

If you’re serious about bringing to life the work that’s inside of you, the work you were born for, the work of your SOUL, about living your destiny, creating your purpose, BEING your purpose, then at some point?

You’re gonna wanna stop hop hop hopping all over the internet trying to desperately hawk your wares.

I’m not talking about your SOUL wares … I don’t know if we WOULD refer to your soul wares as wares, nor would we talk about hawking ’em, would we?!

I’m talking about the way you chop and change continually, from this, to that, and to the other, maybe this will work, maybe they’ll like that, maybe if I offer this, maybe if I position myself just a LITTLE bit differently, maybe THAT’S the thing which’ll get ’em to like, follow, buy, maybe if I look hotter, maybe if I change my website, maybe if I part my hair on the other damn side, maybe if I show more of my personal life, maybe if I act more playful, more vulnerable, more flirty, more like her, just like him, do it right, what am I missing, it never ends!



Not what you came here to do!

You’ve been trapped.
By the idea that standing out and being seen online is a product of hacking some kind of fame formula, or just paying the right people to teach you theirs.

You’ve been trapped.
And LIED to.

(By your own fear mind, more than anything!)

With a fools idea that SUCCESS is a by-product of figuring out what gets attention.

What’s ‘clickbait worthy’,

Or what will go viral.

Or what just looks freaking amazing, and so at least it’ll get a ton of love on social media!

Here’s the deal, okay? (Just to remind you of what you already know!) –

EVEN IF YOU COULD FIGURE OUT THE FORMULA, AND YOU MANAGED TO SOMEHOW FULFIL IT, AND IT WORKED … working ain’t working if it’s based on anything that is not YOU JUST BEING YOU and expressing what’s inside of you.

Can you even imagine the God-awful emptiness that must surely accompany building up a successful online brand based on having somehow created a hungry-masses-popular persona which is not the real you? It must be the same as getting into a relationship built ENTIRELY on lies, where you’ve pretended to be a certain type of person in order to get the guy or the girl.


What’s going on, is that you’re distracted from your purpose work by the idea that you have to first figure out how to get enough attention.

What’s ALSO going on, is that you’ve simply not committed ONLY to said purpose work, fully, and meant it, because had you have done so it would not be POSSIBLE to be distracted like that.

What’s REALLY going on of course, is that somewhere along the way you got it backwards –

You stopped asking ‘how can I share what’s inside of me, such that every night when I go to sleep I feel FULLY fulfilled; certain I am doing what I’m meant to do in the world and so.damn.proud of myself for also unapologetically expecting it to PAY me (damn well!)’ –

And you started asking ‘how can I get seen, liked, heard, followed, paid … while also doing my purpose work, being me, sharing what’s in me?’

Don’t you see?


As soon as the dominant thought process is anything like ‘how do I get seen?’

‘What will make them buy?’

‘What’s the best way to …?’

‘How do I grow my …’?

‘How do I get feautured on …?’

And so on –

You lost the whole damn game.

Of business?

Sure, but I meant of LIFE, because what is it you really want to give YOURS for? Chasing your tail each day to hit measurements of success which somebody OUTSIDE of you determined, or which your fear mind tells you will save you, or DOING THE DAMN WORK YOU WERE MEANT TO DO IN THE WORLD, AND SCREW EVERYTHING ELSE.

Look –

I’m not saying you shouldn’t ask these sorts of questions …

I’m certainly not saying you shouldn’t expect those sorts of outcomes!

I’m saying –

Put first things first. Make the foundation ALWAYS and ONLY and NON-NEGOTIABLY ‘I will do what’s inside of me. I will put soul first. I will let the message be the message, and the art be the art. I will PRIORITISE my damn PRIORITIES, and my PRIORITY means – doing what I can’t not!’

So you do THAT, you follow THAT, you also CREATE from that, in all ways, and without trying to amend one IOTA of it in order to ‘get an outcome’, and THEN you ask the questions, but to be honest –

You don’t even need to ask them, and you certainly don’t need to try and ANSWER them or solve ’em, it works best if you simply INTEND the outcomes mentioned above, and then release that shit, and get back to DOING WHAT YOU’RE MEANT TO DO WITH YOUR MESSAGE.

This means –

You write what’s coming out.
You say what’s bubbling up.
You create, launch, sell, only from passion, purpose, flow, and you release the damn OUTCOME.

Meaning – you may well state, intend, hope for, DESIRE ‘x’ amount of people to join … to make this, to hit that goal, to achieve whichever markers of fame and success … and yes you may ALSO tune in on ‘well, what would I do from a marketing or selling perspective in order to bring that to life’ … but it’s the MESSAGE AND THE ART FIRST.

And heck, the truth is that the BEST sales and marketing and lead gen and FAME growin’ process is the one which is ALSO message and art based, and comes from SOUL GUIDANCE.

NOBODY knows better than you what will work for you!

Yes, your human self may have NO freakin’ clue what to do to crush it online, and so perhaps you go looking for the right strategy. But guess what? Your higher self already knows how to be FAMOUS AS FUCK!

Let her take the reigns once in a while, hmmm? Maybe ALL the time even?! Imagine! Imagine living with such trust … imagine living with such CERTAINTY, because that is what you’ll feel! Certainty, that even though I’m flying blind and have NO idea what the fuck I’m doing, it FEELS right, and THAT is my measurement.

It’s the only measurement you ever need.

It’s also, actually, the only OUTCOME you’ll ever need, because think about this –

The whole damn point of all of this is you’re trying to get to where you feel safe, successful, and free.

But safe, successful, free is a product of ALIGNMENT AND CERTAINTY THAT I’M LIVING THE RIGHT LIFE.

THAT shit is available to you already, right now.

The PHYSICAL manifestation of success is a product of INTERNAL alignment to success and to what feels right and to what you know you’re meant to be doing.

So, stop doing it backwards.

And, stop hopping all over the damn place trying to dance right so that the peoples toss you a shiny penny.


Or, y’know, keep doing what you’re doing, ’cause God knows it feels SO damn good and is working SO damn well, to slowly but surely fade into grey as one of the gaping masses.



Not sure?!


You’ve always known it’s soul.

It’s just a question of whether you’re ever planning to back that shit.

Either way, just keep in mind –


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