I want you to think about the brand you really wanna build this New Year.
Not the surface based reactive, ‘I just kept showin’ up every day and doing a great job of keeping up with what I’d already created or become’ version.
The real version.
The one you dream about.
PINE for.
Where your clients are THAT kind of person.
Doing THAT kind of work in the world.
Surrendered and submitted to THAT level of truth.
And you. Yes you. Are in some way holding space for, being a reflection for, facilitating for them.
I want you to think about how your social media would be if you truly let it be what would make YOUR heart sing, and yes – God’s too!
The ‘and then I just started to be who He really put me here to be’ version.
What would that look like?
And what else?
No, don’t just keep reading! Pause. Let your mind wander …
Now exhale.
And imagine –
It could actually feel like that.
Look like that.
FREE like that.
Now think about your offers. Maybe how often you produce or create ’em, how often you market | launch | sell.
Or maybe it’s the WAY you deliver or create them.
Is there something there which is a whirlwind; a speeding train you can’t seem to hop off of?
Is there something there you’ve continued to revert to for years because it’s just a pattern?
When actually you dream of a different way?
Drop in.
How do you really want it to be?
Sometimes just depicting the feel of the thing,
creates the outcome of the thing.
You don’t have to know all the details …
Now think about your community.
These beautiful humans who God has in some way entrusted to you to pass on a thing. Share a thing. Be a thing.
To represent Him.
What do you want to tell them?
What is it really time to say?
How would you like to help them, what would be perfect to create for them?
And how do you want to do that? Price it? And share?
What is true?
That is how to message and sell,
and see whatever is meant to be built
Now just let it be easy.
Let it be part of who you are.
Repeat every day.
Now don’t forget –
Life is Now. Press Play.
This is the bit where I tell you how I can help you right now.
What I have for you.
And why.
Let’s keep it simple.
1) My Christmas & Boxing Day sale is a huge flop ♀️
Frankly it is way too much / overkill, as far as running a sale. It confuses people to have so many options and whenever I do a sale like this (put everything on sale, in this case everything new from this year; aka the best work I have EVER created in that this was THE year God changed everything) …
it bombs.
Sure, I make some money; of course.
But absolutely minimal as compared with if I would have chosen one course, discounted that, and done a proper hoopla about it!
Sometimes I wonder why, considering that I already know all this stuff (lol, you’d hope after 18 years online and tens of millions made!) I didn’t just keep it simple in the first place.
And the answer to that is –
didn’t wanna.
I wanted to put everything 50% off for you. So that’s what I’ve done. I just trust and know, thank you LORD, that whomever is meant to scoop something up from that is and will.
And I am so grateful to you if that is you whilst also being grateful that you get to receive from the way I DID do the sale!
It’s literally the best priced way you will ever get my flagship courses, and if you’ve been waiting to do something intimate with me and have me as your personal mentor – same.
Just one more day and then it will comes down, including the 2 ridic 1:1 offers.
All of which is to say –
Well. Despite that if I woulda done something more specific, streamlined, or with less than a gajillion options I woulda made way more money …
maybe not a flop after all.
Unless my lens was ‘success / results is based purely on #s rather than it being that it is based on what is true and right for me in THIS moment or about THIS thing’.
Yeah you can have both; doh. In general my stuff sells really quite nicely. But some things kinda tank. Sometimes I realise I shouldn’t have done it. Other times it’s more ‘huh. Welp, I did what I wanted to do for who I wanted to do it for; so I GOT my outcome’.
You know?
Ends tomorrow. Only for you if you feel like wading through choices on all the things including 1:1 as well as my brand new live money course.
The place everybody should be, entirely separate from ALL of that, and regardless of even if you did already HAVE all of it, is my membership, and the place God gave me,
for the faith-led entrepreneur.
Yeah I did just add another option. LOL.
Come see what He had me make you,
and join the inner and most sacred sanctum of my entire community,
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