

So you can’t see yourself making the money you want, gettin’ the client flow you dream of, having your biz and life finally be at that point where you can reach around and pat yourself on the back and say ‘fuck me, I did it!’ –

You’re not sure if you can really picture that whole living da dream thing, being able to God damn BREATHE fully because you no longer have to worry day by day or week by week about keeping your head more than just above water,

and if ‘they’ knew the reality of the shit show that is actually behind the scenes of your oh-so-rockin’ it facade, well, God!

No matter how much you try and imagine yourself being in a state of MASSIVE overflow you just can’t seem to wrap your head around it,

and while we’re at it, all of this ain’t just true with biz and money shiz, you also don’t really see how you could ever ACTUALLY love your body,

revel in the way you look,

know you are enough for love in every part of who you are,

or whatever else it is that still seems so far away for you,

and on and on and on.

Sister, here is what you do anyway:

You take that bit of your biz or life or self where you JUST can’t see it,

where it feels like a MASSIVE scary stretch to even BEGIN to believe shit could be that good for you,


What, you think that I or a single person out there built a biz like this, a life like this, a body like this, because we first healed all our shit, FULLY saw every bit of it mapped out as ‘done’, and believed to our core that we were worthy??

It’s not that simple.

Belief dictates action dictates reality but action also leads to belief and reality, when all is said and done is just a CHOICE.

You want to find a foundation for any outcome of success, get to the heart of where it all really began, I’ll tell ya –

It wasn’t belief.
It was not all possible problemz healed.
It wasn’t self-worth fully locked and loaded.


It was sitting there in the reality that right now, in this moment, I really really REALLY cannot see, picture, feel into, or in any way sense myself having money like that –

Biz flow and joy like that –

LIFE flow like that –

A body like that –

A man like that –

A ME like that –

And, well, at this point Imma gonna acknowledge that I have DONE a fair whack of work around seeing it, feeling into it, reminding myself I am good enough, worthy, and ready, and, well, I STILL just can’t seem to feel or see it, so you know what?


End Scene.
Cut to the final credits.

You can ALWAYS go straight to the end goal anyway, did they tell you that? Or did you buy in to the misguided BS that says you have to follow the right healing steps, growth steps, action steps, whatever TF else, and only once you see it and it FEELS real will you have it.

Word to the wise, and a wake up call you know you need:

– I built my business to 6 figures without feeling at all ready or worthy for it
– I was at multi 6-figures and kinda in shock at how TF that happened because I sure as HECK hadn’t seen it
– I became a millionaire and continued to have to pinch myself every time I thought of it cause at no point had it started to feel REAL yet
– I was doing multi 7-figs per year consistently and it all just felt at times like a dream, surreal, was this really true? Even though I was IN it I still couldn’t see or feel it sometimes! It felt like only a minute ago that I couldn’t even buy coffee,

and it STILL does!

– I got ripped and ab-d up after kids without feeling some kind of unshakeable self-confidence or worth
– I elevated my dating connections without feeling REMOTELY ready to be fully seen, or let go, or trust
– I also trusted – in too many areas to list out! – before I felt ready to trust
– and on, and on, and on!

Do you get it?

It all comes down to a simple fucking game of DO IT ANYWAY.

You don’t feel like it? Do it anyway.
You don’t know how? Do it anyway.
You don’t feel good enough, you’re terrified of falling flat on your face, being rejected, having your worst fears proven true? Do it anyway.
It seems almost certain that even if you go ALL in surely YOU cannot be so lucky as to have your wildest dreams for life come true?

Do it.

Do you realise what the difference is between the person who always dreamed and ‘one-dayed’, but never did, and she or he who the rest of the world looks at in awe wondering how they could be so great / inspiring / motivated / lucky?

Ding ding ding, give the girl a prize, yep, you got it baby –


You take your pretty little foot –
You pick it up –
You move it forward –
You put it back down –
You repeat.


Now go get your life. You decide to be the damn person who does it anyway, and guess what?? Sooner or later you’re gonna wake up as the person who actually feels pretty freakin’ comfortable and natural doing it,

and next thing you’re gonna wake up and go, oh hey –

Huh –

Look at that!

I had absolutely no clue how, or if I could, and every part of my fear-mind told me life couldn’t be so good, and then?


Get it? Got it?


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