOING to take action does not COUNT as taking action, even if you say it’s going to happen TODAY, because unless you are ACTUALLY TAKING ACTION then your goal DOES. NOT. MATTER.

I tried to explain this to my client (I don’t know that I was OVERLY compassionate in the way I explained it unless by compassion you mean actually giving a damn that somebody does what they say they’re going to do or want to do) but honestly? I don’t know if she got it.

And here’s the thing:

It’s in our nature, as humans, yes even us driven types, to not QUITE get it (even if we do actually get it), at least not at first.

It’s so much easier to justify.

To BELIEVE that our own excuses are valid enough to matter more than our DREAMS.

Or, in some ways worse still, to nod our heads, sagely agree that yes! We do need to change, and yes! We WILL take action, but then no! To proceed to do precisely fuck all about it.

And it’s so easy, really, to let another day go by.

Because you ARE busy, and you are thinking about it, and surely that’s better than nothing?!

Well, I’d venture that it’s worse.

I’d venture that it’d be easier, if you want to talk about ease, to not even HAVE a dream.

To just be HAPPY with the status quo.

To be CONTENT filling your life with housework, and busywork, and STUFF.

And to not even have to face the fact, night after damn night, that yet again another day has passed by and you are not any closer to being the person you say you want to be, to starting the business and life you LONG for.

Ignorance, perhaps, really is bliss.

But here is the real problem.

Not just for my client (’cause SHE knows!), but also for you:

If you have a dream –

And you’re not taking action on it –

And you’re making other stuff more important –

Thereby DEMONSTRATING that what you say matters DOES NOT MATTER –

Then you will NEVER feel content, and you will continue to KNOW you are IGNORING not only your potential but your God damn DESTINY, perhaps.

Of course this is just my opinion.

You’re welcome to ignore it!

Why the hell should I care whether or not you pursue your dreams?

Except, I do.

And, I hope that I’m not the only one.

I hope that you TOO care about your dreams.

And I hope that you know –

That unless you SHOW you care by actually WORKING on those dreams?

It’s all just a fantasy.

2 responses to “Your Business Doesn’t Matter”

  1. Lily says:

    You are beyond correct!! Stepping up my game tonight and forever..