

The reason you can’t muster up energy or excitement the way you used to, is you’re no longer reaching higher and repeatedly beyond your current reality – the way you used to.

This has no doubt effected your bank balance (fighting to stay at roughly the same level and JUST holding on even to that, rather than continually climbing the way it should be),

your ability to snap new opportunities into fruition, sign up perfect soulmate clients who just pop up out of nowhere, as if by magic,

and likely even your own health, energy, and possibly weight.

Stagnant energy is stagnant energy, it doesn’t differentiate between money … client flow … offers which fly out like hotcakes … or what’s going on around your midsection or ass. Oh, relationships too.

Obviously, being the go-getter you are, the kind of badass Queen who never says die and KNOWS she gets to choose her outcomes, KNOWS that money and all other flow vibes are always available, you’ve been dealing with all of this by insisting to yourself you’ll work harder … or dig deeper … or get more aligned … make MORE of a concerted effort to show that you ‘are that person, no really!’

But which person, exactly, are you insisting on showing the world you are? Who is it that you wanna do a better job of being, so that you start standing out again, shining, flying on TOP? And WHAT is it, exactly, that you think you need to do more of, and better?

The same stuff that you USED to stretch to, strive to, DARE yourself into almost, wondering if you could – “I can’t I can’t I can’t I’ve no idea how I shouldn’t!”

And then you DID.

What a rush! What a thrill! What a BADASS gettin’ out there and just chasing down her dreams like nobody’s business!

Even when it scared her.

Even when she had no idea how.

Even when she knew that she COULDN’T, and ALL her stuff just kept coming up!


Maybe because the life you knew it was time to walk away from was just SO done that the idea of staying bound to that eventually pushed you off the cliff of terror into your new life … the fear and soul exhaustion of staying with the old eventually becoming greater than the fear and ‘what if’ of the stuff you didn’t dare yet knew you MUST,

or maybe just because it was always what you were meant to do.

CHOOSING HIGHERRelentlessly moving forward really IS the only way, for you.

But either way …

let’s get real.

None of THAT is there anymore. The energy, emotion, push and EXPANSION of everything you had to choose into in order to become this person is … a distant and (hopefully!) always to be proud of memory.

Now, sure, you have uncertainty. ‘Struggle’. Things aren’t where you want them to be. That’s kind of the point here. But … when your idea on how to correct course is based all around just repeat-circling the life and the you that you’ve ALREADY created … well – don’t you see that it’s a way of stepping DOWN?

Maybe only slightly, because hey – ! This life, this business, what you’ve made yourself into and become known for is freaking GOOD. It’s a vibe!

But it’s not stepping UP. And vibe as it may be, no. It’s not a rush, a thrill, a DO I DARE AND THEN I DID.

Can I ask you something?

What, right now, would be the rush, the thrill, the this couldn’t NOT expand me, the “I can’t I can’t I can’t I shouldn’t I’ve NO idea how – !” –

and then I DID!


The thing about you is –

you were born for stepping up.


For us, there’s always a next level. There’s always a drop into MORE.

This is not something to huff and puff at – “I’ll never be done!”. You GET to never be done.

It’s also not a reflection of you not being satisfied … content … spiritual enough … lol.

It’s simply an awareness that – you are the person to whom much has been given. And the more you say yes to what IS offered to you … the more still will be shown and made known to you, and given.

Inevitably, as a messenger, coach, artist, leader, guide, of any kind –

this DOES mean that the message will shift, change, evolve, deepen.

This will very likely reflect your OWN shifting, changing, evolution, deepening. And your own unapologetic acceptance of those TRUEST parts of you.

The more you see, accept, OWN, in yourself and in life, the more it MUST come through in your work.

It can’t not.

And yet –

you are letting it not. FORCING it not to.

Imagining that the things which worked so well for you, and felt so flow for you, before, are now the things to fix or get better at when everything seems to be flatlining.


The actual thing it was was you saying yes to something you hadn’t yet become –