

I believe that if you want to build a business where people spend money with you, easily and happily and on repeat, you first need to be willing to give it all away.

How much do I actually mean, when I say all?

ALL of it.

Everything that’s in your heart, your mind, your soul.

Everything you’re CALLED to give.

I’ll explain how to apply this in your business and how to differentiate between content for free offers vs paid in a moment, but first let me tell you why I’m thinking about this right now –

This morning I’m about to launch what I know in my heart will be my most successful online program ever, my High Vibe Mastermind. I know this because it’s been coming to me for 20 years, and maybe 30. Creating the worlds largest online community for creators, entrepreneurs, leaders and the truly DRIVEN hustlers.

The Mastermind is the perfect example of how magical something can be when it comes THROUGH you, not from you, as all true messages should. And I’m freaking excited about it, obviously!

But yet –

Just now –

As I sat down to write in my journal –

All I could think?

I’m scared.

I was actually half awake during the night, tossing and turning about this, and I NEVER wake up during the night … probably ’cause I keep my nights so short! And all I could think was, “am I crazy? It’s too much!”

Too much content.

Too much value.

Too LOW of a price, in fact –


“Maybe I’m sabotaging!”

After all –

If I give away SO much value at such a low monthly price point, won’t it hurt sales in other areas of my business? People regularly spend hundreds of dollars on my programs, which already well over-deliver in value, what if they decide not to do that anymore and to ‘just’ take the low-end membership option?

MAYBE ‘THEY’ WERE RIGHT!! When they told me not to do low-end, that it would hurt my business, damage my brand, stop ME from getting to where I want to go.

And then I remembered (aside from the fact that I’ve built my business of millions p/year on a foundation of low-end!) –

What I’ve always known.

What I’ve always DONE.

What I’ve said to anybody who ever asked me, about how much to give away, for their content either free or paid or anything in between –

All of it.

You ALWAYS give it ALL away.

And the rule is simple, when it comes to how to price or whether to price at all and then truly, when you’re thinking about whether what you’re planning to include is TOO MUCH VALUE –

If it COMES to you.

You ANSWER THE FUCKING CALL, because in the end, it’s very simple:

What your SOUL tells you to do, no matter how crazy it may logically seem, can never be wrong. But also, if you believe in your message, then the more you give the more you allow yourself to unleash from within.

And one more thing:

If you wanna receive?

Start to freaking give.


Want proof?

It’s my whole fucking business.
