

What a year the last week or two has been in my life.

Yours too? I feel you!

I’ve let over half my team go. Torn down / murdered dead core parts of my business (yes sometimes things do ACTUALLY need burning). And made some of the biggest | most audacious + scary ‘next level’ moves of my life.

I’ve also experienced some personal life breakthroughs which just … WOW. Simultaneously humble me and excite the pants right off of me. Literally, if you saw todays reel 😉

The Katrina Ruth Show

I don’t know if it’s a Gold Coast thing, but nearly everybody I’ve spoken to over the last few days has been next.level.WIPED, and honestly? I think it’s good, I think it’s great, I think it’s EXACTLY the reset we all needed.

So, maybe more of a human thang than a GC thang (although the heat wave here is EXTRA right now) and I definitely know it is THIS sort of thing:

Last year was a BIG year. I know I speak for so many in saying it really did seem to be a year of SOWING. Maybe it was fully harvest year for you but for me personally, and the vast majority of my inner circle peeps, it was sowing.

Putting in the work.
Wading THROUGH things.
Fighting with resistance.
Admitting uncomfortable truth.
Consistency in attending to areas that really did require tremendous change.
Being willing to stay the course in the at times minutia of success mindset and action, in order to bit by bit see things tip over.

But here’s what is OH so cool about that. Aside from the inherent rewards true to doing what must be done.


And here is the GOD truth you get to yes to today:

> It’s time for you to receive
> It’s time for you to land and EXPAND
> And it’s time for you to CLAIM

Get excited, get geeed up, get SHOUTING FROM THE ROOFTOPS JOYFUL, and then?

Get your ass back down in the chair and get honest about what is being REQUIRED of you right now.

If you want your dreams to flourish, and you want to truly reap the benefits of your efforts til now this year, you KNOW there are weeds you’ve been ignoring pulling.

“Oh, oh, I’m busy, I don’t have time, it’s not so big of a deal anyway!”


– You know where there is action to take
– You know where there’s a greater yes to DECIDE
– You know where you need to let go
– And you know where you need to burn.shit.fully

I’ll leave it to YOU to decide what you’re gonna do about that.

But I will say this –

you’re never going to look back and say “gee, I’m so very glad I waited so long to own the damn thing I already knew was true”.

Gorgeous one –

success is simply a series of moments in which you gave you yes’d your true yes,

and then did what was fucking required of you to match it.

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