20 Great Affirmations To Propel You Into 2010
Whether you’ve already drafted out, edited, reviewed and laminated your NY resolutions, or whether the idea couldn’t be further from your mind I think you’ll appreciate the idea of a little empowering self-talk at this time of year. Particularly if goal-setting and resoluting (yup, I made that word up) is something you still plan to do and even more particularly if you’re currently beating yourself up over just a little bit too much Christmas festivity.
Either way, you should definitely check out these 20 powerful beliefs over at Dumb Little Man. I liked them so much I decided to truly claim them for my own by copying them into my diary, along with a few favorite quotes –
- Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one – Albert Einstein
- Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect – Mark Twain
- Everything popular is wrong – Oscar Wilde
- Whether you think you can, or whether you think you can’t, you’re right – Henry Ford
And my own personal mantra – this too, shall pass.
So let me leave you with this for 2009.
It, life, the beginning of the new year, whatever you choose to dwell on over the next few days, none of it has to be about goals or resolutions or musts or shoulds unless you want it to be. Strict and well-honed plans work for some people, others prefer to go with the flow. I’ve tried both extremes and am still changing my mind about what works best and what leaves me with the greatest sense of satisfaction. But however you choose to enter 2010, please just be sure to make the most of it in the way(s) that mean something to you, to learn from the good and the bad, to embrace the challenges and stay focused through times of struggle, to live in the moment instead of always looking ahead to the next, to stop waiting until it’s the right time to take action on things you’ve always wanted to do (it never will be), to take a risk now and then and to stop filling your days with stuff you really hate to do and
Nice article Kat. One I like is “You were born an original. Dont die a copy.” John Mason
Dear Kat, for some reason I couldn’t get this to play. I receive all your emails and I think your great. I want to read this or hear this. Can you help out.?
I love reading your information. I am a 69 Year old Male and love to spread good news and proper news that is honest and thats what you deliver.
All the best. Jerry
Nic – that’s awesome, I love it! Hope you are well mate 🙂
Jerry – thankyou! I’m not sure why the link wouldn’t work for you, it doesn’t seem to be broken. In any case, here it is again – http://www.dumblittleman.com/2009/12/20-powerful-beliefs-that-will-push-you.html
Kat I see by your selected quotes that you’re a Tim Ferris fan. Me too. I especially love the first one by Einstein. I’ve been trying to keep that in mind ever since I read 4HWW and it’s really amazing what we consider and accept as reality and it’s so easy to get caught up in it. Some of my favorite personal moments are when I consciously try to step away and observe “reality” as a foreigner and chuckle at some of the things we take seriously.
Going to check out the DML post now…
Nice pick-up Hugh, well done! I’m in the process of re-reading The 4HWW having just received my copy of the new edition. Definitely ideal reading to start the NY off with!