You can analyse all day and night and well into the next moon and beyond, trying to understand WHY you don’t do what you said you would do, what it is that’s all fucked up inside of you, why you SABOTAGE and just can’t seem to follow through, what it is that’s BLOCKING you (oh man! the God damn blocks!), but in the end:
You either decide, ACTUALLY, and then you just do the fucking work, or else, no matter what REASONING you may come up with and how valid it IS, you didn’t decide and so you didn’t DO it.
And look –
I get the blocks thing.
I get the fear thing.
I get the fact that there IS perhaps a God damn reason why you don’t, or can’t, or just, well – DON’T, and maybe it’s a GOOD God damn reason, too!
I get that there is sometimes a PAYOFF for why we continue to sabotage or otherwise do shit that’s kind of messed up, silly, or just counter-productive to our goals.
I did the bulimia thing for 10 years when all I ‘wanted’ was to be truly lean, fit, healthy, proud of myself.
I did the spend more than I make thing for about 10 years too, where no matter how much money I made I STILL never had any left to rub together, when I so desperately wanted to finally be able to BREATHE around money.
I did the KEEP ON SELLING SHIT I didn’t fully believe in or love, to people who weren’t my #soulmatetribe, and in a way that totally didn’t suit me, for EONS, even though I talked continually about ‘going all in’, doing what I LOVE, being me.
I put off every big goal or dream or desire I could, and plenty more besides!
I said I was going to go location free and let time keep passing.
I knew I was BORN to be a writer, an author, in fact, yet never actually committed to writing a book, or even writing daily!
I swore over and over again that I was going to spend less time fucking around doing ‘fluff’ activities and instead create more, unleash more, sell more, show up more, and yet I continued to let wasteful habits rule me. Habits which were causing me to waste my LIFE.
I could go on and on here, but I think you get my point. So don’t for a second think I don’t RELATE to why and how you repeatedly fail to launch, on your own press play life.
I get it!
And I know how FRUSTRATING it can be to TRULY want to make a change and REPEATEDLY swear you’re going to, and then night after night have your head hit the pillow, or you wake up the next morning, and you didn’t.
Yet again.
It’s exhausting, and depressing, too.
But don’t for a second think that just because I CAN relate I in any way think it’s okay, or that you’re excuses are valid.
I’ve learned a TON of inredible stuff over the past decade, and more, on understanding blocks, fears, sabotages, and limiting behaviour.
It’s good stuff, and important to know how to use!
But wanna know what is actually MOST important?
Just fucking decide.
Wanna know what it REALLY was that allowed me to get past ALL of my bullshit, or ANY of my bullshit I still encounter, yes even the ‘really really real and valid’ stuff?
I just fucking decided.
I looked to the future and I saw that the way I was playing life at the time was JUST NOT GONNA WORK FOR ME.
Not if I actually wanted to achieve, become, have, call in, create, ALLOW, the things I said I wanted.
Never mind what I knew I was born for.
You do know, don’t you, that just because you’re born for more and KNOW you’re extraordinary and meant to do all this incredible stuff, it doesn’t mean you’re going to DO it??!
You know this, right?!
Because I can tell you, that for a long time, I don’t think I knew it.
I think I had some kind of vague idea that one day it would all just magically WORK … that the things I was destined for would come to pass … that it was going to just HAPPEN.
And then I woke the fuck up, by luck or chance, I have no idea, almost in a cold sweat of horror, and realised:
Fuck me.
It’s NEVER going to happen if I don’t commit, decide, and then DO THE FUCKING WORK.
So let me be the one to tell you:
Fuck you (with love!)
Bring on the cold sweat of horror 🙂
In the end, I got rich because I got done enough to where I finally DECIDED to get rich.
In the end, I moved past bulimia, because I DECIDED I was done with it.
In the end, I started saying and creating and selling WHAT I wanted, my message and art from the heart, to the SOULMATE CLIENTS I really wanted to help (thank you!) and in the WAY I wanted, because I realised that if I didn’t just LEAP, it was NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN.
Deal with your blocks, by all means.
Understand your fears.
Figure the fuck OUT, what it is that continually causes you to not follow through.
But here is my suggestion:
First, just fucking decide.
You might just look back a year or two and a few million + dream life later and realise that actually, the monsters under the bed weren’t even real.