When your mind is blank, and there’s nothing you know how to write or say or even, perhaps, journal, it’s a good time to take comfort in what is always true, which is that the habits of being the best you are always available, now.
And so actually, while you may think and really really believe that you can’t today, you’re not sure just now, you’ve got to first figure things out or at the very least get to that next step which will be THE launching pad to finally be the you who you’re meant to be, the truth is that there is always an action you can take.
To move your business forward, to honour and nurture your body, to deepen your relationships, to unleash your art, yes, certainly, I mean all of that.
But really what I’m talking about, is an action to take to simply BE FULLY YOU ANYWAY.
There’s too much emotion attached to living our dreams, don’t you think? Too much hoo-ha, and drama, and fear and resistance and nonsense clouding all of it, often stopping us from acknowledging the finite truth that we can ALWAYS DO THE WORK ANYWAY.
The work, of course, is not ‘work’ in the way the world sees it or views this word, it’s the heart EXPANDING and soul AFFIRMING work, of being all that you know you must be.
It’s dropping the bullshit story that the supposed pain or hardship of doing the do into to be that you, is in any way bad, wrong, to be avoided.
What if, every time we don’t FEEL like it, or we feel scared, we simply decided to remind ourselves how much freakin’ better we’d feel if we just did it anyway?!
What if, every time resistance has us by the throat and we legitimately think we don’t know how, we just did it anyway?
What if, when it HURTS, or it’s so damn frustrating, we simply reminded ourselves that ultimately the way we will become, without question, the next level version of ourselves who we see inside of us is by DOING IT ANYWAY, and then?
We did it anyway.
Sometimes it seems to me that all of this is so mind-blowingly simple it’s actually astonishing – shocking, appalling, outrageous; somebody should report that! – that the whole entire WORLD doesn’t just have what it wants.
Don’t you see? Don’t you SEE? Don’t you see what’s inSIDE of you and realise that to bring it to life you’ve just got to DECIDE, and then act.fucking.accordingly, until it’s done? Refusing to give in, or be swayed, and PRACTICING patience to stay the course, however long that may take? Realising, that when you want to spit the dummy because “I’m not a patient person, I want it all noooooowwwwww, and why can’t I just get to the good bit, the flow bit”, you must become even MORE committed to, and resilient around, your practice?
What if you understand that the whole entire point of LIFE is just –
The practice.
To practice.
Ever releasing the outcome, and also every shifting, day by day, more into the space and place of having the results and the life you long for show up because when you do the work with full commitment and continual surrender, those results can’t NOT show up!
When you give in to living your life a certain way, to being a certain type of person, and you vow to do that for its OWN sake, I promise you –
One day you will wake up, look around, and be SHOCKED at everything you’ve created, called in, become.
Just like you always dreamed.
Just like your soul always KNEW.
Just like you finally LET happen, because you simply gave in to being who you’re meant to be.
(what if –
you gave in –
You may think there are still things you need to get clear on, and then you can become the best version of you who is living the best life, but the truth is that that’s bullshit.
It’s only, it’s only ever been, a matter of soul remembrance.
Of taking the time to tune back in to what’s always been there, and let it be heard.
Instead you rush rush rush and hurtle hurtle hurtle through your busy day, always the superhuman one, yet never FULLY connecting to what’s there.
Do you realise that it only takes a small moment of DEEP connection to what your soul has always known, applied daily, in order to feel NONE of the uncertainty and fear you know walk around with?
Aren’t you tired of being so damn TRAPPED by the continual underlying panic that MAYBE YOU’RE LIVING THE WRONG LIFE?
And so you RUN, like a bat out of hell, to try and know enough and do enough in order to stay ahead of it, but the whole time all you EVER needed to do, was to stop –
And remember.
And then, of course, practice.
When you come from soul, every single decision you make has a CERTAIN answer.
‘Should I go into this Bali street massage place, or that one?’
‘Should I order the eggs or the kale?’
‘Is the right thing to do to continue with this relationship, or no?’
‘Should I sell this, or that, in my business?’
‘Do I journal and blog and eat right now, or workout?’
‘Do I write a promotional piece to call in more clients or simply meditate them in?’
‘Do I walk away from everything I’ve built up in order to recreate the new dream, or can I simply evolve it over?’
There are no finite answers here, to any of these questions, except for perhaps always order the eggs AND the kale
But truly –
There is not a single decision in business or life, big or small, which your soul doesn’t FULLY know the answer to.
Learn to listen.
Make it your GREATEST daily practice.
Make it non-fucking-negotiable!
Tune yourself IN, and reconnect to the deep intuitive wisdom which has always been there.
Right now, you’re making your life so much more difficult than it has to be. And perhaps that’s your journey, and so who am I to say anything about it?!
But if by chance you do long for something more –
And know it’s available –
And believe it’s meant to BE HERE NOW –
Then I urge you, today –
Make your only ‘to do’, to tune back in
ACCESS, the deep inner you
And then?
Do what you’re fucking told 🙂
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