News, Success/Success Mindset


There’s a simple formula to success which basically nobody talks about consistently or really remembers to ACT on.

It’s one we all know, deep down in our core even if we don’t admit or believe it on the surface.

And it’s bizarre to me when I see people saying ‘you can’t make money with your passion!’, or that trying to do what you love is a fool’s game. I mean, mostly I actively filter such people out of my life or feed, but sometimes they sneak in! Because what I’ve found is the opposite, which is that – okay, disclaimer, for people like US – you can ONLY make money doing what you love!

Try to do something FOR money or because you think you SHOULD or because that’s just what you’re in the habit of doing and you’re basically gonna find yourself pushing shit up a hill with no reward on top!

So here is what I’ve found to be true, about making AWESOME money and allowing yourself to RECEIVE abundance in all areas not just financial –

If you are a creative person who is also a born entrepreneur, leader, visionary and consciously purpose DRIVEN

Then it ALL begins and ends with alignment.

Allowing yourself to NOT be in alignment is a surefire way to achieve jack fucking shit that actually matters to YOU. If you’re one of the people I just mentioned I really shouldn’t need to explain this any further.

If you don’t get what I’m saying, you’re not one of us, so let’s you and I both save ourselves the time and trouble and you can leave, now, because what I’m sharing re wealth won’t be relevant for you ANYWAY.

So yes, doing shit that’s not in alignment, that you KNOW you’re not really meant to be doing, putting UP and in any way lowering your standards, hell to the no to THAT, for so many reasons.

But here is the other side of that coin. It’s NOT just ‘be in alignment’ and everything will be fine and dandy. I can be in alignment while I sit in my bedroom writing in my own journal or listening to a meditation or working out or whatever, but is that going to make me money? Let me impact my millions? Change the world?

Probably not!

Alignment as a concept, if you look at it this way, simply means don’t let yourself be pulled of track by shit that doesn’t work for you. Get through your life in a way that feels good for you. As I write this I’m thinking how fucking boring it sounds! ‘Mere’ alignment. I don’t know about you but I don’t want to just be in ALIGNMENT I want to be fired the fuck up … feel alive … energised … excited … SO in the zone that my whole body is buzzing with it!

And aside from the fact that feeling and living like that is AWESOME and we should all get to feel that way, the whole thing of what will make you MONEY?

It’s that stuff.

It’s NOT just the stuff you feel ‘good’ about.

It’s the stuff that fires you UP.

The stuff you can’t shut UP about.

The stuff you feel spilling OUT of you. THAT is the stuff we’re talking about when we talk about making money doing what you love, making money from your passion. Your ACTUAL TRUE FUCKING PASSION is the thing that never leaves your mind. It’s not just something you don’t MIND or feel OKAY about or even warm and fuzzy about!

Let me ask you a question:

When did you last share something that was truly spilling OUT of you, where it just POURED out of you?

You have to understand that if you want people to follow you –

Refer you –

Buy from you from early on and then buy from you on REPEAT –

That they have to FEEL you.

They have to feel your passion.

Your BELIEF in what it is you’re saying and selling.

Your motherfucking vibe!

And also –

Just on a side note!

Don’t you DESERVE to have a business, and live a LIFE, where you actually deeply passionately care about what it is you’re doing?

You can tell yourself all you like that you can’t really do or say or be what or who you KNOW is right.

But if you insist on putting out a LESSER THAN version of yourself or what you could be creating for the world, the world is just gonna keep on swinging ’em back at you.

Sooner or later, you ARE going to have to wake up and realise:

Baby you were born to be all of you.

And if you say you were born to WIN and live your every dream?

Then you really got no fucking chance in hell of doing that WITHOUT being you.


It’s time to unleash ALL of you! You just might be surprised how God damn easy this whole success thing can be if you quit holding back on yourself –

Or the world.