You’re Never Done and Never Good Enough! {Podcast 64}
When you resist, when you feel overwhelm, or that you’re not good enough, this shit will NEVER go away.
It’ll always come up. It’s part of life. It’s not about trying to never have it anymore – it’s about UNDERSTANDING these thoughts.
When I get into these thoughts, I become less and less effective. The emotion stops me from performing. I turn into this selfish bitch. I sabotage myself.
Whilst everything is hard for everyone sometimes, I actively try to find ways to push through these thoughts:
Take emotion out of it.
Step back.
How much time can you spend with what you’re stressing about? Realistically?
If you say to yourself “Okay, I’ll spend an hour on this, and no more,” you’re ALLOWING yourself to ONLY spend an hour on what’s stressing you, before you move on from the day and LET IT GO.
When you let it go, you’re letting the EMOTION go. You’re stopping the emotion from taking charge!
• Remember, having anxiety and overwhelm is apart of our survival instinct. It’s life.
• When you let overwhelm and anxiety take control, you’re letting your emotions take charge.
• When emotions take control, you become less and less effective.
• Write down what’s on your mind, and understand that your MIND is manufacturing these thoughts.